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Keys to the Demon Prison

Kendra considered the statement. "It might take more than Seth’s endorsement."

"Don’t underestimate your brother. He was careful. He didn’t trust me right away. In fact, maybe he still doesn’t really trust me. I hope he uses the coin."

"If you gave him a magical toy, he’ll use it."

Bracken sighed. "I can’t believe you’re fairykind and you can’t recognize a unicorn. You know, the sooner you trust me, the sooner we can play ping-pong."


"Nothing. Lousy joke. It’ll make sense later. Unicorns aren’t very social creatures. I’m doing my best."

"You’re fine."

"Doesn’t help that you’re so … brilliant."

"Is that sarcasm?"

"I meant brilliant as in shiny. Should I stop talking?"

She was starting to entertain the possibility that Bracken might be legitimate. Wouldn’t the Sphinx’s dungeon be full of good creatures like unicorns? Many of his prisoners should be potential allies. Of course, every time she started trusting a stranger, it seemed like she got burned. Gavin had seemed great before his true nature was revealed. She would be slow to offer any real trust. "You’re saying you could take me to Maddox right now?"

"I’m saying–" he stopped. Suddenly he looked stricken. "I don’t believe it," he muttered in a completely different tone.

"What?" Kendra asked.

"I have an intruder in my cell." He sounded astonished. "How do you know?"

Bracken turned to face the gap in the rear wall. "I created a magical detection system that would signal me if anybody entered while I was away. It has never alerted me before. Nobody ever visits my cell."

"What does it mean?" Kendra wondered.

"I have no idea. This has been the most eventful night this dungeon has seen in decades. I have to investigate. My cell is some distance away. Care to join me?"

If he was an enemy, she supposed he could harm her as easily here in her cell as out in some secret passageway. "Sure."

He smiled. "Follow me." His expression seemed so playful, Kendra found herself wanting to please him.

They slipped through the gap and Bracken closed the sliding wall. Using the light from his stone to guide them, he led Kendra on an elaborate path, through hidden hatchways, down stairwells and ladders, along tight crawl spaces. They headed mostly downward, until at last they reached an area that looked like a natural cave, with no clear path and glistening rock formations that appeared half melted. Soon they sat and scooted down a cramped incline of oily stone. No wonder Bracken’s clothes looked so ragged!

Just before the bottom of the incline, he directed Kendra into a branching passageway. They hurriedly proceeded along a crudely excavated stretch of tunnel and finally reached a dead end. Bracken held a finger to his lips. Leaning his mouth to Kendra’s ear, he whispered, "My visitor awaits us inside." He produced a short, sharp knife. "Stand back."

Kendra stepped away. Bracken waved a hand and sang a few unintelligible words, and a portal opened. Glowing stone in one hand, knife in the other, Bracken entered.

"Who are you?" Bracken demanded.

"A friend," came the answer. Kendra knew that voice!

"I hope so," Bracken replied. "You have a much larger knife."

Kendra peered through the opening into Bracken’s cell.

The spacious room was more cavelike than her cell, but equally bare.

The intruder was Warren, warily clutching the fancy sword he had claimed back at Lost Mesa.

She caught his eye. "Kendra!" he exclaimed.

"You know each other?" Bracken asked.

"This is my friend Warren," Kendra said. "Or I guess he could be a stingbulb."

"How did you get in here?" Bracken challenged.

"I understand you can protect those around you from outside scrutiny," Warren said. "Sort of a psychic shield."

"Yes," Bracken said. "How would you know that?"

"Are you doing it now?"

"I always do it. Nagi Luna is constantly trying to spy. The only scrying tool I can’t thwart is the Oculus. I see that you have a charm that protects you from scrutiny."

Warren fingered the feathery, beaded amulet around his neck. "A recent gift. We need to talk."

Putting his knife away, Bracken approached Warren. "First, I need to confirm you are not an imposter."


"Remove the amulet, and give me your hands." Warren glanced at Kendra. "Do you trust this guy?" She shrugged. "A little, I guess."

"I won’t do anything hurtful," Bracken promised. "He says he’s a unicorn," Kendra inserted. "So I’ve heard," Warren said. He removed the amulet and took Bracken’s hands. They stared at one another. "Just relax," Bracken said. "Think about what you hope to accomplish by visiting me." Soon he released Warren’s hands. "He’s not a stingbulb. Nor is he an enemy. Good to meet you. I’m Bracken."

"Warren, how did you get down here?" Kendra asked.

"I wish I could say through my own brilliant innovation," Warren said. "I had help."

"From who?" Bracken wondered.

"The Sphinx."

"What?" Kendra exclaimed.

"I know how it sounds," Warren said. "Hear me out. It will make sense."

"We’re listening," Bracken said skeptically.

"Tonight changed everything for the Sphinx," Warren explained. "He has lost control of the Society."

Bracken scowled doubtfully. "How?"

"Graulas is here."

"The demon who helped Seth back at Fablehaven?" Kendra asked. "Isn’t he dying?"

"Not anymore," Warren said. "Apparently a demon called Nagi Luna here at Living Mirage had an agent slip Seth the Translocator and the Sands of Sanctity. Seth escaped the dungeon and went to heal Graulas. Once healed, the demon stole the artifacts, acquired the Chronometer, and came here."

"Seth healed Graulas!" Kendra cried.

"He must have thought he was being kind," Warren inferred.

"So now the Society has all five artifacts," Kendra said.

"And something the Sphinx never counted on," Warren said.

"A powerful demon vying for control," Bracken surmised. "The Sphinx always maintained he would open Zzyzx only on his terms."

"But his plans have fallen apart," Warren said. "Graulas has already won over most of the Society, including Mr. Lich. Many have long felt the Sphinx was too lenient and conservative. If the Sphinx doesn’t play along, he’ll end up a prisoner in his own dungeon. Blixes are mortal beings, and Mr. Lich has been with the Sphinx almost since the beginning, sipping from the same Font of Immortality. With or without the Sphinx, Mr. Lich can use the Translocator and the Chronometer to begin the process of opening Zzyzx."
