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King of Me

King of Me (The King Trilogy #3)(56)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Longing for his thick, long shaft to extinguish that hollow, erotic ache, my fumbling hand removed the barrier, and King thrust the silky head of his c**k inside me.

Heaven and sin, lust and love. Feeling King plunging himself into my needy body felt like all of those.

He groaned with a deep masculine breath and pounded into me with fierce hard strokes that stole my breath. This wasn’t like the time he’d taken me in Athens, nor was this like the time he’d first made love to me on that beach after having thought he’d lost me. This time, he claimed me, each penetration of my soft needy flesh a reminder that only his c**k could deliver what I needed, and no one could make me feel like he could.

My muscles contracted with that rapturous, almost unbearable tension, and my ni**les hardened to sharp tingly points. Meanwhile, King’s hard frame flexed and pushed as his h*ps hammered into me. “Come for me, Mia. Come hard.”

I couldn’t hold back any longer. Every muscle in my body flexed, preventing me from moving as the release tore through. King’s head bowed back, and he leaned his h*ps forward, thrusting the tip of his c**k as deeply as it could go. His throaty groan was so male and primal, so sexy, that the mere sound triggered another euphoric contraction.

For several moments, we clung to each other, and I savored the sensation of his erection pulsing inside me, releasing those final drops of cum.

He moved his lips to mine, and our panting breaths mixed the air and heat from our lungs.

“God, I missed you, Mia,” he whispered.

Mia. I was Mia again.

My head slowly drifted down from the sinful place he’d taken me as King applied lazy, sensual kisses to the corner of my mouth.

I didn’t want to come back to earth, but it couldn’t be helped.

“King, please, put me down.”

He stilled for a moment, resting his forehead to mine, but then pulled out and slowly lowered me.

I yanked down my dress while he put himself back into his pants and straightened his blue silk tie. The knot was crooked, but I didn’t say anything. The little imperfection in his appearance felt comforting somehow, a reminder that he was no longer the cursed man who demanded perfection.

But he’s still King. I couldn’t help but be in awe.

He flashed one of those wolfish, sly grins. “Like what you see, Miss Turner?”

I ignored his arrogant little comment. “Why are you here?”

His black silky brows knitted together. “I am many things, woman, but a welsher I am not.” His blue eyes flashed to my wrist.

I held up my arm and noticed the missing “K.” Hagne’s spit tattoo remained, however.

“I don’t understand,” I said.

“We made a deal. You would give me one night of what I wanted, and I would give you your freedom.” It was a deal we’d made a while back, long before my trip to Minoa.

“But my nightmares of the blood and the things you did to—”

“Those were not your nightmares, Mia; they were my memories. With the curse lifted, I must now deal with three thousand years of them.”

My eyes drifted back to my wrist. “I was seeing your thoughts?”

He nodded. “I did not realize it at first, but the facts spoke for themselves. You are too strong a woman to allow the past to consume you as it does me.”

I cupped my hands to my mouth. “I’m so sorry, King.” He’d suffered enough as it was, and now hearing that his past, his guilt, would continue to haunt him…well, it was profoundly unfair.

He stared at me with those fierce blue eyes. “Yes, well.” He cleared his throat. “I hope that with time, my old memories will be replaced by new ones. Speaking of, Miss Turner. It is now time for you to choose.”

“Choose what?”

“You and I made a deal, and it still stands. I said I would free you to make your own choice in exchange for,” his eyes swept over my body, “getting what I wanted. And that was one hell of a f**k.”

This was his way of asking if I still wanted him. It was such a King move.

I stepped in closer and gazed up at that perfectly masculine face. “I’m not sure.”

His blue eyes widened a bit. “Not…sure?” he growled.

I reached for his tie, pinning him with my eyes. “I might need another…fuck.”

The side of his mouth turned up. “Perhaps we can renegotiate our deal, then.” His voice was deep and seductive.

“Yes. But,” I wiggled the knot of his tie and planted a sensual kiss on his full lips, “you should know I’m already spoken for by a dangerous, sexy man.”

King grinned. “I can take him. Rumor has it, the man is a bit…old.”

I laughed. “Crazy-old. My great-grandfather’s socks are spring chickens compared to him.”

A subtle twinkle of joy sparkled in his eyes, and he slowly lowered his slightly swollen lips to mine. “I love you, Mia.”

I felt the tears welling in my eyes. “I love you, too.”

He pulled back. “Then it is settled.”

My eyes shifted a bit. “What?”

“You have chosen, so do not think of welshing. You know what will become of you if you do.” He tugged me back inside the club, and we bumped into Becca as he dragged me toward the front door.

“Mia?” she said.

I waved at her as her jaw dropped. “Is that King?” she mouthed.

I nodded and made a phone sign with my hand to tell her I’d call later.

Once outside, King walked over to a very expensive-looking, black Mercedes sedan with tinted windows. He opened the passenger door and turned around.

“Get in,” he said.

“Where are we going?”

“To put the past where it belongs and make new memories. We start tonight with a clean slate.”

I took a moment to digest the sight of this tall, deadly, elegant man who’d lived over three thousand years, ruled an ancient civilization, died, and had come back to life, now standing next to the car, waiting for me like an eager puppy. Not in a million years could I have imagined that we’d make it. But here we were. I wanted to cry and laugh and kiss him and scream and…

“For f**k’s sake, Mia. Are you going to stand there all night?” The stern look in his eyes and those muscles flexing beneath his black-stubbled jaw indicated he was about to carry me off if he had to.

I laughed. “You are going to have to work on your impatient streak, King. And that mouth. Jeez. Don’t let my mother hear you talking like that.”
