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Keys to the Demon Prison

"We want access to the dome," Bracken said.

"Consider two sisters," the sphinx intoned in a sultry voice. Audible to the ears, the words also penetrated directly to the mind. Though she spoke in a subdued manner, each word somehow arrived with the force of a shout. "The first is born of the second, whereupon the second is born of the first."

Bracken glanced at Kendra and Warren. Kendra had no idea.

"The sisters born of each other are day and night," Bracken replied.

The sphinx gave a sage nod. "I surround the world, yet I dwell within a thimble. I am outside of–"

"You are space," Bracken interrupted.

The sphinx compressed her lips and gave him a hard stare. She spoke again. "In the morning I walk on four–"

"Stages of a man’s life," Kendra blurted. All eyes turned to her. "It’s a famous one," she apologized. "In the morning I walk on four legs, in the afternoon on two, in the evening on three–the more legs I have, the weaker I am. Something like that."

The sphinx was fuming.

"Knock, knock," Warren said. The sphinx glared at him.

"Don’t take offense," Bracken placated, stepping in front of Warren diplomatically. "We have had a taxing day. There are three of us, we answered three riddles. May we pass?" He bowed politely.

"You may pass," the sphinx allowed, serenity returning.

"Say no more," Bracken whispered to Warren.

Warren struggled against a grin.

Kendra felt like the eyes of the sphinx were boring into her back as they passed her and walked to the dome. Bracken led them to a hatch in the side that had a large keyhole. As Kendra studied the hatch, she recalled that the Fairy Queen had recently destroyed three of her shrines. What if this was one of the shrines she had eliminated? It seemed a likely candidate since it was sealed.

Deciding she would have an answer to her concern soon enough, Kendra inserted her rod, jiggled it until it caught, and then twisted. The lock clicked, and Warren pulled the hatch open.

Fairies crowded toward the open portal from all directions. Bracken stepped through first, followed by Kendra, who felt fairies brushing past her as she entered. The dome cut out all daylight except what filtered in through the hatchway, but the inside of the dome was also lit by scores of glowing fairies and the steady radiance of a luminescent pond. Kendra gazed at the vibrant variety of fairies, wondering how many years they had been trapped in here. As Warren came through the hatchway, more fairies poured in, twittering at long-lost friends.

The oblong pond took up nearly a quarter of the room. Water trickled down from the top of a conical island in the center of the pond. Five terraced mounds surrounded the glassy water, blooming with exotic flowers despite the lack of sunlight. From one side of the pond, white stepping-stones created a somewhat precarious walkway from the shore to the island.

"This is where I sit on the sidelines," Warren said. "I’ll stay back and guard the hatch."

"Fair enough," Bracken said. He led Kendra over to the stepping-stones, lightly leaping to the first, which Kendra thought had been placed a little too far from the shore. He stepped to the next stone and waited for Kendra. Not wanting to look scared, and trying not to think about what guardians might lurk beneath the surface of the glowing water, Kendra sprang to the first stone. It was slick, but she landed well. Bracken reached back to steady her. They proceeded along the rest of the stones without difficulty and reached the steep, grassy shore of the island.

Bracken led the way around to the back of the island. As they went, Kendra saw that water actually trickled down from the top of the island along three different routes. The drizzling flow of water on the far side of the island collected in a pool halfway up the back slope. Beside the pool stood a tiny figurine of a fairy beside a bronze bowl engraved with delicate patterns.

Kendra started toward the pool, then paused to look back at Bracken, who had halted farther down the slope. He met her eyes. "It has been a long time since I last spoke with the Fairy Queen." He clenched his jaw, fingers fidgeting, eyes shining. Was he nervous?

"I’m sure she’ll be happy to see us," Kendra encouraged. "I feel really good about this."

"Of course," he said, striding forward, head erect.

They knelt together in front of the fairy figurine. The water in the pool next to the figurine did not glow, although it struck Kendra as abnormally reflective. A breeze stirred the still air, and Kendra smelled citrus fruit, sand, sap, jasmine, and honeysuckle.

Bracken spoke first, aloud, but seemingly also with his mind. "Greetings, your majesty. It is I, Bracken the hornless unicorn, also known by other titles. I am accompanied by Kendra Sorenson."

A feeling of pure joy flooded over Kendra, clearly emanating from the Fairy Queen. How did you reach this shrine? Kendra had never before sensed surprise from the Fairy Queen.

"We had aid from the Sphinx," Bracken replied. "The demon Graulas brought him the remaining artifacts, and is in the process of usurping his authority. First things first. Could you please vouch for my trustworthiness to Kendra?"

A potent emotion of heartbreaking love washed over Kendra. Bracken is among the most trusted of all my servants. I have deeply missed his presence. The feeling of love abruptly hardened into chastisement. Her next words were directed to Bracken. I warned you not to travel to this preserve.

"And I spent long years in a dungeon as payment for my disobedience," Bracken replied. "Forgive me, your majesty, I took the risk in your service."

You should come home, the Fairy Queen pressed. A powerful feeling of longing accompanied the statement. Suddenly Kendra felt like she was eavesdropping on something intensely private. Bracken shot her a glance, as if guessing her feelings.

"Necessity dictates otherwise," Bracken said. "I still have much work to do, your majesty. Nearly in a position to open Zzyzx, the Society is now run directly by demons. I must oppose them while there remains any chance to thwart their designs. Perhaps we can converse privately in a moment. First, Kendra has a favor to ask."

"Me?" Kendra exclaimed, glancing at Bracken uncomfortably. "Seems like you have this handled."

"Go ahead," he urged.

Kendra cleared her throat, feeling self-conscious. Her conversations with the Fairy Queen had always been unobserved. To make matters worse, it was clear that Bracken had a long, close relationship with her. Shouldn’t he be the one making requests? "We are desperate for a way out of Living Mirage. Warren is with us too."
