Read Books Novel


“I know. You’re right. I should be happy.” Bryn fans her hands in front of her eyes, like that’s going to stop her from crying. I can feel my own eyes answering the call to cry with her, but I try my best to ignore it. I do not want to ruin my makeup. “And it’s your wedding day which means I need to shut the hell up and quit whining.”

I start to laugh and shake my head. “I think weddings make everyone emotional. You’re not the first person to fall apart on me. Still”—I wag my finger at her, my voice turning stern—“you need to stop crying before you ruin your makeup. The ceremony is going to start soon and the only one allowed to hold it up is me.”

“Okay. Right. You’re so right.” Bryn sniffs and wipes delicately beneath her eyes with the tips of her fingers. “I’ll touch it up and pretend we never had this conversation.”

“No.” I shake my head and take her hands, squeezing them gently. “We’ll resume this conversation later, all right? I’m here for you. You’ve been such a support to me through all of this. I’m not about to ignore you during your time of need.”

Bryn smiles. “You and Ivy are the best friends ever, you know that?”

I smile in return. “Right back at you, sweetie.” My smile fades. “I miss Ivy though. We need to call her. I hope she’s okay.”


“GET IT OUT! Oh, my God.” I let my head fall back against the pillows. My entire body aches, especially my back. My water broke about twenty minutes ago and the nurse said I’m transitioning, whatever the hell that means. I can’t pay attention; that’s Archer’s job. I’m too busy birthing his baby.

“Babe. You need to calm down. Reserve your energy.” He’s right by my side, smoothing my hair away from my forehead, offering me water or ice chips from a little paper cup the nurse brought by earlier. What I’d really like is a sandwich but they’re not giving me anything to eat until after the baby comes.

Ugh. I’m starving.

Shivers move through me to the point where I can’t seem to stop shaking, and I have no idea what’s wrong with me. “Y-you’re r-right,” I say through chattering teeth. Archer slips his arm around my shoulders, and I lean against him, my forehead pressing into his jaw as he comforts me. He’s been sitting on the edge of the hospital bed since we arrived, always with an encouraging word or a kiss on the forehead.

I really, really love this man. And I would really, really love to have this baby. Now.

“You cold?” He rubs my shoulder and tugs me even closer which makes me wince. I don’t want to protest since I love nothing more than being in my husband’s arms, but I am incredibly uncomfortable. In pain. I feel like I’m about to drop a two ton brick from my vagina—not that I would ever repeat that to Archer—and I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night, and now I think I know why.

I was in labor. Duh.

“No.” I shake my head, my teeth chattering so bad I clamp them shut and try to get myself under control. “I’m actually pretty hot.”

“Yeah, you are,” he murmurs with a soft laugh. I laugh too because he’s always saying things like that.

“Considering that I feel the farthest thing from hot and sexy, I appreciate the compliment,” I say as the door opens and we both glance toward it.

A nurse comes in, a pleasant smile on her face. She takes one look at me and the smile fades as she rushes toward the bed. “Ooh, I think we should check you.”

“Why?” Archer asks as he stands. Worry radiates off him, and I love that he’s always my knight, standing up for me no matter what. “Is she okay?”

“She’s probably close.” By my side, the nurse’s voice is gentle as she asks me to lie back. I spread my legs, and she peeks under my gown, a little sound escaping her before she pops her head back up. “I think we’re ready to call the doctor in. Do you feel the urge to push?”

“Sorta,” I say just as another contraction grips me. My voice fades, but a groan escapes as I hold my belly with one hand. Since monitors are attached to my belly, the steady thump of our baby’s heartbeat fills the room, and I concentrate on the sound which reassures me that he or she is trying to get out.

“Let me go fetch the doctor. I’ll be right back.” The nurse hurries out of the room, leaving Archer and me alone once more. He takes my hand the moment she’s gone, interlacing his fingers with mine.

“You ready?” he asks. “Feeling okay?”

“I’m . . . f-fine.” I’m overcome with shivers again, and I press my lips together, trying to keep it all under control. I feel like I’m having an out-of-body experience, I swear. Like this isn’t really happening to me, though it so totally is. “D-do you think Marina and G-gage are mad at us?”

Archer’s jaw sets in that way it does when he’s being stubborn. “I don’t care if they’re mad or not. You’re about to give birth, Ivy. It’s not like we said, ‘hey, let’s f**k up Gage and Marina’s wedding day on purpose.’”

“I know, I know.” I sigh and lean my head against the pillow. I stare up at the pale green ceiling and wonder how many other women have been in this very room doing the same thing I’m about to do. “I can’t help the twinge of guilt I’m feeling though.”

“Hey, they understand. I know they do. Gage told me to tell you that they’re thinking of you and can’t wait to meet the baby.”
