Read Books Novel

How to Trap a Tycoon

How to Trap a Tycoon(18)
Author: Elizabeth Bevarly

God, her mouth.

Her full, ripe lips were painted red, red, red. Her chin was resting on her hand, and she clutched a slender cigarette holder between two fingers tipped in crimson lacquer. But what Adam had noted most of all was that, judging by the expression on her face, she appeared to be this close to a shattering orgasm.

And it didn’t stop there. Her voice, he knew, thanks to repeated television appearances and an NPR interview that he hadn’t quite been able to bring himself to switch off, mirrored the image she projected—a deep and husky timbre, one that reflected her complete and unapologetic confidence in both her femininity and her effect on the opposite sex.

And speaking of sex, her voice reeked of it—of sex and sex appeal, of sexual knowledge and sexual power. And of something else, too, something Adam hadn’t quite been able to identify. Something that had grabbed him by his libido and yanked hard.

Lauren Grable-Monroe, he had decided some time ago, was one hot tomata, no two ways about it. And hell, he hadn’t even seen her in more than two dimensions yet.

Now, finally, he would be able to discover for himself if the reality lived up to the media promise. Craning his head and pushing himself up taller, he gazed over the bookshelves and in the direction that Lucas was watching himself. And he realized right away that … whoa, baby … the reality looked to be pretty damned promising.

Blondness was the first thing Adam noted from this distance and this angle. Pale blond, the color of good champagne, flowing in a straight, silky cascade past her shoulders. Curviness was the second thing he noted. A tight, chocolate-brown skirt hugged her h*ps to midthigh, and the legs extending from beneath—all eight miles of them—were slim and elegant. A short jacket of the same dark fabric fell to her waist and hung open over a pale-gold top that scooped low over high, full br**sts. Although a solid twenty or thirty feet separated him from the table where Ms. Grable-Monroe took her seat, he had a clear line of vision from which to take her in.

And, boy, did Adam want to take her in. Every last luscious inch of her.


The observation came not from Adam but from Lucas. Nevertheless, Adam couldn’t think of a single thing to add. Unless it was to put the word into capital letters. And italics. With an exclamation point or two following behind. Because WOW!! pretty much summed up Lauren Grable-Monroe.

He watched as the entourage broke apart and scattered, then watched some more as she folded herself into a chair behind a table laden with what appeared to be … oh … about a billion copies of her book. Seated in chairs before the table and standing around at a respectable distance were what appeared to be, oh … about a billion women clutching copies of that book in their hands.

Most were young, Adam noticed, college age or even younger, but many—too many—appeared to be his age, too. Several more were older than he, some by as many as three or four decades. The desire to marry money—or, at least, to trap it—evidently transcended generational lines.

"Ladies—and you few gentlemen," a young woman who was evidently an employee of the bookstore called out to the surrounding crowd. Adam couldn’t help noticing that she clutched her own copy of How to Trap a Tycoon in her hand. "Borders is pleased tonight to be hosting best-selling author Lauren Grable-Monroe on the first stop of a multi-city book tour. She’ll speak briefly about her book, answer questions for twenty minutes, and then sign as many copies as she’s able to sign. Please be patient, as the line promises to be long. And please join me in welcoming Lauren Grable-Monroe."

The fans, as they say, went wild. Because the applause that clamored up around the author was nothing short of feral. The author herself smiled brightly and wiggled expertly manicured, red-tipped fingers in greeting. "Hello," she said in that throaty, musky voice of hers. "And thank you all for coming tonight. Wow, I didn’t expect such a crowd. This is amazing."

Oh, the hell it was, Adam thought. Rockcastle Books had spared no expense in promoting its latest best-seller. Still, he watched and listened and observed for the rest of the hour as Lauren Grable-Monroe charmed and captivated and entranced her already adoring—hey, her already worshipping—public. And he himself had to admit that there was definitely something rather … tempting … about her. Much to his surprise, he even found himself smiling and laughing at a few of her responses to some of the audience’s rather pointed questions. Stranger still, Adam found himself wanting to raise his hand and ask a few of his own.

So, Ms. Grable-Monroe, just what is it about your book that everyone finds so damned wonderful?

Well, Mr. Darien, chapter seven seems to be of particular interest to most of my readers. It’s about keeping tycoons like yourself in the bedroom.

And just what is it in chapter seven that everyone keeps raving about? Aside from that crème de menthe thing I’ve heard mentioned so frequently?

Why don’t you read the book and find out for yourself?

What? And ensure that you receive an added royalty from my purchase? That’s not my style.

Ooo, and just what is your style, big boy?

Why don’t you read me and find out for yourself?

It occurred to Adam suddenly that although the self-help section in which he stood might be of some use after all—just where did they shelve the voices-in-my-head books, anyway?—anything on impotence was pretty much unnecessary at the moment. No, what he needed was something he really didn’t want. Well, he wanted it, he just didn’t want to want it. Unfortunately, judging by the looks of Lauren Grable-Monroe’s reception, he was going to be surrounded by it—by her—for some time to come.

He stood in the bookstore watching her, until she had finished signing books for her devoted followers. And all the while, one thought kept circling in his head. He really, really, really wanted to take Lauren Grable-Monroe down. He just wasn’t quite sure yet what he would do with her once he got her there.

"How’s your story coming, Lucas?" he asked his staff writer as he watched his quarry blow kisses of farewell to her applauding fans.

"Not so good," Lucas replied. "I’m having trouble finding female tycoons."

Adam turned to face him. "You’re joking, right? There are plenty of female tycoons in this town."

Lucas shrugged. "Not the right kind."

Adam narrowed his eyes. "What’s the right kind?"

Lucas expelled an exasperated sound. "The kind that will give me the time of day, okay?"

Adam laughed. "Having trouble with the fairer sex, are we?"

"I’ll get the story," Lucas assured him. "Just give me another week or two. I’m following a new lead." Before Adam had a chance to pry further, Lucas turned the tables. "How’s your story coming?"
