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Kace (Allen Securities #2)(20)
Author: Madison Stevens

She shook her head. Who was she kidding? Not taking the job just be stupid. It was really a matter of finding her replacement at the club.

“He just right in here,” the guard said, startling her out of her thoughts. “Now try not to look too long. He was mangled pretty bad when the explosion went off in the laundry room.”

Jessica took a deep breath and swallowed. This was going to be harder than she expected.

The room smelled of chemicals and made her gag. She was certain that when she left the room, her clothes would be saturated with the smell.

“He’s right here,” the guard said and walked back to the door.

She quickly flipped the cover off his face and back again. The heat from the explosion had burned most of his face. Red open skin ate up most of his natural color. She took a breath and focused on his arm. She jumped when it slid down his body and hung limply at his side.

Steeling herself, Jessica reached over and put his hand back on his chest. She patted it a few times and then jumped away quickly. The cross tattoo on his right hand was missing. She looked around and felt her stomach lurch.

She didn’t know whose hand she had been touching, but that was not her father.

Jessica teetered around and then burst through the door. A trash can sat around the corner. She leaned forward and emptied her stomach.

There was only one thing she could do.

* * *

Kace smiled as he walked down the hall to the wing they were keeping Alyssa. She was tough, and he was glad to see she had made such great progress over the week. There was still going to be a lot of work she’d need to do, but it would happen.

He rounded the corner and chuckled at Finn in his normal spot. When Kace neared, Finn looked up and frowned.

“She still not letting you in?” Kace asked.

Finn groaned. “I’ve tried everything, but she starts throwing things if I try to sneak in. She might have one bad arm, but the other is just fine.”

Kace laughed loudly. The meek girl from before seemed to have found her voice.

The sound of running feet made him jump for his gun, but he drew up air. Maybe this would take more time than he thought. Or he’d just need to get one from Reed. Jessica skidded to a stop just outside the door.

“No time,” she panted. “Inside.”

His feet moved without thinking as she shoved them all inside.

“What the f**k is he doing here?” Alyssa shouted.

He nearly laughed when Jessica came out from behind them. “I made him,” she said. “Now you just sit back and listen because what I have to say deals with us all.”

Alyssa grunted and sat back. Jessica moved over to the bed table and slapped a key with a piece of paper on top.

“What’s this?” Alyssa picked up the key, and Kace remembered the safety deposit box key.

“My father is dead,” Jessica said. The room fell silent. “Or at least he’s supposed to be, but he’s not really because his body didn’t have the cross tattoo.”

“So he’s not dead?” Kace asked, not quite following her.

“Right.” She nodded. “He didn’t have the tattoo.”

“So who was it that died?” Finn asked, just as confused.

Jessica shrugged. “Some sorry sap.”

“I’m not following,” Alyssa said.

Jessica laughed. “It’s not important. What is important is this little paper right here.”

She opened it up and placed it back on the tray.

“A deed?” Alyssa looked to Jessica.

Kace slid the paper in front of him and read it over. He nearly choked as he continued to read.

“Holy shit,” he mumbled and looked over to Jessica. “Is this legal?”

She was so excited she bounced on her toes. “I sure hope so.”

“Would one of you mind telling us what the f**k is going on?” Finn glared at the two of them.

“I quit,” Jessica said.

Kace watched as Finn reeled back from the bomb that had just been dropped on him.

“You quit,” he said quietly.

“Yes,” she said. “But I have a replacement.”

Finn looked at her a little lost. “Who?”

“Alyssa,” Jessica said simply.

“I don’t think…” Alyssa started to protest, but Jessica cut her off.

“It’s brilliant,” Jessica continued, and Kace laughed at how commanding his woman could be when she wanted. “You’ll work for Finn. He feels bad and will give you prime hours. It’s good pay, and you can do it from a chair.”

“But my friend’s house is clear across town,” she said.

“That’s where this deed comes in. Turns out I own all the houses on my block. Actually, I’ve been paying rent to myself for years. My father bought it and set up an account in my and my sister’s name.” She looked over to Kace. “He did care.”

“I still don’t understand,” Alyssa said, her face reddening in frustration.

“I’m moving in with Kace. That leaves an open room with my sister. I’d love if you lived there with her.” Alyssa opened her mouth to say something, but Jessica charged on. “You help me keep an eye on the property, and you can live there rent free. It’s near the club, and the hospital isn’t far.”

Jessica paused and Kace reached out for her. He wanted to shout out his happiness that she had talked about moving in with him and taking the job with Reed. Ever since the shooting, she had been taking things slow. He didn’t know if it was him or just the situation.

“Take the offer, Alyssa,” Finn said quietly. “I can swear I’ll never let anything hurt you again.”

The room grew quiet as she thought it over. It seemed like hours before she finally spoke.

“I’ll do it,” she said.

Jessica gasped when Finn fell to his knees. “I’ll do whatever necessary to make you trust me again.”

“We’ll see,” Alyssa said after staring at him.

Kace cleared his throat and picked up the paper. He tried to usher Jessica out of the room, but her eyes stayed glued on the two as Finn remained on his knees.

“Well that was amazing,” she said and grinned.

Kace glanced back to the door. “Time will tell.” He looked back to her. “So. Quitting your job and moving in with me? Does that make me your sugar daddy?”

Jessica laughed. “Only if by sugar daddy you mean copious amounts of sex and lots of good cooking.”

Kace picked her up and whirled her around. “I think I can handle that.”

“I’m counting on it.” She kissed him hard.
