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Kace (Allen Securities #2)(16)
Author: Madison Stevens

She stood and turned to Kace. “He doesn’t have anything. Let’s go.”

Ando’s right hand shot out to hers. She stared down at the worn calloused fingers and was surprised to see a small cross tattoo between his thumb and index finger. Several guards jumped from their posts, and he let go quickly, placing his hands in the air.

“Tamm, keep your hands to yourself,” one guard shouted.

Ando nodded. He looked up to her, his eyes pleading with her.

“Please,” he said. “I do have information.”

Jessica slipped back into the seat.

“Go,” Kace said from behind her.

“There’s a rat in the Kellys,” he said.

Jessica twisted the watch on her hand. “We know that already.”

He pinned her with his dead stare. “Did you know it was someone close?”

“Who?” Kace shifted next to her on the bench.

Ando shook his head. “No name. Just someone close and that this goes far deeper than just one person. We’re about to see the splintering of a mob family that could lead to problems for the city.”

Kace absentmindedly rubbed his face.

“Is that true?” she asked him.

He shrugged. “It could be. Depends on why.”

“Some aren’t happy with the changes. They liked the old ways better,” Ando chimed in.

“How do you know all this?” Jessica stared at him.

Ando looked around the room. “Lot of men like me. Those who worked independently for a number of people.”

Jessica nodded. It did make sense that he would know.

“Anything else?” Kace said.

Ando looked around and leaned in. “Something big is happening in just a matter of days,” he said.

“Like what?” she whispered.

“A hit,” he said. “A hit on Finn Kelly.”

“But the Russians already have one out on him,” Kace said.

Ando shook his head. “This one is from people in his own clan.”

Jessica narrowed her eyes at him. “Why are you telling us this?”

Ando leaned back. “Because your grandma was right. Best thing I could do for you girls was remove myself and the world I live in.” He laughed. The sound haunted her. “Guess life took care of one of them.”

She stared at him confused.

“The big C,” he said, pointing to his brain. “Not much they can do. It’s the fast-growing kind with very little chance of surviving.”

Jessica stared hard at him. She didn’t know if she could believe him or not. He did look like a man ready to meet his death, but that could just be years of hard living in the prison.

She fumbled for words. What did you say to the father that was never there who was now dying of cancer? Nothing came to mind. No Hallmark card for that situation.

“It’s fine.” He leaned forward. “I’ve made my peace with it, and it’s not for you to worry about.”

She stared at him in surprise.

“You just need to get away from those people,” he said quietly. “These people aren’t like the others out there. They will come for you and anyone you love.”

Jessica gasped. Victoria. She slipped her hand into Kace’s and clutched it to regain her strength.

“What makes you so sure they will win?” Kace ran a soothing finger over her wrist.

“Because Finn isn’t strong enough. He stepped the family down, and in doing so, made himself weak.”

Jessica shook her head. “Finn is anything but weak.”

Ando shrugged. “It’s not a risk I would bet on.”

“Time,” a guard yelled across the room.

Her heart jumped as she stared at the virtual stranger across from her. He looked to Kace.

“Keep them safe,” he said.

Kace nodded.

Without warning, he grabbed her in a hard embrace.

“I’ve been a shitty father, but I do love you girls,” he said in her ear. “Take care of each other.”

She jumped back when the guards pulled him back.

“I’ll come back,” she said as they pulled him away. Despite his past, her heart hurt for him. “I’ll bring Victoria.”

He smiled sadly and nodded. The guards pulled him back to the prison door.

Jessica turned to Kace. Drained and emotional, she let herself fall into his arms, weeping.

“Let’s get out of here,” he said in her ear.

She nodded and followed him out.

* * *

They drove in silence away from the prison. Kace was glad for the moment to think.

If things were as bad as Ando said, it could really spell trouble for everyone. It meant Finn was going to have to work hard to retain his part of the family. If they splintered, it would be all the Russians needed in order to take over. So many factors at play.

He ran a hand through his hair. Maybe he could convince her to stay home, take a leave of absence. Something. Anything.

Kace glanced over at her. She stared solemnly out the window, and he knew she wouldn’t step down. This was her way to pay for Victoria’s school. There was no way she would take money from him.

“You’re not going to listen to his warning are you?” he asked finally.

Jessica looked over to him. “He wouldn’t bail on me, and I’m not bailing on him. He might be a criminal, but he’s loyal and so am I.”

Kace sighed. “Well it looks like we should call a meeting then.”

“You know you don’t have to,” she said.

His fingers tightened on the steering wheel.

“No f**king way are you risking your life, and I’m not a part of this shit,” he ground out.

Jessica chuckled and put her hand in his. He loosened his grip on the steering wheel when she laced her fingers with his.

“Got it.” She smiled. “No risking my life unless I risk yours.”

Kace chuckled. “Damn skippy.”

He watched as she relaxed into her seat.

“Ouch. What’s this?” She pulled out a piece of folded paper.

When she unfolded it, a key fell onto her lap.

They stopped outside the club, and Kace looked over at the paper with some numbers and letters. The middle of the page had a name and phone number, but neither rang a bell. At the bottom of the paper, there was some writing.

“I always meant to do better by you both,” Jessica read. “He’s got a few tricks up his sleeve. What do you think it is?”

She held up the little key and looked it over.

“It’s got a local bank name on it. Think it’s a safety deposit box?” She turned to him.

Kace grimaced. “Likely.”

“What?” Jessica lowered her hand to look at him.

“I don’t know how he was able to even have that to give to you, but technically, it should go through the proper channels.”

She looked down at the key and then back to him. “For a key?”

“What if the box has drug money? Or incriminating evidence?” He stared at her, hopeful she would understand his position.

“So I just turn it in to the police.” She grinned.

Kace groaned and leaned his head against the back of his seat. Couldn’t they at least limit the law breaking to one law at a time?

“Listen,” she said quietly. “Let’s just put it back in my pocket for now and deal with this mess later.”

He glanced from the key back to her and nodded. The problem wasn’t going to go away, but it wasn’t something they had to deal with right away.

“Later then,” he said and slipped out of the car.

He saw the car out of the corner of his eye. It wasn’t hard to miss. Viktor was known for using a certain type of car.

“Get down!” Kace yelled as he slid across the hood and nosedived right into her.

The spray of bullets screamed around them, shattering glass and pinging off the side of his car.

He could feel her under him, shaking as the world seemed to explode around them.

The endless gunfire ceased, and the squeal of tires let them know they were gone. He lifted his head and body off of her, thanking God they had made it out of it unscathed.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Jessica nodded and looked around. Her face had gone almost ashen as she assessed the damage. The car had been ventilated. The front windows of Cortex had been shattered and the door riddled with bullets.

“I think I’m going to vomit,” she said after some time.

He could hear the sound of sirens quickly approaching and cursed. For once in his life, Kace wanted what the police couldn’t give him. Revenge.

Chapter Sixteen

Jessica watched as the repairmen installed the new glass. Things had died down now, and she was left wondering what had happened. For some reason, the idea that someone would shoot at her just didn’t seem to be registering in her head. She sighed, hopped down off the stool and walked back to the office.

Everyone stopped to look at her as she walked in. Kace was the first to speak.

“We’re getting the hell out of here,” he said.

“And then what?” She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him.

“And then I take care of this shit,” he said.

She threw herself on the couch and stared defiantly up at him.

“Well I’m not leaving,” she said.

“You think I can’t make you?” Kace stepped toward her but stopped as Meg stood between them.

“This is personal to all of us, Kace,” Meg said. “But right now, you need to pull your head out of your ass, so we can find these guys.”

The room was silent as Meg faced off with her brother. Jessica stared in awe. It was amazing how someone that much younger could put the whole thing into perspective.

Kace glared around the room and tossed himself next to her on the couch, a possessive arm thrown over her shoulder.

“Ando said there would be trouble, and there is.” Finn scrubbed his hand on his face. “Where do the police stand on this?”

Kace shook his head. “As far as they are concerned, no one was hurt, and it’s gang problems. I don’t know how many tears they’ll shed if a few Kellys or Russians get popped.”

Reed cursed. “We’re getting nowhere with this.”

Meg piped up. “I should have something tomorrow from the UK. There have been a few transactions, and they are cross-referencing them now.”

“Well that’s part of the problem,” Finn said. “So, we know a shipment of guns is on their way here. Big guns. Maybe more than even guns.”

Jessica gripped Kace’s arm. If something like that made its way to the Russians, there would be nothing stopping them from laying them all out.

“I’m going to take that shipment out,” he said.

The room went quiet as Finn and Kace stared at one another.

“Fine,” Kace said quietly.

Finn nodded. “It’s the only option.”

Jessica looked around the room.

“Ryder is watching your sister,” Reed said, and she sighed with relief.

With everything that was going on, it was good to know she could trust that Victoria was in good hands.

“Let’s all get out of here,” Finn said. “It’s been a busy day, and they might come back.”

“Why don’t we just close tomorrow?” Jessica looked to Finn.

“I’m the boss,” he said in a low voice. “If I don’t show, they take it as a sign of weakness. Anyone not ready for trouble tomorrow should stay home. I’ll make sure the rest of the staff knows this as well.”

She felt Kace twitch and knew this would be a point of discussion later.

Jessica stretched and yawned. It really was getting harder to do the late evening shifts. Of course, Kace wasn’t helping on the sleeping front. Not that she was complaining. Being sore for all the right reasons was amazing.

“Let’s get out of here,” he mumbled in her ear.

She nodded and waved to people as they made their way to the door. Once outside, she noticed the dark car outside. Without even thinking, she tossed herself on to Kace and knocked them to the ground.

“Stay down,” she shouted.

She lay on top of him and waited for the world to erupt around them. Jessica looked up when Kace started shaking.

“Are you protecting me?” He was laughing so hard, he shook while he talked.

Jessica frowned. “Yes,” she said and glanced over to the parked black car.

Kace sat up and placed her on her feet.

“That is one of Reed’s company cars,” he said. “We’ll be borrowing it for a bit.”

Jessica groaned. “This day just keeps getting better.”

She dusted the dirt off her pants and climbed into the plush car. Kace climbed in and chuckled as he started the car. She sank further into the seat and closed her eyes.

“I’m glad you think I’m worth saving,” he said quietly as they drove through the dark neighborhood.

She peeked over at him with one eye open. “Keep talking and I might not next time,” she said.

“Noted,” he laughed. “Next random parked black car, you’ll leave me to fend for myself.”

Jessica sighed and turned to look out the window. He could laugh all he wanted, but when she saw that car, all she could think was to save him. In such a short time, he had become someone important to her. The idea that he could be hurt made her stomach twist.

She thought about what it would mean being with someone who risked their life on a regular basis. Bile rose in her stomach. Jessica thought about Olivia and wondered how she dealt with it.

They pulled in front of the house, and she climbed out. She stared up at the beautiful Victorian. Somehow this had come to feel like home. But it wasn’t. Not really.

They climbed up the steps and stopped at the door.

“What’s going on?” Kace opened the door, and she walked through.

“Maybe I should stay with Irene,” she said quietly.
