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She hesitated briefly, her eyes warmed slightly; a wave of heat flooded her porcelain cheeks. Her long dark lashes swept swiftly down, shadowing her startling eyes as she bowed her head. Her golden hair fell forward, hiding her face as she hurried on. She dropped her sunglasses back into place before following Chris outside.

Disappointment filled him as he turned away from her, his anger sparked as he caught sight of Mark. He was staring after Cassie, annoyance and irritation radiating from him. Mark hesitated for a moment longer before turning and slinking over to a table packed with boys just as large and muscular as he was. They were all wearing black and gold jackets with a white horse on the back of them.

Devon had no idea why they were all wearing the same coats, but they seemed to think that the jackets were special as none of the boys were taking them off, even though the cafeteria was hot. Devon shook his head, not understanding human customs at all, and least of all not understanding teenage customs. Staying here for much longer was going to drive him crazy, but he wasn’t leaving here without finding out exactly why he was so drawn to Cassie.

And that meant finally getting closer to her.

He turned back to Marcy, deciding to use her clinginess to his advantage for a change. “What do you know about Cassie?”

Marcy was slightly taken aback as she leaned away from him, her eyes widened in surprise before narrowing fiercely. He should have taken a different approach, he realized belatedly, as he recognized her jealousy and anger instantly. “Why?”

Devon shrugged negligently. Leaning closer to Marcy, he placed his hand briefly upon her arm, hoping to soothe her. “I am simply curious; Mark seems to truly like her.”

She relaxed slightly, but her eyes still radiated distrust. “He’s liked her for awhile, but she just strings him along like she strings Chris, and everyone else along.”

Devon quirked an eyebrow, tension and anger radiated from Marcy, along with a strong wave of jealousy. He wondered if it had been Mark, or Chris, that she had liked before he had walked into this school and she had become fixated on him. “I thought she and Chris were just friends.”

Marcy shrugged, her eyes darkened as her nose scrunched slightly. “That’s what they say, but I doubt it. There is something strange about that relationship, neither one of them really date anyone else.” Her bitter tone confirmed the fact that it had been Chris she liked.

“Come on Marcy, you know they’re just friends,” Kara interjected, leaning forward as she rested her chin on her hands.

“He sleeps in her room Kara,” Marcy retorted sharply. “You can’t tell me that nothing has ever happened between them!”

Kara shook her head as she rolled her eyes. She turned toward Devon, her pretty face softening from irritation to kindness. “They’ve been friends since they were little. Cassie’s parents, and Chris’s dad, were killed in the same car accident when they were only a year old.” Devon kept his shock over this revelation hidden as Kara turned narrowed eyes on Marcy. “So yes, I believe that nothing has happened between them.”

Marcy rolled her eyes but tried to keep her irritation hidden from Devon. She failed miserably. “Cassie’s parents are dead?”

Kara nodded; sadness crept over her delicate features. “Yes, and so are Melissa’s.”

Devon started in surprise. The three of them either had no parents, or were missing at least one. It was a strange coincidence, but it also explained the strong bond that they seemed to share. Though they were all popular, always surrounded by people, yet they still remained aloof, separate from everyone but each other. And when they were together they were like one unit. A unit that was able to communicate without a word, but with a simple look or a touch.

He had been amazed, impressed, and a little confused by the tightness of their bond. But the fact that they had all experienced the loss of a parent explained the closeness they shared. Unwillingly his gaze went to the windows, but he could not see Cassie amongst the crush of students that had finished eating and moved outside. A whiffle ball and bat had been brought out and a pickup game was starting.

“That’s awful,” he muttered.

The intense desire to be free of this room, and to see her, suffused him. Though he could not understand, or relate to her pain, he was beginning to get a better understanding of the hurt, loneliness, pride, and strength that surrounded her. A hurt and loneliness that he was determined to help ease, whether she wanted his help or not.

He rose suddenly, ignoring the startled looks that Marcy and Kara shot him. “Excuse me,” he mumbled before moving swiftly through the crowd toward the glass double doors.

He stepped outside, the excited sound of laughter and chatter suffused him. He scanned the crowd, but did not spot Cassie amongst the mass. He did spot Melissa though. Winding his way through the students, he made his way steadily toward her. Melissa turned toward him, a dark eyebrow lifted as her mouth quirked in a small smile.

“Hey stranger,” she greeted warmly, her onyx eyes gleaming with amusement. He hesitated for a moment, briefly puzzled by the startling amount of knowledge within those dark eyes. He was certain that she knew exactly why he was here, and she was happy about it. “How is everything going?”

“Fine.” His gaze darted over the crowd as he searched for Cassie, but he didn’t see her, and he couldn’t smell the delicious scent that she emitted in waves.

“You seem to be making a lot of friends.”

“I suppose.”

Her smile widened, her smooth olive complexion shone in the bright light of the sun. She knew why he was here, and she was enjoying every moment of torment she was handing to him. He didn’t know if that fact pissed him off, or if he wanted to join in with her obvious amusement.

“Not interested in friends?”

Only one, he wanted to tell her, but he bit back his words. “Of course,” he said softly. Though Melissa was enjoying this conversation, he was tired of being toyed with. “Where is your friend Cassie?”

Melissa quirked her head to the side, her exotic eyes slanted as her hair fell forward. “Having most of the female population chasing you around isn’t enough for you?”

Though he knew she was trying to be playful, Devon’s patience was at a snapping point. He wanted to know where Cassie was, and he wanted to know now. Melissa seemed to sense this as her smile slipped away and a strange sadness crept over her. That dark look passed over her eyes again as they seemed to pierce straight into his soul.
