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Keys to the Demon Prison

"We have to try," Kendra said.

"Of course we’ll try," Civia said. "I’m sorry if I sound fatalistic. I try to assess my circumstances honestly. Experience and effort have made my judgment reliable. But maybe we’ll get lucky. You’re right that hiding at Wyrmroost could provide a temporary solution. At least we know Agad will be sympathetic to my plight. Having the dragon transport me there probably represents my best chance for survival."

"But you don’t think it’s much of a chance," Warren said.

"Not really," Civia said simply.

"You’re right," Bracken said reluctantly. "They used wyverns against us in Santa Monica. Raxtus managed to slay them, but had trouble protecting his passengers in the process. Of course, the Eternal in Santa Monica had a death wish. Even so, our enemies are too close to their goal. They’ll throw everything they have at us before they let you reach Wyrmroost. But what else can we do?"

"I’m not properly established here yet," Civia said. "I spent the last ten days on the move. I suppose we could try to find a spot to make a stand."

"Which creates the same problem as running with the dragon," Warren said. "They’ll throw too much at us. But, unlike with the dragon, you’ll be cornered."

Civia furrowed her brow. "I suppose if the dragon takes an erratic route, we might have a small chance."

"I’ll come with you," Bracken offered. "I can help defend you if Raxtus ever needs to set us down. I’m handy with a sword. And Niko, the leader of the shape-shifters, will catch up before long."

"Don’t forget me," Janan said.

Civia gave a nod. "The storage locker isn’t far. Let’s gather the appropriate gear." Her expression softened. She leaned forward and patted Kendra on the shoulder. "I’m sorry I reacted so harshly when you tried to approach me. You collided with centuries of habit. I see now that your intrusion into my affairs was warranted."

"Wow," Janan said. "Civia never apologizes."

"I do so," Civia replied defensively.

"Not when I’m around," the dog murmured.

"Thanks, Civia," Kendra said. "We understand how shocking all of this must seem."

"We were just happy to find you alive," Bracken said. "We’ll do all we can to keep you that way."

"Lonestar Lockers?" Warren asked.

"That’s the place," Civia said.

Warren pulled up to a keypad in front of an electronic gate. Beyond the gate awaited rows of squat, cinder-block structures. The evenly spaced blue doors made the storage complex look like a crowded neighborhood composed entirely of adjoining garages.

"Code?" Warren asked.

"Nine, seven, zero, one, pound," Civia recited.

Warren punched in the numbers and the gate slowly opened. Warren pulled into the complex. A wall topped with barbed wire surrounded the facility.

"Turn left," Civia directed. Following her instructions, after the first turn, he cut down the third aisle, then stopped the SUV about halfway down.

"Let’s make it quick," Warren said. "We’re on borrowed time."

Civia exited the SUV, and Janan hopped down after her. Bracken and Kendra got out as well. Warren remained in the vehicle with the engine running.

Producing a key chain from her purse, Civia opened the heavy padlock on her storage locker, then lifted up the door. The locker contained several trunks and tall cabinets. Kendra also noticed a pair of motorcycles, one big and heavy, the other small and sleek.

Moving around the locker purposefully, Civia opened a trunk and strapped a short sword around her waist, then added a dagger. Next she removed a compound bow from a cabinet and snatched a quiver of arrows. "What do you need?" she asked.

"Do you have swords?" Bracken wondered.

She opened a metal cabinet. "Take your pick."

Bracken removed a sheathed sword and pulled it from the scabbard. "You really are prepared," he admired.

"It’s what I do. Kendra, would you like a shirt of mail?"

Raxtus landed heavily in front of the storage locker. "They’re here," he said urgently. "Explain," Bracken said.

"Four black vans speeding toward this storage area. Three wyverns closing in by air, along with a firedrake. They all showed up together."

"Can you outrun them?" Bracken asked.

"I can try," Raxtus said without confidence. "The wyverns are coming from all directions."

"Can you take out the firedrake?" Bracken asked.

"I think so," Raxtus said.

"Go up alone, invisible," Bracken said. "Take care of the airborne threats, then return for Civia. We’ll hold off the others."

Raxtus took flight, becoming invisible soon after leaving the ground. They heard the gate being smashed, followed by the sounds of tires squealing.

"Wait in here," Bracken told Civia and Kendra.

Sword in hand, he stepped out of the locker. Civia shrugged into a leather biker jacket and put on a motorcycle helmet. Kendra grabbed a second bow from a cabinet and a quiver of arrows. She nocked an arrow, her hand shaking. Outside, Bracken conversed with Warren.

"Is this it?" Janan asked candidly.

"I sincerely hope not," Civia replied, voice muffled by her helmet.

"Our fight is not with you," declared a magically magnified voice. "Give us the Eternal and you may depart in peace."

Kendra knew the voice! She peeked out of the storage locker. Black vans blocked both ends of the aisle, two at each end. In front of the vans to the left stood Mirav the wizard, wearing a richly embroidered robe that descended to his ankles. Behind him, Torina pulled an arrow from her quiver, flanked by a quartet of minotaurs wielding hefty axes.

At the other end of the aisle, the Gray Assassin drew his swords. Trask got out of a van, carrying his heavy crossbow. By his demeanor, Kendra could tell he must be under the influence of a narcoblix. Armored goblins clambered out of the vans as well.

Kendra glanced at the overcast sky. Apparently Mirav could withstand daylight with sufficient cloud cover. She wondered if he had summoned the clouds.

"Let’s talk about this," Bracken soothed, now holding his shield as well as his sword. Still inside the SUV, Warren clutched a sword as well.

Overhead, a wyvern shrieked and fell from the sky, neck kinked disgustingly. Mirav glared upward. Mouthing strange words, he waved a hand upward, and Raxtus became visible as he swooped to engage what looked like a flying snake about the length of a telephone pole. Upon seeing Raxtus, fire bloomed from its fanged jaws, and the firedrake took evasive maneuvers, wriggling like a ribbon in a windstorm.
