Read Books Novel


King’s (The King Trilogy #1)(15)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“I’ll be fine, Mia. I promise. Most of the issues are up north, and they’re not interested in impoverished archaeologists.”

“But you’re so cute. I’m sure they’ll make an exception.” Like me, Justin had blond hair. Add those big green eyes and a sweet, goofy smile, he was instantly likeable.

Justin had laughed, and it had made me laugh, too. That was my favorite part about him. He had a kindness and levity that was infectious. “I promise I’ll be fine.”

Famous last words, Justin, I thought just as the SUV turned onto a dark, narrow dirt road that barely accommodated the large vehicle. Leaves slapped against the windows, causing me to flinch every time, but I was glad for the extra-large ride. The road was filled with deep potholes, muddy from a recent rain. Large rocks made navigating the terrain a slow, arduous task.

I leaned forward between the two front seats, trying to keep from getting carsick. “How much longer?”

“A few minutes.”

I tried to imagine Justin coming over this road every day. I could just see his face filled with excitement that he might find some hidden stash of museum-worthy artifacts.

“Fucking buttons,” I mumbled. Were they worth all this?

“Here we are.” The driver pulled into a small turnout and handed me a flashlight.

“Where are we?” I’d expected to see a clearing with piles of dirt and an unearthed temple or something.

The driver pointed to the jungle in front of us. “There is a path. Follow it.”

“But…” I blinked. “You’re not expecting me to go alone, are you?”

He shrugged. “My job was to drive you here. Nothing more.”

“Thanks a lot.” I opened the door. The night air felt wetter and thicker out there than it had back at the hotel.

I looked up. There wasn’t a single star in the sky. I turned on my flashlight and shined it toward the dense growth. A narrow opening had been cut away between two spindly trees.

I scratched my head. “You’re sure King is waiting for me?”

The driver continued facing forward. “Yes.”

“And you’re not going anywhere until I come back?”


Shit. I didn’t want to go out there alone, but… “How far of a walk is it?”

I could practically hear the driver rolling his eyes.

“Never mind.” I started down the path. My knees and hands trembled to the rhythm of my self-deprecating thoughts. I was a fool to be doing this. A stupid fool. But Justin was my brother, and I would do anything for him. Even this.

I ducked under stray branches and pushed forward, my ears on high alert for any sounds, human or otherwise. The narrow path bent to the right, around an enormous tree covered in twisted vines. The smell of damp earth filled my lungs, and it made me think about being buried alive.

Stop it, Mia. You’re freaking yourself out.

A loud crunching of leaves stopped me in my tracks. I listened carefully and heard it again. The noise came from behind me.


There was no reply, but the crunching became louder.

I picked up the pace. It was just an animal. It had to be. I began running, my frantic breaths making it difficult to take in the thick air. My foot hit a small pothole, and I went flying, face-first, into the mud. My flashlight dislodged from my death grip to land several feet in front of me.

I quickly picked myself up and glanced behind me. Two glowing orbs shined back.

“Fuck!” I scrambled my way over the muddy path as fast as I could go without tripping again. Oh my God. “King!” I screamed out. “King!”

I pushed through another dense wall of branches that lashed at my sweat-slicked skin and landed with another belly flop on the sticky ground. This time, I’d kept a hold on my flashlight, but when I lifted my head, I saw gray stone steps in front of me.

I shined my light up the face of the structure. I know this place. I know this place.

Something grabbed me from behind, and I let loose a bloodcurdling scream.

King’s beautiful, cold eyes were inches from my nose. “Miss Turner, you’re late.”

I passed out.


I can’t remember ever fainting before, but if given the chance to waltz over fiery coals from the pits of hell or faint in the midst of a horrifying situation, I’d take the coals. Because what they don’t tell you about fainting is that waking back up feels like having your brain scraped off the side of the road after being run over by a semi.

When my throbbing skull allowed me to open my eyes, my consciousness popped on like a light bulb. “Shit!” I sat up and immediately recognized where I was: my hotel room. The thick curtains were cracked open and a powerful beam of sunlight shined across the foot of the bed. I looked down at my body. I wore only my pink underwear and bra.

“Nice of you to join us, Miss Turner.”

I gasped. King sat in the corner of the room, his legs comfortably crossed, and his back to the unopened portion of the blackout curtains.

“What the hell is going on?” My chest heaved with panic.

He tipped his head to one side and smirked. “Just sitting here, enjoying the view.”

Although his face wasn’t in full sunlight, I saw his eyes scanning my nearly na**d torso.

“Don’t,” I fumed. “Don’t you dare play stupid with me.”

He didn’t respond, but he didn’t stop checking me out either. Bastard.

I stood and went over to the closet for a robe. Son of a bitch.

“Whatever happened last night,” I called out, “you’d better start explain—” I turned with the robe in my hand, and King was right there, inches from my body. His piercing gaze drilled down, halting all thoughts in my brain.

“I’d better what?” He rubbed the thick, black stubble on his chin as if contemplating something immoral.

King didn’t wear his normal garb, but instead had on a well-fitting, black T-shirt that showcased every hard curve of his chest and upper arms. His jeans were no different in terms of illuminating the powerful muscles comprising his lower torso.

“Like what you see, Mia?”

“Huh?” My eyes snapped back to his face, but I couldn’t seem to focus on anything other than the sensuality of this man, especially those sinful lips and hypnotic eyes with shimmering silver highlights.

“I will take that as a yes,” he said in a low, deep voice.

I nodded, but didn’t know why. I didn’t want him. I didn’t. He was cruel and scary and—
