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King’s (The King Trilogy #1)(18)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“It’s an interesting design.” I wasn’t about to show him mine. How could I possibly explain it?

“No, it’s not. I got drunk at a frat party—we were all really into archaeology. That’s how I met Justin and started working with him.”

“You worked with my brother?” Justin had only mentioned sharing an apartment with another American.

“What? Did he fire me?” Brian said jokingly.

“No. I meant—well, I thought his entire crew had been…involved.” I didn’t want to say kidnapped or murdered. I was sure the wounds were still raw. “How did you…avoid—you know?”

Brian frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“The incident at the dig site?”

“Are you sure you’re Justin’s sister?”

“Yeah.” I held up the photo.

Brian crossed his arms. “I’m not aware of any incident.”

“The entire crew is missing.”

He looked at me as if I were completely mad. “No, they’re not. I was just over there. Everything’s fine.”

My head started to spin. “But I got a call from the embassy—wait. When’s the last time you saw Justin?”

Brian’s eyes flashed at the ceiling. “This morning; he said he needed to go Villahermosa to pick up supplies. He’ll be back tomorrow.”

That’s impossible.

“Where did you see him?” My heart pounded ferociously.


“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Someone’s been messing with you, Mia.”

But Justin hadn’t called me in weeks. And the last time we had spoken, he said not to come looking for him.

“You okay?” he asked.

“I just don’t understand,” I mumbled to myself.

“Justin has a pretty twisted sense of humor sometimes.”

No, he didn’t. He was sweet and kind. “He would never play this kind of joke, especially on me.” I paused and mulled it over. Something wasn’t right. I’d had men break into my hotel room. I’d been detained and threatened at the airport. I hadn’t imagined that. “Did Justin mention anything? Problems with the local officials? Threats? Anything?”

Brian shook his head. “Nothing. And we’re always careful when we find something valuable.”

Valuable? “Like what? Gold?”

Brian chuckled. “Not that valuable. But we find some pretty cool stuff, worth a lot on the black market. The moment we unearth anything, it’s catalogued, registered with the local government and the insurance company, and—if precious enough—placed in a vault at the bank until we know which museum or university it’s going to.”

“So no one’s robbed you guys or threatened anyone?” I asked.

“No. Lucky us, I guess.”

I just couldn’t believe this. I felt like I was in the midst of some bizarre conspiracy.

My wobbly legs were no longer able to hold my weight, so I sat on the bed. “You’re sure Justin is okay? Because I called his cell phone; he’s not answering.”

“Maybe he lost it again. The guy loses everything. Are you sure you’re all right?”

I nodded and willed my legs to stand again. “Yeah. I’m just…” I didn’t know the right word; confused wouldn’t cut it. “Tell Justin I need to talk to him. Immediately.” I jotted down the hotel’s name on a slip of paper from Justin’s desk. “I’m staying here. The moment you see him, have him call my cell.”

“Uh, okay. Are you sure you’re all right?” He looked very uncomfortable.

If Justin’s crew wasn’t missing and Brian had seen my brother only hours ago, then could it be possible? Was someone messing with me? Or was I being scammed? Used? Going mad?

“No. I’m actually not okay. Not even close. Just have him call me.” I headed out to the street to hail a cab back to the hotel. I needed to talk to King.

~ ~ ~

“What do you mean there’s no King?” I fumed at the poor hotel desk clerk. I knew she didn’t deserve to be treated like crap, but I apparently had no other setting than “major bitch” at the moment. “He has to be here.”

She shook her head. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but there’s no one here with that last name.”

“Are you sure?”

“I can check under his first name. What is it?”

I groaned. I’d never even bothered to ask King his full name. “I don’t know. He just goes by…” I threw up my hands, “King. That’s it.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Turner, I cannot help you.”

I was about to shuffle away in defeat but… “He’s paying for my room. Isn’t there a name?”

The woman’s dark brown eyes returned to her screen as she tapped away on the keyboard. “Ummm…no. Your room is being billed to K Enterprises.”

“Do you have any other guests registered under that company?”

She did a quick search. “Only you and another gentleman, but his name is not King.”

“A Mack something?” I guessed. Why didn’t I know his name, either? What was it with me and not knowing names?

She hesitated, then nodded.

“Ugh. Where is that psycho?” I smacked my palm on the counter and realized I was the one who sounded psycho.

I forced a smile onto my lips. “Thank you—I mean…gracias.”

She bowed her head. “Para servirle, señorita.”

I’d have to confront King later. And when I did, I’d tell him our deal was off. He could make any threats he liked, but this sick little game was over. Screw King.

I trudged my way up to my suite to get my stuff. I would just go back to Justin’s and wait for him to show.

Once inside, I grabbed my bag and collected my things from the bathroom, but when I bent over to grab the muddy clothes I’d left on the floor, a dizzy spell nearly toppled me. I stumbled my way to the bed and flopped down, closing my eyes. I hadn’t been eating or taking care of myself. And don’t get me started on the stress.

But you’re fine now, Mia. Just relax. Everything is going to be okay. Justin wasn’t dead or in trouble. Brian had seen my brother only this morning, and there’d been no assault on the crew.

I sighed with relief, because, whatever crap was happening, Justin was okay. The rest would be okay, too.
