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How to Drive a Dragon Crazy

She’d admit, she didn’t just walk out there. She tested it a bit to make sure it was sturdy. The dragons could fly away if it wasn’t. All Izzy could do was go to her death with great dignity. Since she had no plans of doing that anytime soon, she tested the balcony until she felt certain it was safe enough.

Resting her arm on the balcony’s edge and her chin on her fist, Izzy looked out over what should have been her homeland. She should have been born and raised in these sand-covered lands.

Gods, how much different would her life had been? Would she still be Izzy? The Izzy she was now? Or would she be a true Nolwenn, practicing the most powerful of Magicks and deigning to meet with royals who needed her help? She really didn’t know. Did the place make the person? The people one surrounded oneself with? Or was a person born, not made? Perhaps it was a combination of things. She didn’t know, and she left those kinds of philosophical debates to those who read more than one book every two years.

She still had to admit, it was hard. To love the family you had but still wish to have known your father. She’d asked her mother questions about him over the years, but to this day, thoughts of him still cut Talaith and Izzy didn’t like to be the one to upset her. It wasn’t like Talaith had had a happy life after leaving her home with the Nolwenns. It had been hard and painful, filled with worry for the daughter she’d never had a chance to get to know and desperation to get that daughter back. Izzy’s life had been a little lonely, a little sad but nothing like her mother’s. So she kept questions about her true father to a minimum, assuming she’d get her chance to meet him in the afterlife.

“He would have liked you, from what I can tell.”

Izzy closed her eyes. The last being she wanted to deal with at the moment was Rhydderch Hael.

“And what would I have to give to bring him back? Just my soul?”

“I’d never ask that of you. My mate has use for warriors’ souls, but I don’t. Besides, I couldn’t bring your father back if I wanted to. He’s not mine to return.”

She looked over at the god. He stood next to her as human, his gaze fixed across the Desert Lands. She wondered what he saw that Izzy could not.

“What do you want from me, dragon god?”

“Your love?”

“No, seriously. What do you want?”

Rhydderch Hael laughed. “I’ve missed our talks, Izzy.”

“So have I,” she admitted. “But I no longer trust you.”

“That’s probably a good idea. You have your concerns and I have mine. Of course, mine involve entire universes and yours just a small part of one.”

“Is this what you want from me?” she asked. “To come into the Desert Lands, meet with the Nolwenns, and what? Kill my grandmother? Has she crossed you somehow?”

His smile was . . . warm. Like an indulgent father. He reached out and caressed her cheek. “My dear, sweet Izzy. I assure you I’d never waste your blood debt to me or your considerable talents on your human grandmother.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You’re young, Iseabail. You may lack the powers of the Nolwenns but not their longevity. I’ll have use of you . . . in time.”

“And you’re keeping me alive to do what?”

“Keeping you alive? Me?” He laughed again. “Do you really believe that?”

“I’m still alive,” she insisted.

“Your sheer will has ensured that. Well, your sheer will and that high bit of insanity. Honestly, though, Izzy. It’s been your skill that’s kept you alive. You’ve grown into a mighty warrior without my help.”

Confused, Izzy asked, “If you didn’t want me for my blood debt, why did you bring me here?”

He sighed, sounding a bit exasperated. “Something neither you nor your mother can grasp—I don’t bring anyone anywhere. Dragon gods don’t do that. We don’t order mortals to do our bidding because dragons will go out of their way not to do it. So, instead, we . . . manipulate. We bargain. We blackmail.” He stood behind her now, his arms braced on either side of her, trapping her between his human form and the balcony wall. She felt intense heat coming from him, like standing over a volcano. It didn’t burn her, though. It didn’t harm her. But it was powerful.

“And, sometimes, little Izzy,” he said against her ear, “we entice. I knew Briec the Mighty would be enticed by your mother and I needed her someplace safe. His holding on to her, though, that was his decision, not mine. Personally, I couldn’t have cared less if he kept her or not. But over the eons, to get what I want, I’ve found that dragons are more easily enticed than threatened or bullied. Entice them and they’ll go anywhere I need them to.”

“You bastard.” Izzy closed her eyes, rage pouring down her like rainwater. “This has nothing to do with me.”

“In some ways you’re right. It has nothing to do with you. Then again, it has everything to do with you. But don’t hate me for being who I am, little Izzy. For I am a god.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Do me a favor, though, would you? Watch your flank.”

“My . . .” Izzy spun around. Rhydderch Hael was gone, but in his place was something else. A dragon. Similar in form to the ones she’d known all her life but . . . different in two ways. The moon overhead told her his color was red, but the red had a bright bronze overlay that sparkled in the light in a way her own dragon kin’s scales did not. And his scales . . . they weren’t scales as she’d known them all her life. Because these scales had no separation between them. Instead they were like a hard shell perfectly formed over his entire body, with only room for the wings, limbs, and eyes. The dragon’s hair was long but had warrior braids throughout and the color had that same bronze overlay. He was, in Izzy’s estimation, the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. His coloring made him look like a jewel glittering in the moonlight.
