Read Books Novel

King for a Day

King for a Day (The King Trilogy #2)(24)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

That is why I allowed Draco to lie with me one last time. That is why I waited until the man was deep in the throes of his passion, panting words of love in my ears, when I clawed at his back, leaving deep gashes. Over and over again I raked my nails into his bleeding flesh so he would know what was in my heart. But so desperate for my touch was he, that the pain did not stop Draco from having his fill. When he completed, Draco simply got up and left without a word.

I pray it will be the last time I see him before his death.

I closed the book, thinking I couldn’t possibly go on. The hatred inside this horrible woman was just unbearable. And the brother, in my mind, was the weak one. He allowed himself and his ego to be manipulated by this psycho Hagne. Or maybe both brothers were idiots for loving her. Who knew?

And the way she enjoyed hurting him…

Goose bumps erupted over every inch of my skin as I pictured Hagne smiling while she clawed at Draco’s back. Poor man. It seemed to me that loving her was his only fault, and part of me hoped she would be the one to die. That was, until she said she was carrying a baby. It was hard to wish death on a pregnant woman.

So, again, I had to ask, what was this story to King? A family history?

“It is not too late for you to run, Mia,” King said from the black leather couch.

“Christ. Do you always have to scare me like that?” I asked.

This time he wore a simple charcoal-gray sweater and button-fly jeans, his black stubble neatly trimmed. He looked so relaxed with his thick arms extended over the back of the chair.

He smiled, and those deep little dents puckered in both cheeks. “It is much more entertaining when I do. Your face makes that expression I enjoy so much.”

“What expression would that be?”

“Happiness to see me. It only lasts but a moment.”

“These are some weird conversations I’m making up.” I paused. “Are you sure it’s not really you?”

“What do you think?”

“Mack thinks it’s possible. So…I guess it’s possible.” However, made-up King knew things only I knew. Like what I had been thinking about when I’d left Miranda’s home.

“If I was not a product of your Seer imagination, would it make a difference?”

I thought about it for a moment. “No, it wouldn’t. But I would be asking you where the hell you are.”

“Telling might only encourage you, Mack, and Arno to come looking for me. Something I’m not in support of.”

Wait. Is he…is he…?

I stood up, feeling my face turn red hot. “Oh my God. I’m not making you up, am I? Holy shit. You’re real. You have been all along!”

He flashed that charming smile and shrugged. “Perhaps I took it a bit too far, but I have my reaso—”

“Bastard!” I lunged for him.

I reached for his neck with both hands and landed in his lap, straddling him. He caught both of my wrists and held them tightly in his iron grip. Amusement sparkled in his light gray eyes.

“You think this is funny?” I growled. Meanwhile somewhere in the recesses of my mind, I still questioned if I’d made him up or if I was just too naïve and trusting to see the truth. Had he really been toying with me all along?

“I assure you,” he said, still holding on to that wicked little smile, “that I take all of this quite seriously.”

I stared into those eyes, looking for some sort of proof that King was real. However, the moment I saw the beautiful lines of his cheekbones, the straight black brows, the square jaw and seductive lips, I became mesmerized. Was this another dream? Because the heat radiating from his lap as I straddled him certainly felt real to my body.

King loosened his grip on my wrists and studied my lips with voracious eyes.

I loved it when he looked at me like that. It made me feel powerful knowing he struggled with his own desires.

My hands traveled to his hard chest, and I felt myself slipping away again, crossing that line where my mind became drunk and saturated with lust. I craved him in a horrible, wrong sort of way.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, closing my eyes to savor the rush of dancing with fire.

He opened his mouth and submitted to me, allowing me to explore, lick, and seduce him with my tongue.

Lord. Why does he make me feel so crazy? I ran my hands through his soft, thick hair and pressed my chest to his, wishing that the clothing between us would disappear. Especially the clothing that covered his eager erection now pushing between my legs.

I let out a little moan, triggering King to pull back, a look of wild hunger reflecting in his gray eyes.

Without saying a word, he slowly moved his large hands to my hips. He began to rock himself into me, grinding his erection into the apex between my legs. I slid my hands to his shoulders and started to move with him. His heat felt so good, so perfect.

I lowered my mouth to his once again and closed my eyes, wanting the ecstasy to never end. If this was or wasn’t him, it felt real, and it felt like what I needed.

When his hands glided up from my h*ps and cupped my breast through my sweater, it only deepened my need. I continued rocking myself over that hard bulge in his jeans, but that wasn’t enough. I needed to feel him inside me, filling me up, sliding in and out with that large c**k I’d once held in my hands when we’d come this close to ha**ng s*x in his office. It had been thick and long and perfect like the rest of him.

I reached for the button of his jeans and undid the first one.

King quickly grabbed hold of my hand. “No.”

I stilled and then glanced into his piercing, seductive eyes.

“I meant what I said, Mia. You are mine. And that cannot be changed.”

“I don’t und—” I blinked and was hit with a wave of sharp pain in my head. I closed my eyes and groaned.

King placed his hands over each of my temples and pressed firmly. “Look at me, Miss Turner. See who you are allowing to touch you. Really see,” he growled.

I tried to look at whatever it was that he wanted me to see, but I saw only his colors. Reds and blues, pain and sorrow, swirled violently together to form a brilliant shade of purple. “Purple,” I groaned. “I just see purple.”

“No!” He threw me off, and I landed on my ass with a thump on the hardwood floor. “You didn’t read the book, did you?” He stood from the couch and seethed. “Did you?”

My arms braced behind me, I shook my head no. “I haven’t finished it.”

King’s beautiful face turned a vicious shade of red. “I had it translated for you. Word for f**king word. And you will f**king finish it, Miss Turner!” he screamed.
