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My phone starts ringing, and I see it’s Matt calling. I walk over to the farthest corner of the room so I can answer it and talk without Ivy hearing me.

“What’s up, man? Don’t tell me you bailed on Gage and Marina too.”

Matt chuckles. “You a father yet or what? Everyone’s dying to know what’s going on. How’s Ivy? Is she okay?”

“The baby’s not here yet,” I say, glancing over at Ivy’s bed. She’s got her hand resting low on her belly and her chin is tilted down. I swear her lips are moving, and I think she might be either talking to herself or the baby. Probably telling that the baby they’re going to prove Daddy wrong and make an appearance sooner rather than later—which would be fine with me. “She’s been pushing for almost two hours,” I say, my voice lowering. “I’m worried about her.”

“She’ll be fine,” Matt says. “Women have babies all the time. Your girl is tough.”

I know what Matt’s saying is true, but I still worry about Ivy. She’s my life. I want what’s best for her and never want to see her in pain. I had no idea watching her in labor would be so difficult. I need to change the subject for a bit and focus on something else. “So how was the wedding?”

“Great. Everything went off without a hitch and Marina was a beautiful bride. I swear, Gage cried when he first saw her.”

“Get the hell out.” Gage was turning into a regular sap.

No big deal considering I was too. So was Matt. I blame the women folk.

“Hand to God, dude. I wanted to tear up when I saw Bryn coming at me down the aisle in her bridesmaid dress, she looked so beautiful clutching her bouquet,” Matt says, his voice soft.

What a goner he is. He’s madly in love with that former assistant of his, not that I can blame him. I would never admit this to Ivy but Bryn is pretty damn hot plus she’s so nice.

Christ, she’d tear my head off if she knew I even thought that.

“You’ve turned into a complete pu**y,” I mutter just to get under Matt’s skin.

It works. “Fuck you,” he replies cheerily. “Mister I’m so worried about my wife as she gives birth to my baby, though I get it man. I get it.” Matt pauses for a brief moment, and I hear a cheer in the background. Sounds like they’re all having fun, and I wish Ivy and I could’ve been there to celebrate with everyone. But our baby had different plans. “What do you think you’re having anyway? Boy or girl?”

I want to roll my eyes. How many times have I answered this question? Hell, how many times has Matt himself asked me? “It doesn’t matter as long as the baby is healthy,” I say.

“That’s such a bullshit answer. You can tell me the truth. I won’t reveal it to anyone. What do you think you’re having? What do you want?”

“I really don’t care dude, okay?” I glance over at Ivy who’s glaring at me. Damn, she looks pissed.

I swallow hard, prepared for the verbal blow I’m about to get.

“Archer,” she practically hisses. Her eyes are narrowed, but she looks scared too. And so, so, tired. “I need you.”

“I gotta go,” I tell Matt. “Pray for my wife,” I say before I end the call. I rush toward Ivy, who lets out a long groan as she clutches her belly with both hands.

We’re going to need all the help we can get.


THE RECEPTION IS in full swing, and I can finally relax. During the ceremony, I stood by Gage’s side and handed over the ring. I gave a rousing speech during the dinner that made practically every female in attendance cry. And now I’m slow dancing with my girlfriend, holding her close in my arms as we sway to the music.

Since when did my life get so perfect?

Since the first time you saw Bryn.

Right. Exactly.

“They look so happy,” Bryn murmurs, breaking through my thoughts.

I glance down at her to see she’s watching Gage and Marina dance nearby. Their gazes are locked, arms wrapped around each other as they float slowly about the dance floor, surrounded by other couples. But they aren’t paying attention to anyone else, acting as if they’re the only two people in this room. They look that lost in each other.

“That’s what love does to you,” I say because I can relate. I feel the same way. Completely and totally lost in Bryn and what we share. It just flat out doesn’t get much better than this, and I’m finding that I count my lucky stars more and more often the longer I’m with Bryn.

I want to make this relationship permanent. We belong together. I know it. She knows it. So why aren’t we facing facts and taking our relationship to the next logical step?

“You’re right.” Bryn smiles up at me, the sight of her pretty face momentarily stealing my breath. “Love makes you do crazy things.”

“It does.” I nod and swallow hard. This is it. I want to say the words, but they’re lodged in my throat like I’ve turned into some sort of coward. When have I ever hesitated to ask for what I want? I’m a go-getter, and I always have been. If I’ve learned anything from my pain-in-the-ass dad, it’s that you’ve gotta make shit happen for yourself, not wait for it to happen to you.

Sound advice. Even in relationships.

“You did an amazing job with the best man speech,” Bryn continues, smoothing her hand along my shoulder. My skin tingles at her touch, even through the layers of clothing. “Did you even plan what you were going to say? Or was it completely unrehearsed?”
