Read Books Novel


Intoxicated (Billionaire Bachelors Club #3.5)(15)
Author: Monica Murphy


Two weeks since Gage and Marina’s wedding


I’m glancing at my phone but the sound of Bryn’s voice makes me stop short. My eyes widen in surprise when I find her in my office¸ sitting behind my desk in full-on assistant mode.

Not that I think of her as my assistant anymore. No way. She’s my business partner and she knows it. She has her own office and manages the administrative assistant plus organizes the winery’s social events.

But at this very moment, having her back in my office, looking like she does, it’s taking me right back to when she worked under me. How bad I wanted to keep her under me . . . but not to work. Oh, no.

More like keep her under me in bed. Naked.

I let my gaze wander all over her, drinking her in slowly. She’s got her hair pulled back into a long braid, wispy dark strands frame her face, reminding me of the way she wore her hair the first time I saw her after the famous Ivy-and-Marina makeover. She’s wearing a sleeveless black dress that emphasizes the lush curve of her br**sts and leaves her long slender arms exposed, a delicate silver bracelet around her wrist.

She looks . . . stunning.

“What are you doing sitting behind my desk, Miss James?” I shut the door behind me and turn the lock, ensuring no one will bust in on us. I can’t remember the last time we fooled around at work, especially once we moved in together and it was no longer really necessary.

Not that it was ever really necessary to get it on at work but . . . yeah. It sure as hell was a lot of fun. So I like the direction Bryn is going now.

A lot.

“Why, I have good news, Mr. DeLuca. Tremendous news, in fact. I couldn’t wait to share, so I thought I’d wait in your office for your return from the vineyards. You don’t mind, do you?” She folds her hands on top of my desk and smiles at me, again reminding me strongly of those first few agonizing months I worked with her. How badly I wanted her.

How I deprived myself of her since I knew our relationship would be viewed as inappropriate. I was her freaking boss.

Yet here I am, now her freaking boyfriend. Glad I pushed past my worries. Then I wouldn’t have this amazing woman in my life.

“Of course I don’t mind.” Like I would. And she knows it. “So what’s the good news?” I ask as I approach my desk.

I stop by her side, and she turns in the chair so she’s still facing me. The skirt of her dress is short, hitting her about mid-thigh and offering me a glimpse of slender flesh. My gaze locks there for a bit too long, and she clears her throat, drawing my attention back to her face.

“Well, we have four weddings lined up so far,” she says, beaming at me.

Ah, yes. I relented the night of Gage’s reception, finally giving in to her request that we advertise our event facility. Within twenty four hours of agreeing, she showed me a few mockups of print advertising, which just went to show me that she was bound and determined to make it happen, no matter what it took.

That’s one of my favorite things about Bryn. All that steely determination in such a sexy package.

“Four already, huh?” I smile at her, loving how pleased she looks. “That’s great.”

“It is. And I collected deposits from all four of them too,” she says, her expression going the slightest bit cocky. “This is going to be an excellent source of extra income, you know.”

“I know.” I lean over her, resting my hands on the arms of the chair, blocking her in. “It’s going to be a huge success, I’m sure.”

She smirks. “I’m sure too.”

I brush my face against her hair, breathing in her distinct floral scent. A little hum of pleasure escapes her when I nuzzle her cheek with my nose, then press my lips against her cheek. “Why are you so incredibly smart?” I ask.

“I’ve been hanging out with you too long,” she replies.

Jerking away, I stare at her, hating that she puts herself down. Why does she still do that? “This has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you, Bryn. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”

Her smile fades and her gaze dims. She offers up a little shrug. “You know how I am.”

“Yeah, I do,” I say vehemently. “You’re too humble. You act like all the great things you do are by accident or whatever. You accomplish so much.” I shake the chair arms, startling her. “You’re amazing, Bryn. I wish you could actually see that.”

She licks her lips and gives me a tremulous smile. “You make me feel amazing,” she admits softly.

“You do the same for me.” I grip the chair arms and brace myself as I move in to kiss her, again and again. Simple little brushes of my mouth against hers. “I love you,” I whisper against her lips. “So damn much. And I believe in you. I wish you could believe in yourself just as much.” I want to reassure her. Convince her how f**king unbelievable she is. Try to make her see how much I love her, how much she means to me.

How much I need her.


I’M COMPLETELY SURROUNDED by Matt, and I love it. He looks so good in his white button-down shirt and dark jeans, smelling of the outdoors, his hair a little mussed, his skin burnished from the sun. His mouth is on mine, firm and insistent as he continues to kiss me. I part my lips, his tongue delving inside, meeting mine, and a little moan escapes me at first contact, a riot of butterflies seeming to flutter just beneath my skin.

“I love you too,” I say when we break apart. Our breathing is accelerated, and I stare at his mouth, wishing it was back on mine. He reaches for me, his hands gripping my waist as he plucks me from the chair and places me on the edge of the desk.

He settles in his chair directly in front of me and reaches beneath my skirt, his hands gently gripping the inside of my knees as he slowly spreads my legs apart. “Remember that time I f**ked you on my desk?” he asks, his eyes full of wicked intent.

A shiver moves through me at his choice of words and the memories. There have been plenty of times when we’ve messed around in his office. We’ve always been so hot for each other, especially at the beginning of our relationship . . .

We’d just started dating and he’d pulled me into the office, locking the door behind us. I’d been facing the desk, and Matt had pushed me forward over it, taking me from behind. I quickly discovered he liked it that way, which was unbelievably hot. But he likes sex pretty much any way, as long as the two of us are involved.

He’s done amazing things, that Matthew DeLuca. Always making me feel wanted and boosting my ego.
