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Keys to the Demon Prison

Bracken nodded. "A long, fertile valley runs north to south through Living Mirage. We’re just barely in the northern half of that valley. The sealed shrine lies farther north where the valley narrows."

"The Sphinx suggested a course that should get us past most patrols and around the most dangerous areas," Warren said. "He has wraiths herding the undead away from our route."

"How do you know so much about Living Mirage?" Kendra asked Bracken.

"I first came here to investigate why the shrine had been sealed. I had some time to explore the area before I was captured. "

"What kind of dangerous creatures are here?" Kendra asked.

Bracken shrugged. "Beyond the ordinary I know of jinn, various demons, manticores, a chimera, steppe giants, sphinxes, river trolls, sirrushes, and of course the simurgh."

"He means the roc," Warren clarified. "Which is hunting a lot lately to feed three enormous hatchlings." He drew his sword. "The Sphinx warned that an actual sphinx guards the sealed shrine. It will pose riddles to us."

"Let me handle the riddles," Bracken said.

"The Sphinx seemed to think you’d have that covered."

"I’ve been around a long time," Bracken said. "I would almost prefer if the puzzles surprised me. I suppose we’ll skirt the river, try to get cover from the trees."

"That was the route he described," Warren confirmed.

"We should walk, not run," Bracken said. "Haste draws attention."

"I’m with you," Warren agreed. He handed Kendra a glove. "That belonged to Coulter. It will make you invisible when you hold still."

"I remember it," Kendra said.

"Take the key as well," Warren said, handing her a short rod with a complicated shape at the end. "If the need arises, I’ll draw off attention so you two can reach the shrine."

"We’ll all escape together," Kendra insisted.

"Right," Warren said, trying to be patient. "We’ll all try-to make it. But if we have to choose, let’s get the people to the shrine who can actually communicate with the Fairy Queen. Some of us would get blasted into sawdust if we dared to tread upon her sacred ground."

"We should move," Bracken said. "You lead, Warren."

For the first five minutes, Kendra expected enemies to descend on them with every step. As they proceeded without incident, and as the cover offered by the trees became better instead of worse, she started to unwind. She began to wonder how the Fairy Queen could help them escape. Could she admit them to her realm? Kendra was pretty sure that was forbidden under any circumstances. The realm where she ruled had to remain unspoiled or it could mean the end of all fairydom.

Kendra kept an eye out for fairies. If she could recruit a few of them to act as scouts, it would improve their chances.

At one point, where the trees became sparse, the roc soared across the sky, outstretched wings temporarily blocking out the rising sun. A huge beast thrashed in its claws.

"Does it have a rhinoceros?" Kendra asked, shielding her eyes as the sun reappeared behind the gigantic bird.

"A karkadann," Bracken corrected. "Bigger than a rhino, with a sentient horn. Pray we don’t cross paths with a karkadann out here unprotected."

"I have my sword," Warren objected.

"And I have my little knife," Bracken said. "Neither would avail us if a karkadann charged. What I need are my horns."

"How did you lose them?" Kendra asked.

Bracken hesitated, as if uncertain whether to respond. He broke his silence after a small shrug. "The Font of Immortality is fashioned from my third horn."

"One of the five artifacts?" Warren exclaimed.

"How old are you?" Kendra asked.

"From your point of view, ancient," Bracken said. "Among unicorns, I’m still considered young. I have walked many roads, and I have seen much, but I still feel young. Like fairies, unicorns are youthful beings."

"You surrendered your horn?" Warren asked.

"I was willing to do anything to help lock those demons away," Bracken asserted. "I gave my first horn as a gift years ago. Many of my kind do not retain their first horns once the third has grown. My second horn was taken when the Sphinx captured me. I have no idea what he did with it."

"He should return it to us," Kendra said.

"It would help," Bracken said. "I can feel my horns out there. None have been destroyed. Without them I feel like a shadow of myself. They house much of my power."

"Your third horn is irretrievable?" Warren wondered.

"If the Font of Immortality is ever broken, it will disappear and re-form elsewhere, taking the horn with it. That horn would be retrievable only should Zzyzx open. Without my third horn I’m trapped in human form, but I would much rather live this way than see Zzyzx breached."

They continued in silence. Several times they crouched or fell flat or hid behind tree trunks as Bracken sensed creatures in the area. Kendra glimpsed lions with the heads of men and scorpion tails. She caught sight of vicious packs of scaly flying dogs. She observed burly, armored nomads half the height of the surrounding trees, laughing loudly and brawling without provocation. But all of these potential threats were viewed from a distance. Many of the hazards Bracken detected were never perceived by Warren or Kendra. Their little group would simply hide in silence until Bracken suggested they proceed.

After hours of fitful progress, Warren squatted behind a fallen log to confer with them. With the sun now high, the day was growing uncomfortably warm. Ahead, at the far side of a clearing, Kendra observed trees with foliage of remarkable colors. "The Beckoning Grove lies ahead," Warren said. "The Sphinx gave specific warnings about this stretch of our route. To go around to the left would take us along the river-bank through a community of river trolls."

"They would consider us extraordinary delicacies," Bracken said. "We would be devoured with much ceremony."

"To loop around to the right would take us into the domain of the chimera," Warren said.

"Which would also mean certain death," Bracken said.

"And if we go through the grove?" Kendra asked.

"The fruit smells are unbearably tempting," Warren said. "All have harmful effects. Most are lethal. The Sphinx said one might liquefy your bones, another might make you a lycanthrope, a third might cause you to burst into flames."

"I’ll take fruit over trolls or a chimera," Bracken voted.
