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Improperly Wed

Improperly Wed (Aristocratic Grooms #3)(36)
Author: Anna DePalo

“Go with what works.”

She felt herself flush. “I really can’t at the moment. I received a rather cryptic message from Uncle Hugh, and I need to check on him at Downlands and make sure nothing is seriously amiss.”

“I’ll wait for you at Halstead Hall, then.”

There was promise in his words.

When Belinda arrived at Downlands, she found Uncle Hugh pacing in the library.

She’d had so many happy moments in this house while growing up. Downlands was smaller and less impressive than Halstead Hall, but it boasted light and airy rooms, courtesy of an Elizabethan frame that had been added, and lovely gardens. It was hard to believe the place had been sold.

“What is the matter?” Belinda asked.

Uncle Hugh turned toward her, looking agitated.

When her uncle didn’t immediately answer, she truly began to worry. “Unless it’s life or death, I’m sure—”

“Your husband bought and sold the Elmer Street property.”

“What?” Belinda tried and failed to wrap her mind around what her uncle had just said. “Bought and sold? When and how?”

She hadn’t even known the Elmer Street property had been on the market. It was a four-story residential building in Covent Garden that was rented out. The rentals had probably made it a more difficult property to sell.

Uncle Hugh rubbed his hands together. “I sold it to a company called Halbridge Properties. I just discovered the firm is another front for your husband, and he, the bounder, has promptly turned around and tried to sell the Elmer Street address to someone else.”

Belinda felt her heart plummet. “You sold another Wentworth property?”

She felt betrayed—by all sides. Hadn’t she put herself on the line trying to get back ownership to property that her uncle had already unwittingly sold to Colin? How could her uncle do this to her?

She spoke the last thought aloud. “How could you sell another property?”

“Belinda, please. You have no idea how dire our finances are.”

“Apparently not.”

Uncle Hugh continued to look distressed.

“And to be taken by Colin, again.”

At this, her uncle flushed.

In Uncle Hugh’s defense, Belinda had to admit that her uncle was probably not the only one to have been roundly bested by Colin. She’d seen firsthand what a good gambler Colin was. And his skill extended to real estate. He was London’s most famous landowning marquess.

He was also the man who’d made tender and passionate love to her.

All along, however, he’d been intent on buying and selling yet another Wentworth parcel.

She felt betrayed and, worse, sullied.

“How is your relationship with Easterbridge?” her uncle asked suddenly. “You had no idea about Halbridge Properties and its recent purchase?”

This time, it was her turn to feel uncomfortable. She thought about Colin making sweet love to her. She’d thought they were growing closer, she’d thought that…

Never mind. It was clear that all the while, Colin was keeping her in the dark about his machinations with respect to the Wentworths.

Uncle Hugh tilted his head, his expression betraying a mixture of desperation and cunning. “There’s always room for negotiation between a husband and wife. You worked your magic on Easterbridge before, perhaps…”

Uncle Hugh let the sentence trail off, but Belinda nevertheless understood his meaning. He had hopes that she could seduce back the Elmer Street property from Colin, too.

If she needed any further evidence, her uncle’s implication highlighted how much her marriage to Colin was viewed simply as a means to an end by her family. She was merely a tool.

Belinda wanted to say that the way she was feeling right now, the Berkshires would turn into the Sahara before she’d sleep with Colin again.

She swung toward the door. Yet again, she thought grimly, she was destined for a confrontation with Colin.

Colin turned toward the door of his home office at Halstead Hall.

When he saw Belinda, a swell of pleasure coursed through him. She was still dressed in the attire she’d had on at the polo field earlier—knee-high black boots and a tweed dress cinched by a thin belt. He couldn’t wait to undress her.

He’d just had time to shower and put on some clean clothes, but he’d be happy to strip down again for her if it meant getting her into bed—or for that matter, even without a bed.

In fact, he was tempted to lock his office door right now…

He cut the distance between them.

“How could you?” Belinda demanded.

In the process of bending to kiss her, Colin pulled back and arched a brow. “How could I what?”

“You bought, and then promptly turned around and sold, the Elmer Street property without anyone being the wiser.”

He stilled. She’d caught him off guard. He’d meant to tell her and explain why his actions made sense, but now he had to improvise.

“How did you find out?” he asked without inflection.

“Uncle Hugh informed me.”

“Fine chap, Uncle Hugh.”

Belinda continued to frown at him. “A business associate of his discovered the truth. He investigated Halbridge Properties and told Uncle Hugh who the true owner was.”

“Of course,” Colin said drily. “Why am I not surprised Uncle Hugh has been keeping his ear to the ground? Or should I say, more accurately, has friends doing it for him?”

“Yes, well, at least he has the Wentworth family interests at heart!”

“Does he?” Colin countered. “He sold the property in the first place. And in this case, I agree with him. The Elmer Street property is not in good shape. It needed to be sold, and the proceeds need to be used to upgrade the other Wentworth properties.”

If possible, Belinda looked more irate. “So you admit that you intended to sell as soon as you bought the property?”

He said nothing, and she read her own meaning into his silence.

“Does everything with you come down to a decision based on numbers?” she asked. “What about emotion and sentiment? I can’t believe you are the same person who eloped with me in Vegas.”

Colin tightened his jaw. “What makes you think marrying you wasn’t my biggest gamble?”

“So that’s what it was to you?” she countered. “Another calculation of risk and potential payoff?”

He thought he was doing her—and the Wentworths—a good turn by bringing some sanity to their financial chaos. Of course, he’d anticipated that Belinda’s initial reaction might be negative, so he’d been looking for the right moment to explain. But now she’d discovered matters for herself in the worst way possible, and she showed no signs of being able to see his side.
