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Kace (Allen Securities #2)(11)
Author: Madison Stevens

“I’m not trouble,” he said and turned away.

Her small hand cupped his cheek and turned his head back to look at her.

“Oh you are absolutely trouble,” she said. Her finger brushed his lower lip, and she focused on his mouth.

“I thought you were tired,” he said.

She shrugged, and he felt his body come to life.

“I think you’re the one that’s trouble,” he growled and pulled her to him.

When their mouths met, he took her in a powerful kiss.

He groaned when she moved her body and straddled his legs. His hand skimmed up the back of her legs and cupped her ass. The satin fabric skated easily over her skin as he kneaded the flesh under his palms.

Jessica pulled back from the kiss and groaned his name. Eagerly, he moved his mouth to her ear and along her neck. He sucked and licked along her soft skin.

He jumped when she settled her warm heat over his aching c*ck and rocked against him.

His hands moved to her h*ps to still her movement. He chuckled when she huffed her irritation. Kace moved his lips to her ear.

“I’m not going to last if you do that,” he said. “I’ve been dreaming about this for far too long.”

Kace lifted her off and stood abruptly. He switched the TV off and went through the room turning off lights, leaving only a small wall lamp on.

“What are you doing?” Jessica asked.

Kace turned and pinned her with a hot stare. “I’m taking you to bed.”

Jessica shivered at his controlling voice. She laughed when he pulled her hand, and she followed him up the stairs. They walked past several doors, and she wondered what the rest of the house looked like. When they reached the end of the hall, they stopped. Kace opened the door and pulled her through.

Like other parts, the room was filled with rich colors, and she was surprised to find he had a bathroom off the room.

She took a shaky breath when he lifted his shirt and threw it on the floor. She stared at the muscles rippling in front of her and licked her lips.

Slowly, he made his way to where she was, stalking her as she pressed her back against the cool wooden door. Jessica took in shallow breaths as pressed into her, her body responding almost instantly.

Kace traced the vee of her shirt, his finger dipping slightly below the line.

“I like this outfit,” he said and popped the first button.

Jessica put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. The muscles under her fingers rippled as he continued to move. She watched silently as he popped another button.

Kace stopped and look at her. She nearly choked on the laugh that bubbled up.

“You’re not wearing a bra,” he said. “Fuck.”

He rasped his mouth along her neck, and she relished the feel of him. His hands fumbled with the rest of the buttons, and she sighed when the shirt was finally open.

When his mouth found her hard n**ples, she cried out. Without evening meaning, she began grinding against him. Kace groaned against her breast, the vibration causing a whole new feeling.

Jessica slid her hand down his chest until she came to the large bulge in his pants. Without hesitation, she moved her hand over his length. When he moaned, she slid her hand to his zipper.

She slipped the button out and moved the zipper down slowly. Kace had moved his mouth away from her breast and was pinching the peaks. His breath was heavy as she slid down his pants.

The boxer briefs he was wearing barely contained him, and when she pushed them down, his c*ck sprang out. Taking her time, she reached around and grabbed his ass. On more than one occasion, she had thought about gripping it as he pounded into her.

She moved her hands back to the front and around his hard member.

Kace groaned in frustration. She stopped and moved him back slightly. When she dropped to her knees, Kace tried to pull away.

“If you do that, I won’t…” He stopped mid-sentence as she stroked the length of him.

Not giving him a chance to back away, Jessica ran her mouth along the side and then back to the tip. She slipped her tongue along the slit and licked off the droplets there.

“Fuck,” he said. His fingers threaded through her hair, and she smiled.

Gripping him at the base, Jessica pulled him in her mouth a few times, too shallow to really get him going. The fingers at her head clenched and relaxed. She knew he was trying to hold on to that last shred of control.

Without warning, she pulled him into her mouth as far as she could go. She gagged a little when he hit the back of her throat. Jessica pulled back and marveled at how much she hadn’t been able to get. She pushed thoughts of how he would fit out of her mind and bobbed her head over him, using her tongue and hands to make sure he was stroked all over.

This time when Kace groaned, she could feel him push to pick up the pace. The faster he went, the more she knew he was close to coming. Jessica moved her hand and made one push to get him even further in her mouth. He slipped further and let out a string of cursing.

She jumped when he pulled back completely and lifted her up with ease. The next moment her back was on the bed, and he was yanking off her shorts.

“I thought you were going to…”

“I want to be in you,” he said. “But first I need a taste.” The gravel in his voice made her ache for him.

Kace dropped to his knees. She jumped when he stroked his tongue through her swollen lips and circled the tip against her clit. He repeated the action, but this time nipped it with his teeth first.

Jessica cried out. Never had she been so close so quickly.

Kace gripped her h*ps and pushed so her knees were nearly in her face. Her face got hot at being so exposed to him. She watched as his eyes burned into her. Slowly, he lowered his face, keeping his eyes fixed on her.

She moaned when he speared her with his tongue, f**king her until she felt her muscles tighten, right at the cliff of an orgasm. Kace moved his tongue to her cl*t again, and when he bit down, two fingers slipped deep into her.

Jessica gripped the bed as the intense orgasm ripped through her body. She could feel her muscle contracting around his fingers.

She lay exhausted on the sheets when he slipped his fingers out of her.

He moved away, and she slowly sat up to watch as he stripped the rest of his clothes off. Kace went to the drawer across the room and pulled out a box of condoms. She wondered how often he did things like this but kept quiet. At this moment, it really didn’t matter.

He sat the box next to the bed and climbed in beside her. They lay quietly for a moment, just listening to the other breathe.

“We don’t have to,” Kace started after a moment.

Jessica smiled. She placed her head on his chest and hand on his stomach.

“Are you trying to get out?” she asked innocently.

Her hand snaked down his body, and his breathing became more labored.

“You know I’m not,” he said gruffly.

Jessica laughed and looked up to him.

“Well then shut up and f**k me.” Jessica gripped his length and gave a few strokes.

Kace growled and rolled so that he was on top, his face close to hers.

“Why do you like to push me like that?” His h*ps were firmly planted between her legs. She could feel his c*ck resting against her slick lips.

She wrapped her legs around him and rubbed her slick p**sy along his ridged cock.

Kace groaned.

“Because I like the response I get,” she whispered.

His h*ps moved against hers, the slick heat building between them. Kace stopped and leaned over her to rip into the box. She heard the tear of foil, and then, his head probed her opening.

Jessica moved back slightly in panic. He stared at her with worry.

“I, uh,” she stammered. “It’s been a while,” she said quietly.

Kace stared at her, clearly not understanding.

She blushed. “And, uh, you’re not on the small size.”

Kace laughed. “Thanks.”

Jessica playfully smacked his arm. “You know what I’m saying right?”

All playfulness was gone. He leaned down and gave her a soulful kiss.

“I understand,” he said. “I’m not that guy.”

Jessica froze. “What guy?”

Kace planted gentle kisses along her face. “The one who hurt you,” he whispered.

Jessica stared up at him. He was right. Kace was different from her ex and just about any other guy she dated. For one, he took the time to make sure she got off.

She took his face in her hands and pulled him in for another kiss, this one filled with so much more than she could put into words at that moment.

Kace groaned against her mouth when she slipped a hand between them and guided him to her opening. He pushed his way into her, never going more an inch at a time.

Jessica panted at the intense feeling he created in her and how full she was from him.

He pushed in further, and she moaned as he rubbed a spot deep inside. When he froze, she groaned in frustration. Wrapping her legs around him, she pulled him to her.

“Jessica, don’t think.” He stared. “Fuck,” he shouted when she had fully inside her.

Jessica rolled her h*ps to decide if she could deal with him being fully in. The head pushed against her cervix, and she shuddered at the feeling. When she did it again, it was Kace who shuddered.

“I can’t hold off much longer,” he panted. “Tell me I can move, Jess.”

Jessica put her lips to his ear. “Fuck me, Kace,” she whispered.

His fingers bit into her h*ps as he sat up and pulled her with him. On his knees, he could see just how beautiful she really was. Lips and face flushed with hunger, her hair a black halo around her face. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Slowly, he moved in and out, taking long strokes in order to bump her cl*t as he moved into her. Jessica moved hard against him, forcing him to slap against her as he entered. Kace could feel himself slipping.

He leaned over in hopes of slowing it down, but Jessica took the chance to scrape her nails along his chest. When she gripped his ass again, he couldn’t have stopped even if he wanted.

She held on to him as he slammed into her as fast as his body could move. His abs burned and legs ached as he pushed to the peak. Her increase in breathing only pushed him faster.

Kace moved back to his knees and gripped her thighs. From here he could see his dick slip in and out of her. He glanced back to Jessica and groaned when she pinched and rolled her n**ples in her fingers.

“Come for me, baby,” he said, his own release so close.

She slipped a hand down between them. He watched her fingers feel as he f**ked her, her slick juices coating her fingers. She cried out when she ground her thumb into her clit. Her muscles squeezed him so hard it caused his own release.

Kace pushed in one last time and shouted as he came.

Chapter Eleven

Jessica lay on his chest, her hand tracing invisible patterns and just enjoying the feel of him. They had more than moved to the next level. She felt something for him that she hadn’t before, and it both terrified her and gave her hope.

“So,” she said after some time. “That was amazing.”

She felt the rumble from his chest as he laughed.

“Glad I wasn’t the only one,” he said. His hand trailed along her back, and she smiled.

She sat up and looked at him. “So what happens now?”

Kace pulled her in for a gentle kiss. “Now we go to sleep.”

Jessica rolled her eyes. “I mean, where do we go from here?”

Kace sat up and pulled her with him as he leaned against his headboard.

“I like you,” he said. “But this is all new to me. The few women I’ve had in my life weren’t special, and most didn’t stick around for long. I want long term with you.”

She was stunned by his revelation. Jessica expected that he’d make this far more difficult than it needed to be.

She leaned in and kissed him hard. When she pulled away, her lips were swollen and red.

“I like you too,” she said.

She smiled at him.

“So we just take it one day at a time,” he said. Kace grinned. “I think we’re going to have to have lots of sex though. Just to be sure we’re compatible.”

Jessica giggled and tried to slip away. “I think we already know the answer to that question.”

She shrieked when he yanked her back to him and sat her on his lap. Jessica squirmed to get off but stopped when she felt his hard length grind against her.

Jessica moaned and looked to him. “Maybe we should, just to make sure.”

Kace winked and pulled her further into him.

* * *

Jessica woke up and stretched. She smiled at the ache she felt between her legs. Last night had been amazing. For the first time, she had an orgasm that she didn’t have to either do herself or work hard for.

The real surprise was Kace. Not only did he take care of her needs, he went far beyond that. Afterward, he held her close to him and stroked the skin that was exposed to him. She loved it and was very close to falling for him completely.

She shook her head and pushed out any negative thoughts. This was good, and she was going to see where things went, even if the Russians were beating down their door.

Jessica sighed and sat up in bed. His side was empty, but she could hear him moving in the kitchen. The aroma of coffee drifted into the room, and her stomach rumbled. A girl could get used to this.

She climbed out of bed and found the clothes from yesterday. Not worrying about her hair or face, Jessica quickly used the bathroom and made her way down the stairs.

The house was lovely. He had spent a lot of time caring for it and bringing it back to what it once was. She glanced out the window and loved that the nearest neighbor was a bit away and blocked by some tall trees. She looked around and sighed. It really was the perfect house.

Jessica followed the smell of coffee until she was standing in the kitchen doorway. Kace stood in a pair of sweats and no shirt, frying ham and watching eggs poach. She grinned. It really didn’t get any better than this.

“Are you going to stand there and watch or have a cup of coffee?” Kace said while still facing the stove.
