Read Books Novel


Kace (Allen Securities #2)(7)
Author: Madison Stevens

Jessica nodded. “Well the offer stands if you ever need it, and remember what I said about calling in a favor.”

Alyssa grabbed her purse and headed for the door. “I’ll keep it in mind, but I still don’t think Finn would help.”

She smiled weakly.

A knock came, and they both jumped. Ryder poked his head through.

“Am I interrupting?” He looked between the two.

Alyssa shook her head. “I was just getting out of here. Night,” she called over her shoulder.

Ryder opened the door wider and moved to the side.

“Things look to be all set out here. Are you ready?”

Jessica shook her head. “I’ve still got a little more paperwork. Go ahead and send Kace in. Just tell him to close and lock the door behind him when he comes in.”

Ryder gave a nod. “Goodnight.”

Jessica sighed when he left.

That had been a harder conversation than she had expected. It had been so long since she thought about Evan. She shuddered at his name. Even now he still affected her.

Jessica tossed herself on the couch and leaned her head back against the soft leather.

She hoped that Alyssa would be able to beat this. No one should be able to get away with those sorts of things. Jessica closed her eyes and ignored the burning in her eyes. He wasn’t going to get one more tear from her. That was the promise.

* * *

Kace watched as the staff filtered out. After some time, the little waitress, Alyssa, emerged and hopped into a car with a woman. He would have liked to get a glimpse of the dick who got his kicks from beating on a woman.

He stared impatiently at the door before Ryder emerged. Not wasting time, he climbed out of the car and moved in front of the building.

“The women were having a little meeting,” Ryder said.

His eyebrow shot up. He hadn’t expected Jessica would confront her. Maybe she had gotten some information from the talk.

“She said for you to come in but lock the door.” Ryder glanced at the door. “Everything is all secured. I’ve checked.”

Kace clapped him on the back. “Thanks. Now go home and get some sleep.”

Ryder nodded. “Liam is on tomorrow. Reed thinks if we keep rotating, they won’t know who to expect.”

“Not a bad plan,” he said. “I guess I’ll see you in a few days then.”

Ryder turned to walk away but stopped. “You know if you don’t come to Sunday dinner this week, Mom is going to flip her lid.”

Kace laughed. “That’s what she told me this morning. I’ll be there.”

Ryder nodded again and walked to his car.

Kace turned to the building and opened the door. After he had entered and turned the locks, he flipped the switch to the lights.

As his eyes adjusted to the dark, he moved silently though the great room. Small sconces lined the walls, shining a low beam to the floor, the office the brightest light in the building.

When he came around to the door of the office, he stopped.

There on the couch, Jessica lay soundly asleep, her head dipped to one side. She comfortably rested on the couch.

Kace sighed and flipped off the overhead light, so the one from her desk was the only one on. A few minutes of shuteye wasn’t such a bad idea. He laid his gun beside him on the file cabinet and took off his jacket to put on her. She snuggled deeper into the warmth.

He sat next to her and stared. Her long black hair spread out on the back of the couch, making her skin appear paler than it already was.

After adjusting slightly, Kace slid down and closed his eyes. It was better to just sleep for a bit than torture himself by looking at her.

* * *

Jessica woke up warm and comfortable. She snuggled deeper and froze when her bed groaned beneath her. Her eyes blinked open, and the light from the lamp cast shadows over the room. She vaguely remembered being in her office and sitting on the couch. Which had apparently turned to sleeping.

She tilted her head up and peered at Kace. His warm hand rested on the bare skin of her back. He moved slightly. The rasp of his calloused hands made her n**ples tighten with need. She shuddered. He looked to be still sleeping, but his arm at her back tensed around her as she shifted.

With the blanket around her, she felt cocooned around him.

Her legs stretched out the length of him and had slipped slightly between his. She moved her h*ps slightly for a better position. When she bumped the hard length, she froze. The hand at her back held her to keep her from moving.

She looked up at his now open eyes. Her cheeks flamed at the fire she saw. Uncertainty pulsed through her as her hand moved from his side to across his stomach. His breathing was shallow and rapid as she slowly moved up his chest. The muscles rippled beneath her fingers, and she itched to slip her hand under the cotton.

When she reached his collar bone, she paused and looked back up to him. Never had she been so nervous to touch a man. Maybe the earlier memories of her ex so long ago still lingered in her thoughts.

She shivered when the hand at her back moved slowly across her bare skin until it reached the hem of her dress. His fingers skimmed under slightly across the swell of her ass.

“Shit. Are you not wearing panties?” He groaned.

“Can’t wear much of anything with this dress,” came her breathy reply.

“You are going to be trouble,” he rumbled.

Kace yanked her up his body and crashed his mouth into hers. His soft lips moved with hers, and she moaned into his mouth. Taking the opportunity, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. The kiss was raw and made her ache more the longer it lasted.

His hands threaded in her hair as he moved her the way he wanted. She twisted until she was straddling him and pressed firmly against his hard cock. His tongue moved in and out of her as she rocked against him.

Her hands worked their way up from the bottom of his shirt but were stopped by the press of her body against his. She pulled her mouth away and groaned when she was finally able to feel the muscles she had been fantasizing about.

“Fuck,” he groaned.

Wasting no time, Jessica shoved his shirt up until he was forced to sit up and take it off.

She moaned when he sat up. The new position pushed her harder against him. Her hands wrapped around his neck as she drew him in for another searing kiss.

His hands were all over her now. Pushing her dress up past her ass, now nestled firmly against his thighs, his hands grabbed ahold. He pulled her in to grind hard against his hard length. She pulled her mouth away but kept her hands around his neck as she rotated her h*ps over his cock. No question, she wanted him.

Jessica wrapped her legs around the back of him to get better leverage. She was so close to coming and wondered if he might not be far off. Sweat prickled her skin. Her n**ples were so painfully hard just a little release would be something.

When she pulled back and dropped her arm, she saw the flicker of doubt flash in his eyes. She pulled her arms through the sleeves of the dress and pulled it down to her waist. If he stopped now, she just might have to claw his eyes out.

He stared at her exposed br**sts and then back at her. Her breathing slowed down as she waited for him to make a move. She had put it out there. It was up to him now.

Kace stared at her. Every rational part of his brain was fighting to stay in charge. If he did this with her, he knew it wouldn’t be a onetime thing. Neither of them were that kind of person. And even if they were, he knew there was no way he’d be able to get his fill of her in just one go.

No, this was a woman he would want over and over again. Everything about her set him off, and the harder he tried to fight it, the more he couldn’t deny that they had something. Despite her dark past or poor choice in employers, there was something about her that he just couldn’t walk away from.

She dropped her hands and started to stand up.

“Fuck it,” Kace growled.

He grabbed her h*ps and launched himself forward and pushed her backward on the couch. He stared down at her surprised face and took some satisfaction.

Watching her face, he moved his hands from her hips, trailing up her ribs until his fingers brushed the underside of her breast. Her eyes clouded over with lust as she tried to move his hands over the hard peaks.

Her h*ps bucked, but there was no relief since she couldn’t press against him.

Jessica huffed in frustration.

Kace’s chuckle was cut off when she wrapped her legs around him again and pulled him forward. He groaned when his throbbing dick pressed firmly against her. Looking down, he could see her shaved p**sy spreading her juices across the front of his pants.

At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to just sink his dick and f**k her. Not the slow sweet one he had planned but the kind that would leave them sweaty and drained.

No longer able to hold back, Kace took her n**ples between his fingers and rolled them tightly. She moaned again and rocked hard against him. The friction against his pants was unbearable. Any longer and he wouldn’t even make it out of his pants.

He pulled his h*ps back slightly. She groaned at the loss until his mouth latched onto a nipple. As he sucked and nipped at the tender flesh, his hand made its way down her body. She jumped when his finger slipped between her slick folds.

Slowly, he circled her swollen clit. Her body begged him for more.

Jessica gripped the hair on his head, her nails biting into his scalp.

“Kace,” she moaned. “Please.”

His finger pressed hard on her cl*t before slipping into her. The moan this time came from deep inside her. He let go of her nipple and found he was moaning along with her. Her walls clenched him as he slipped further in.

When he pulled out, he pressed hard against her cl*t again and pushed back in. Over and over. Faster with each move. He watched her face as her orgasm neared. Mouth open, lips red from kissing and cheeks flushed with excitement, she was the most amazing thing he’d ever seen.

“Faster,” she panted.

He pushed faster, his hand bumping her cl*t while his finger was buried deep inside. Kace could feel her frustration and knew it wasn’t enough. He pulled out and slipped in a second finger. Her walls resisted slightly as he pushed in slowly.

He could feel the beginnings of her orgasm and scissored his fingers inside quickly, his thumb rubbing hard against her clit.

She cried out as she came over his fingers, pulling him in a little more with each spasm.

Kace pulled his fingers out of her and placed them in his mouth.

He groaned at the taste of her. Putting his hands on either side of her head, he leaned forward.

“Next time it will be with my tongue, but I can’t wait anymore,” he said, his voice rough with need.

A loud clang ripped through the air. They turned to the door.

Chapter Seven

Kace cursed. This was the worst timing known to man. He sat up and listened again. The shuffle of something being moved reached him, and he bit back the string of curse words he wanted to let fly.

Not bothering with his shirt, Kace grabbed his gun from the file cabinet and stood.

“Stay in here and lock the door. Don’t open it unless it’s me,” he said to Jessica as she struggled to get her dress back on.

He groaned to himself. It had just better be a cat because he was going to beat the shit out of any person he found.

Kace turned to see her pale and scared face. His heart twisted. Without thinking he pulled her in for a kiss.

“If I’m not back in ten minutes, call the police,” he said. Jessica nodded, and he walked out the door.

When he heard the lock click, he made his way to the back storage room next door. He pulled his gun out and let the dim light from the window inside be his guide. He reached the switch on the wall and flipped it on. Movement through the window into the alley caught his eye.

He raced out the door and through the main club to the front door. After flipping the lock, he burst through the doors into the cool air. Pumped with adrenaline, he shrugged off the chill on his nak*d chest and charged around the corner.

He watched as a black car raced away on the dimly lit street. The pitch black street was made to hide a black car like that. By the time he raised his gun, the car was too far away to catch and not near enough to read the plate. A noise behind him put him on alert. He whirled around. Jessica was just stepping around the corner with a gun aimed at the retreating car.

Rage boiled in him as he stalked over to her. Unable to control his anger, he grabbed her arm and ushered her back inside.

Once in, with the doors firmly locked, he turned to glare at her.

“What the f**k was that?” he bellowed. “What are you even doing with a gun? Is that licensed to you?”

Jessica shrugged, and he knew the answer. It once again proved they were not a good match.

“What exactly were you planning on doing with that?” he asked.

“I was covering your ass,” she said and flipped the safety back on the gun.

His eyes narrowed on the gun in her hands.

“No, that was you not doing what I told you,” he said, stomping toward her.

Jessica held her chin up and glared back at him.

“Yeah and that was also me catching you off-guard,” she said.

They were breathing heavy when he finally stood in front of her. He really wasn’t sure if he wanted to spank her or f**k her. Or maybe both. He shifted slightly to ease the pressure in his pants from the returning erection.

“You seem to catch me off-guard often,” he said. He was standing so close that his words stirred the hair around her face.

Jessica stepped back, pain evident on her face.

“You can call it whatever you want. We both know that,” she waved an arm at the office, “was not you being caught off-guard.”

Jessica felt the pain pulse deep inside and knew that his dismissal of what had happened or how it had happened hurt. She should have known by now how this score went, but it still hurt. She turned to walk to her office but was stopped when he snatched her hand in his.

“Wait,” he said. The deep rumble of his voice sent zings to her clit. She cursed her response to him.

She turned as he closed in on her. Having no choice, Jessica backed up until she found herself flush with the column.
