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Keys to the Demon Prison

Shoreless Isle. I am not sure of everything this will entail. But the voyage will consume three days, down to the hour, so time it right.

Remember, passage on the Lady Luck is one-way. You will have to prepare some alternative method of return. Flying creatures will find it considerably easier to depart Shoreless Isle than to arrive there.

This concludes my advice. Counsel with your allies to plan how best to mount a defense on Shoreless Isle. It will not be easy. It may not even be possible . Again , do what you will with these ideas. I am simply suggesting desperate actions I might try. Good luck.

Yours always,

Patton Burgess

Seth folded the letter and tucked it away. He leaned back, stretching out on the sand, and listened to the waves. Closing his eyes and breathing the salty air, he grabbed fistfuls of sand and let it sift through his fingers.

From down the beach, a voice called his name. He sat up and saw Kendra running toward him. The sight of her brought such relief that the emotion escaped in a burst of laughter as he charged to greet her. They met near where Vanessa sat on her towel.

"We made it with hours to spare," Kendra declared. "Bracken said you were worried."

"Well, it would have been hard for you guys to catch the next boat," Seth said. Behind his sister, Bracken, Warren, and Trask approached. "I’m so happy to see you."

"Me too," Kendra said. "Although I wish we could have saved one of the Eternals."

Vanessa stood up as Bracken drew near, hand on his sword. They stared at each other with open distrust. "Hello, Seth," Bracken said, eyes still on Vanessa. "So this is your bluer

"I’m Vanessa," she said.

"Bracken," he replied stiffly. He held out his hand. "Nice to meet you."

Vanessa scowled at the offered hand. "You want inside my mind?"

"Seems appropriate," Bracken said.

"She’s been really great," Seth affirmed. "A big help."

"Then it should be no issue to shake my hand," Bracken maintained.

Vanessa made no move to comply. "Who’s scrutinizing your secret intentions?"

"My kind enjoy a more reliable reputation," Bracken said evenly.

"Your kind hunt blixes," Vanessa replied.

Bracken shrugged. "From time to time. Frankly, I wish blixes had more predators. Most of them deserve to be hunted."

Vanessa measured him with her eyes. "Debatable. But you do not deny that enmity exists between your kind and mine."

"I do not deny it."

"Then perhaps you can grasp why I don’t want a unicorn as spokesman for my intentions."

Bracken lowered his offered hand. "Are you suggesting I might lie about what I see in your mind?"

"It would be the quickest way to justify my destruction."

Bracken smirked. "So here you stand trying to insulate yourself against what I might discover. If you have nothing to hide, you have no need to object. I will tell the truth, and they know that."

"But I don’t," Vanessa said.

"Vanessa could have tried to take the sword," Kendra said.

Seth glanced at Kendra. "Who told you about the sword?"

Bracken turned to Seth. "I did. We can start conversing more openly. I’ve learned to sense when Nagi Luna has directed the Oculus toward us. It required some practice. I’m accustomed to her mind reaching out to spy on me, but the extra subtlety and power granted by the Oculus confused me for a time. Regaining my horn helped. I only mastered what to look for as we undertook our recent road trip. Ever since Civia was murdered by a blix," he shot Vanessa a meaningful glance, "Nagi Luna has essentially lost interest in us. She has only peered at us twice today, briefly, and without concern."

"So we’re free to speak right now?" Seth asked.

"As long as I’m with you," Bracken said. "I’ll warn you otherwise. By the way, where is Vasilis?"

"In the trunk of our rental car," Seth said.

Bracken frowned. "Maybe not the ideal place for one of the most powerful weapons in the history of the world, but I suppose it would be conspicuous on the beach."

"Vanessa could have tried to steal Vasilis," Kendra repeated.

"She could have tried," Bracken agreed, "but I’ll assume she is clever enough to know she couldn’t have succeeded. The sword can only be given to a friend, never taken by an enemy, even in death."

"I had no idea," Vanessa asserted sarcastically. "I’m very naive."

Bracken extended his hand again. "For good or ill, let’s get this over with."

Vanessa raised her eyebrows. "First, why don’t we judge you based on your success in protecting the Eternals. How many of them survived your assistance?"

"None," Bracken said, his tone hard, his extended hand closing into a fist.

"How do we know you’re not some rogue unicorn the Sphinx turned?" Vanessa accused. "We sure don’t have any rescued Eternals as evidence. What assurances can you provide?"

"Bracken is no traitor," Kendra said. "The Fairy Queen vouched for him."

"To you, personally?" Vanessa asked. "Yes," Kendra affirmed.

"Enough with the animosity," Warren interrupted. "Isn’t tonight going to be long enough already? Please, Vanessa, just let him make sure. Think about your past. We’ll all sleep easier."

Vanessa took Bracken’s hand. He stared into her eyes for a long moment. "Just relax," Bracken said. "Think about your relationship with the Sorensons. Think about your current goals as they relate to our present mission." He released his grip.

"Well?" Vanessa asked.

"She used to love the Sphinx," Bracken reported. Vanessa’s expression hardened. "Did I hear the past tense?"

"After he betrayed her, she became a true ally to us," Bracken confirmed. "She still worries about the Sphinx. She cares about his welfare now that Graulas has taken over the Society, but not in any way that would harm our cause. Her affection is now directed elsewhere."

"Careful," Vanessa warned.

Bracken glanced at Warren. "Blix or not, we can trust her."

"Did you look at Warren?" Seth blurted. "Does Vanessa like Warren?"

Warren coughed uncomfortably.

Vanessa glared at Bracken. "Very tactful. Warren and I have some history from when I served as a Knight of the Dawn. I’m glad that’s out in the open for everybody to whisper about. By the way, Bracken clearly has strong feelings for Kendra. Sometimes it doesn’t take a mind reader."
