Read Books Novel

How to Distract a Duchess

How to Distract a Duchess (How to #1)(21)
Author: Mia Marlowe

And the life of Mr. Shipwash.

Artemisia reached up and pulled his head down. She kissed him. Softly. Simply. As a child might.

Then she looked once more into the depths of his eyes and felt nothing like a child.

Chapter 20

It made no sense at all, and yet she couldn’t seem to stop herself. Artemisia kissed him again, parting her lips in invitation. Trevelyn rose to her challenge, claiming her mouth in a kiss that defined sweetness. Then the kiss changed, deepened, and the spark that always crackled between them burst suddenly into full flame.

His mouth moved over her lips, the hollow of her cheek, and the slender curve of her throat. Chinese fireworks danced over her skin, charging her body with roaming pinpoints of pleasure.

She put both hands on his cheeks and brought his face up to hers again.

Finally, she drew back to catch her breath.

“Oh, my!” she said, realizing the ungovernable power of what she’d unleashed.

“Quite.” He cocked an eyebrow at her. “We’re never going to be done with it, you know.”

He reached up and unbuttoned the first button on her blue serge bodice. Surely he must hear her heart, pounding like a coach-and-six in her chest.

“This thing between us,” he went on as his fingers trailed down to the next button. “Do you have any idea what it is?”

She shook her head, unwilling to trust her voice.

“Damn,” he said softly. “I hoped you could explain it to me.” He ran his hand through her hair, pulling out pins and loosing her curls as he went. “I’ve known men who become addicted to opium. It becomes an obsession for them. Now I understand their compulsion. You are my lotus blossom. From the first time I wandered into your studio, though I was initially there to find Beddington, you’ve been all I can think about. And when I’m with you, I can’t keep from wanting to touch you.”

He returned to her buttons and slid a finger in the small gap to tease the hollow between her br**sts.

“You may not be happy about it, but you accomplished your goal,” she said as he bent his head to deliver a string of kisses from her jaw line to the hollow at the base of her throat. Her pulse jumped. “You’ve found Mr. Beddington.”

His chuckle was a low rumble. “Yes, I suppose I have. I just didn’t expect to want to take the fellow to my bed.”

“That is where this is leading, isn’t it?” She undid the next button herself, baring the tops of her br**sts to his admiring gaze. “To your bed.”

He nuzzled her ear and nipped at the tender lobe. “If there’s a God in heaven. . .”

“There is,” she assured him.

He kissed her again. Their souls mingled in a shared breath, wandering together unsure which body was their natural habitation.

Both, she decided.

He continued to unfasten her tight bodice while his mouth worked its magic on hers. Her br**sts ached for his touch, straining at their whalebone prison. When he raised her to her feet to remove her jacket, she helped him out of his as well. One of the buttons on his starched shirt resisted her efforts and popped off, rolling across the floor unheeded.

“Sorry,” she said when he released her mouth. “I’ll sew that back on for you.”

He grinned at her before turning his attention to the hooks at her waist. “I would consider one lost button an acceptable casualty count for a skirmish like this.”

“A skirmish, is it?” Her breath hitched as he trailed his lips down her neck and along the lace at the top of her chemise. “You make it sound as if you and I are at war.”

“We are.” He straightened to look down at her. “You shouldn’t be surprised. Did you not christen me your god of war? This battle is old as Eden, but it’s one both sides must lose if they are both to win.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Do you not? As a widow, I would have thought . . .” He cast her a questioning look. “No matter. It will be my great good pleasure to instruct you. You see, Larla, if I cannot bring you joy in this engagement, my own is forfeit. That’s why I say we both must lose in order to win.”

She lifted her arms as he raised her flounced skirt up and drew it over her head. She cursed fashion that required her to wear an over-petticoat, a hooped crinoline, an under-petticoat, corset, chemise and open-crotch bloomers. One layer down, only six to go.

“Then I wish you much success with your campaign, sir.” She pushed his shirt off his shoulders and pulled it from him along with the woolen undervest. “I love winning.”

“So do I.” He loosed the next layer of her costume with a laugh. “But you must admit, the sari was much easier.”

“‘Anything worth having is worth working for,’ my father always said.”

“An extremely wise man, your father,” he agreed. The last of her petticoats dropped to pool at her feet.

His smile faded as he settled to the serious work of disrobing her. She gave him her back so he could loosen her laces, then turned around to face him. He unhooked the busked front of her corset, setting her br**sts free beneath her thin chemise.

With her ribs now unshackled, she drew a deep breath. The heady rush of oxygen almost made her dizzy. Artemisia watched his face as he untied the drawstring at the scooped neckline of her chemise. He pulled the opening wide so he could ease the fabric over her shoulders and down, baring her taut br**sts. The muscle in one of his cheeks ticked.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

“Why do you ask?” The strain didn’t leave his jaw line.

She lifted a hand to caress his cheek. “You seem . . . pained.”

He covered her hand with his. “No, I’m having difficulty controlling myself and I’m afraid I may scare you.”

“What about you would scare me?”

“The things you make me want to do. I’ve never felt like this. I want you so badly, I don’t know if I can bridle myself.” For a moment, she thought his hand tremored on hers.

“Don’t worry,” she said with tartness. “If I find you scare me, I’ll put the bit in your mouth for you myself.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “You little minx. I believe you would.” His eyes darkened with desire as he reached up to fondle her br**sts, cupping them gently while his thumbs began maddening circles around her n**ples. “You’re so soft, Larla. I can’t get enough of you.” He bent his head to claim her with his mouth.

She’d started to tackle the buttons of his fly, but the sensation his mouth stirred almost made her forget to breathe. Good Heavens! Was he using his teeth on her? The slight nip sent pleasure that was a knife’s edge from pain streaking through her.

Then one of his hands found the slit in her bloomers and his talented fingers played a lover’s serenade on her quivering flesh. With a moan of pleasure, she took a half-step to spread her legs for him. A dull ache began in her secret folds. A few more deft flicks of his fingers and she was in exquisite torment.

“Please,” she begged.

“That is my very intent.” He came up for air with a smug grin. “I will not rest until I have pleased you, madam.”

“Then help me finish undressing you or I shall go mad,” she said.

“You do have a penchant for nudes, don’t you?” he teased as he unbuttoned his trouser front and let them drop. “As it turns out, so do I.”

He lowered her bloomers and she stepped out of them, standing in just her stockings and pointed-toed boots. He stepped back to look at her and Artemisia resisted the urge to cover her sex, fig-leaf fashion, with her own hands. He stood, hands fisted at his waist, his phallus fully erect, the musculature in his chest and abdomen rock hard. The god of war seemed intent on planning his campaign.

“My old elocution professor always admonished me to imagine my audience in naught but their socks so as not to feel nervous about public speaking,” he said. “But I declare, I’d never be able to concentrate on speech-making with you in my audience.”

Artemisia laughed, but the giggle dissolved into “Oof!” when he scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder as if she were a sack of potatoes.

“Never laugh at an Oxford don.” He smacked her bare bottom once and strode with purpose toward his bedchamber. She bounced along, head and arms dangling down and noticed that his bottom was within easy reach. She gave his tight buttocks a swat before he lowered her to the bed.

“Never mishandle a duchess,” she admonished.

“Duly noted,” he said. “I shall endeavor mightily not to mishandle you, Larla. But I am going to handle you.” The levity left his features. “All of you.”

He started with her feet. Lifting her foot high, he unhooked her boots and drew her stockings off. He rubbed the ball of her foot and ran a finger along her delicate arch. She shuddered, trying to control her giggle. She suspected Trevelyn might be the sort who enjoyed tickling, so she was determine not to let him see how his touch set her stomach jiggling.

He set her heel on his shoulder as his gaze traveled up her calf, past her knee and to her inner thigh. She was totally exposed to him and the heat in his eyes was answered in the warm moistness of her flesh. When they’d nearly made love during the masked ball, her studio had been lit by kindly moonlight. Now she was bared to him in the stark light of day. He ran a hand along her leg, his touch setting her skin dancing.

“No, you don’t,” he said when she would have brought her knees together. “I promised to have all of you and I am a man of my word.”

“But . . .” How could she put into words what she felt? All her life, she’d been taught that part of her was unclean somehow, not to be touched more than absolutely necessary and then only with strong soap. She feared he might not like what he found as he explored her.

“You are altogether lovely, Larla,” he assured her, as if he heard her secret fears. She relaxed in the warmth of his approval and closed her eyes. He circled her triangle of curls with his thumb, seeking her deepest secrets. He touched. He teased. He lavished her with gentle insistence and the pressure inside built steadily till she could only whimper his name.

Her aching womb contracted once, and he withdrew his blessed hand.

“No, please,” she said, afraid he was stopping, but she stilled when he covered her body with his, his h*ps between her spread legs. “Oh, yes.”

He kissed her then. His tongue slipped into her mouth and his c*ck invaded her slowly at the same time. She hooked her legs around his, urging him deeper, but he was taking his maddening time about it.

Then suddenly, he plunged into her, burying himself in her flesh. He raised his upper body on his elbows and looked down at her.

Neither of them was capable of speech, but their gazes locked, and Artemisia couldn’t have looked away if her hope of Heaven depended upon it. The wonder of holding him inside her was joy beyond speaking. It was a tight fit, but she barely managed to accept his full length.

He started to move, and she responded by raising her h*ps to meet his thrusts. Artemisia’s world wound down to disjointed elements. Heat. Friction. Ache.
