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How to Drive a Dragon Crazy

“And trained to be a free-thinking human being who can make her own decisions?”

Elisa smiled. “Some might say. Really, Iseabail, it’s about preparing your sister for something beyond these grand walls. That is . . . if we decide to help her.”

“Why wouldn’t you help her? Because I’d happily cut your daughter’s thro—”

Éibhear suddenly coughed, pointed at his throat. “Biscuit went down the wrong way.” He glared at Izzy and practically snarled between clenched teeth, “Sorry.”

“Your feelings about my daughter, Iseabail, are expected and, I’m sorry to say, quite natural. She was abhorrent to my grandchild, but Haldane has always been stubborn.”

“I’m stubborn. She’s a twa—”

Another cough cut into her words. “Another biscuit struggling down your gullet?” Izzy asked sweetly.

“They’re a little dry.”

Izzy focused on Elisa. “What do you want? Because I know you want something.”

The witch rested her arms on the table and leaned in. Her smile reminded Izzy of her mum but without that warmth Izzy had always taken comfort in. “I’ll take your sister in, ensure her safety, and have her trained, but there’s a task.”

“Of course there is.” Izzy sighed loudly. “Who do I have to kill?”

“This task isn’t for you.” Elisa focused on Éibhear. “It’s for you.”

“Me?” Éibhear said around another biscuit. How many was that now?

“This has nothing to do with him.”

“Isn’t he Rhi’s uncle?”

“I am definitely Rhi’s uncle.”

Izzy’s eyes crossed. “I see we’re not letting that go.”


Elisa offered Éibhear more tea, which he readily accepted. Did he think this was some kind of tea party? It wasn’t!

“So do you need me to kill someone?” Éibhear asked.

“You two seem kind of focused on that. Do many ask you to kill?”

Izzy and Éibhear shrugged. “Sometimes.”

“Well, I hate to disappoint you both, but this isn’t about killing. This is about rescuing.”

“Rescuing?” Éibhear was surprised. No one had asked him to rescue anyone. Ever. “I can do that.”

Izzy looked at him. “Do you really have time?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Your mother gave you a task, Éibhear. To find out about Vateria.”

“Well then,” Elisa cut in. “That makes this much easier.”

“You need me to rescue someone from Vateria?”

“No. Before the last night of the full moon, you need to rescue Vateria before she’s sacrificed.”

“Huh,” Éibhear grunted, truly surprised. “I really didn’t see that coming.”

Chapter 38

One of the Nolwenns led them to the doors that Éibhear had kicked in. “When you’re done,” the witch said before they walked out, “you may return. But not before.”

Not liking the cow’s tone, Izzy pulled her arm back, but Éibhear caught hold and dragged her out the doors.

“Why do you keep doing that?” she demanded.

“Must we repeat what just happened?”

“Forget that, Éibhear. We need to talk about—”

“Izzy!” a voice called out.

Izzy looked at the street and grinned. “Brannie!” She ran down the stairs and met Branwen halfway. They threw their arms around each other and Éibhear looked past them to Aidan, Caswyn, and Uther. All four of them rolled their eyes at each other. One would think the two females hadn’t seen each other in years rather than a few days.

“Are you all right?” Izzy demanded of her friend. “Were you hurt?”

“Iz, I’m fine.” Brannie hugged her again. “I figured this was the most likely place to find you. We have word from Rhiannon.”

“I’m sure you do, but that’ll have to wait.” Izzy smiled. “I have people for you to meet.”


Izzy took Brannie’s hand and led her down the steps to her birth father’s family, who were still waiting at the bottom of the stairs for her.

“Who’s that?” Aidan asked, the four of them watching Izzy introduce each family member to an overwhelmed Branwen.

“The family of Izzy’s birth father.”



“How are they?”

“Ever so nice. All soldiers and blacksmiths. I think my father will like Izzy’s grandfather.”

“How does Izzy’s grandfather feel about you?”

“Oh, he hates me.”

Aidan shrugged. “He knows you’re defiling his granddaughter. What do you expect?”

“I hate you.”

“Only when I’m right.”

“So now what?” Caswyn asked.

“You sound eager.”

“He’s met some long-tailed royal,” Aidan explained. “And hopes to spend time with her at the human’s harvest festival.”

“I hope to buy a prostitute at the harvest festival,” Uther announced. “Just for a night or two. Not to keep.”

“Especially since Annwyl outlawed slavery of any kind.”
