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Intoxicated (Billionaire Bachelors Club #3.5)(2)
Author: Monica Murphy

Thankfully, Gage doesn’t even hesitate with his answer. “That’s okay. We completely understand,” he says, excitement lacing his voice. Just as I’d hoped, Gage is fine with our not making the wedding. How could he hold this against us? A baby was being born for Christ’s sake. My baby. His sister’s baby. His future niece or nephew. This is a big freaking deal, as is his marriage to Marina. And it’s all going to happen on the same day. “Just make sure to call and keep us updated.”

“We will but via text,” I say. “Don’t want to interrupt the ceremony, right?”

“Right,” Gage confirms. “Good luck, man. Tell my sister I love her.”

“I will. Promise.” I end the call and contemplate what’s about to happen.

Our lives are changing completely. It won’t just be Ivy and me anymore. We’ll have someone to take care of—someone who solely depends on us.


“Oh, Archer,” Ivy says, pulling me from my thoughts.

Turning to face her, I see that her eyes are filling with tears and her face looks ready to crumple. I go to her, grabbing hold of her hands and giving them a squeeze. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“I feel bad.” A little sob escapes her as she shakes her head. I tug her in as close as I can, slinging my arm around her waist. “I’m going to ruin Gage’s wedding.”

“No you’re not. It’s going to be one of the most memorable weddings ever. No one will forget this day,” I say, smoothing my hand over her hair. I want her reassured, not worrying about wedding plans. Everything we know is going to change in mere hours.

“Exactly. It’s supposed to be Gage and Marina’s day and instead it’s going to turn into our day. Our child’s day. How selfish are we?”

“We’re not selfish. We can’t help it if you’re going into labor right now. It’s not like we did it on purpose.” I shed the rest of my clothes quickly, throwing on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. “Speaking of labor, we need to get going. Are you ready? Get some shoes on, babe.” I give her a gentle push out of my embrace and toward the closet door across our bedroom.

“We? Who’s the one who’s about to give birth?” Ivy mutters as she shuffles toward the closet. A little snort escapes her. “You won’t have anything to do with this labor stuff, Archer. This is all on me.”

“And I think you’re going to do an amazing job. You’re the strongest women I know,” I say.

At those words, my wife promptly bursts into tears.


“YOU’RE NOT GOING to believe this,” I say into the phone. I’m pacing the room, distracted by the news my best friend just gave me.

My sister is hours away from becoming a mom. I’m both excited and . . . nervous. She’s my little sister, and I’ve always protected her. What if something happens? It’s a helpless feeling, and I don’t envy what Archer is experiencing at this very moment. He’s expressed his worries before, but always glossed over them quickly, like they were no big deal.

They linger, though. I know it.

“What’s going on now?” Marina sounds anxious, but that’s nothing new. My fiancé has been on edge for weeks. Months even. I’m more than ready to get married and get this whole ceremony thing over with.

Moving on to the honeymoon is what I’m looking forward to. I haven’t touched my almost-wife sexually—her choice, not mine—in weeks. I’m dying here.

“Archer called. Ivy went into labor.” I keep my voice calm, but deep inside I’m a bundle of nerves. I’ll admit it to no one. Not even Marina. This is the first baby in the family and even Archer’s coldhearted parents are excited. Ivy won’t tell us whether she’s having a boy or a girl and it’s making me nuts. It’s making everyone nuts. “They’re on their way to the hospital.”

“WHAT? Are you serious? Oh, my God! This is going to ruin everything,” Marina practically screeched.

I’m offended. I can’t help it. The way Marina’s been acting these last few weeks, she’s become unrecognizable. I blame the wedding planning. It’s stressing her the hell out which, in turn, is stressing me the hell out. “Are you serious? We knew this could happen. What’s the big deal? Didn’t you put a plan B into place or whatever?”

“You really expected me to have a secret plan B? Gage, I work full time and I’ve been planning this wedding. I’m barely keeping it together as it is.” Marina blows out an exasperated breath.

“We’ll figure something out.” My wife-to-be is at the hotel Archer owns, getting ready. I’m already at the winery, in a private room Matt arranged for me to get dressed in. Our wedding is in approximately ninety minutes.

Marina is probably on her way to legitimately freaking out.

“The ceremony is almost here.” Her voice lowered to a harsh whisper. “What are we going to do? Who’s going to replace them? This is bad, Gage. Super bad. My mom is going to lose it.”

“Why?” I’m incredulous. Her mom likes to lose it over a lot of things. It’s the Italian in her. They can be sort of . . . dramatic. Marina too.

“It’s bad luck when things don’t go right on the most important day of your life.” Marina blows out an irritated breath. “No, I’m not ready for my hair to be curled yet. Hold on,” she tells someone else. Some poor, innocent soul whose job it is to take care of her today.

Good luck with that.

“We create our own luck,” I say, going for positive. “Come on, baby. It’s our wedding day. Don’t worry about the small stuff. I’ll talk to Matt. You should talk to Bryn. I bet they would step in for Archer and Ivy since they’re already a part of the wedding party.”

Marina remains quiet but I know she’s still on the line. I can hear the soft murmuring of voices in the background, all of them female. I’d guess that hotel room is full of women getting their hair done, makeup done . . . whatever. Sounds like my worst nightmare.

Glad I’m all alone in this quiet room, though I know Matt will show up any minute.

“What do you think?” I prompt when she still hasn’t said anything.

“You’re right. I can’t let this get me down. I mean, Ivy is having a baby. We should be excited. I shouldn’t act like such a selfish bitch worrying who’s going to be my maid of honor.” Marina sniffs, and I immediately feel like shit.
