Read Books Novel


There was a wealth of sadness in her, a longing and need that called to him. It touched something in him, sparked to life something that he had thought cold and dead centuries ago. Hell, she touched something that he hadn’t even known he possessed. It had taken him awhile to name the strange emotion building inside him, and it had shocked him when he finally recognized it as hope. Seeing her again now, he felt the strange hope once more, and a strange spark of life that kept him rooted in place. She made it damn near impossible to even think as he struggled with the astonishing feelings threatening to consume him.

He had not felt like this since Annabelle. Had not felt this pull, and need, and… obsession? Yes, it was definitely obsession he felt for this girl, but it was different from what he had felt for Annabelle. This felt good, it felt right. This girl affected him in such a different way than Annabelle had. He had simply had to have Annabelle, had to possess her, had to break her, but this girl…

This girl he wanted to protect and hold and cherish for some unknown reason. This girl made him feel oddly alive again, almost normal, almost human even. He didn’t understand her hold over him, but he could not fight the sensations pulling at him. No, this girl was completely different than Annabelle. With Annabelle it had been a game, one that had changed him forever.

But last night, when this girl had turned to him, his heart had leapt in his chest, or at least it had felt like it for a moment. He had not thought of his heart or the missing beat of it in centuries, because he had not felt anything in the region of his heart in years. However, he swore he could hear it beating now, could almost feel it pulsing blood through his deadened veins once more.

This girl was beautiful, spectacular, perfect, but it was not her looks that captivated him. It was the splendor of her wounded, bright spirit. Though she radiated loss and loneliness, he also sensed a steel rod of strength and pride running through her.

Looking upon her, seeing her, he instantly felt as if he were complete, as if he had found his home. Somehow, in her, he had found the one person that could make everything all right. He knew with absolute certainty that she could ease the aching loneliness that had eaten at his soul for centuries. That had nearly destroyed him time and time again. He did not understand his strange reaction to her. In all his many years, he had never felt anything like what he suddenly felt for her. After all of his time on earth, he had never expected to be shocked or thrown off balance again. He had thought that he had seen it all, that he knew it all.

He had been wrong.

He was completely thrown off balance now. He was unsettled and enchanted by this girl, a teenage girl no less. He needed to know more about her, see more of her. He needed to understand the strange effect she had upon him. He needed her to ease the ache that filled his deadened spirit, and he knew that she could do it.

He watched silently as the halls began to fill up, the chatter and laughter grew louder as students milled about. Lockers opened and slammed as they prepared for the day. He found himself oddly captivated by the simplicity of their lives, amazed by the easy flow of their days. It was something that he had never witnessed before as he tended to stay away from humans, and the allure of their warm blood, and pumping hearts.

Though he had control over his baser, more murderous instincts, he felt it best to avoid temptation as much as possible. And humans were a great temptation, no matter how much control he had now. Even after all of these years, he could still clearly recall the taste of their warm blood, recall the thrill of the hunt, and remember the surge of power that their deaths had brought to him. However, no matter how much of a temptation their blood was, he had been drawn here by her, and he was loath to leave her now.

Slipping from the shadows, he ignored the startled looks his sudden emergence caused the students closest to him. He sensed the fear, curiosity, and lust that followed his movements. Ignoring them all, he became intent upon his goal as he made his way toward the offices he had seen at the front of the building.

If he was going to stay close to her, and get to know her better, than there was only one thing he could do. He glanced around the crowded hallways, ignoring the fluttering beat of the hearts surrounding him as he took in the people that he would be spending the rest of the day with.


Cassie played idly with the pages of her notebook as the principal droned on about the daily announcements. She honestly didn’t know if she was going to make it through this day. She was wound tight as a spring and about ready to snap. Closing her eyes, she folded her arms and dropped her head on the desk, stifling a yawn. Chris shot her a questioning look, but she ignored it as she allowed her eyes to drift shut.

The morning announcements finally came to an end and attendance began. Cassie shot her hand up, not bothering to lift her head when her name was called. Chatter started up the minute that attendance was over. Homework was discussed; plans for the weekend were made in the few minutes left before the day started.

“You ok?”

Cassie opened her eyes, her lids felt like lead as she met Chris’s worried gaze. “Fine, just a little tired,” she assured him.

The class suddenly quieted, a strange silence settled over everyone. Cassie frowned at the startled look that came over Chris’s face. He froze where he was, his hand tightened upon her desk as his eyes became riveted upon the front of the class.

A feeling of foreboding stole through her. The strange tingling sensation once again raced down her spine. Her already frayed nerve endings leapt to blazing life, seeming to sizzle and crack with electricity. She remained frozen, unable to lift her head to see what had captivated everyone’s attention; she was certain she already knew.

She just wasn’t certain how she was going to deal with it. Swallowing heavily, she tried hard to rid her throat of the fierce lump that had lodged itself there. Taking a deep breath, she gathered all of her courage, and whatever strength she had left, to lift her head. Her eyes instantly found him at the front of the classroom. Her heart leapt like a trapped bird in her ribcage at the sight of his powerful body that seemed so out of place in the classroom.

Her classroom!

It took her a moment to truly comprehend that he was really there, that she had not fallen asleep, and that she was not dreaming about him. She had to be awake though, for she could never dream anything so wonderful, or so frightening. She also never would have dreamed that he was a high school student. He seemed far older than her, or any of her other classmates. He exuded a raw power and confidence that none of them possessed. Yet he was standing there as if he truly belonged; standing there as if he didn’t look as out of place as a platypus would.
