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King’s (The King Trilogy #1)(40)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“Sounds to me,” she said, “like King is just the sort of man who can save Justin from whatever shit he’s mixed up in.”

Dammit. I didn’t have time to debate Becca on the merits of King. The man was bad news.

She reached down in her closet and handed me a pair of black strappy heels. “Take these.” My foot was about a half size smaller than hers, but they fit.

“How do I look?” I couldn’t believe I had agreed to go to this crazy party.

Becca looked me over. “Lose the bra and underwear. I can see everything.”

I slipped them off and then held out my arms. “Now?”

“You look nervous.”

“That’s because I am.”

And, call me even crazier, but I was just as nervous about seeing Mack again as I was going to this mysterious event. He hadn’t been very happy with me the last time we’d seen each other only two days ago—not nearly enough time for his anger to dissipate. Now, the angry man would be my date. And my bodyguard.

“Use the clear deodorant and lots of it,” she suggested.

“Thanks.” I grabbed my bag; I’d do my hair and makeup on the plane. “Wish me luck.”

“You don’t need luck. You just need King.” I wanted to throttle her. Literally throttle her. What the hell did she know about King? For the love of God, she’d seen the tattoo and had heard every gory detail of my month. Didn’t she get that the man was the devil or, at the very least, some evil sorcerer from the dark ages, sent forward in time to destroy me?

Really, Mia. Really? Why don’t you call Gandalf and ask him to loan you his staff to fight King off?

“King is dangerous, Becca. Stay the hell away from him.”

“Mia Turner, I think you’re actually jealous.”

What the…ugh! I shook my head, bit my tongue, and headed out the door.

When I arrived at the jet, I spotted Mack in his pilot’s uniform outside, checking the gear. I don’t know what caught my attention, exactly, but maybe it was the intense look on his face as he surveyed the plane, clipboard in hand, that boyish expression nowhere to be found. In that moment, I could easily visualize him in some sort of military garb, camouflaged face to match his clothes, black boots, night vision goggles, jumping out of a plane over enemy territory. He seemed fearless, competent, and loyal. I still couldn’t understand why a man like that would work for King. Who had King found for him?

Mack caught me staring. I waved to him, and he jerked his head in my direction. I took that as a sign his anger towards me had improved.

I trudged my way up the Jetway steps, and it dawned on me how, under alternative circumstances, flying around on a private plane with a hot pilot would be cool. As would seeing a giant rectangular box with my name on it sitting on the front row of seats. In said box was a horribly expensive, satin red gown with intricate red crystal beading. It was a red-carpet-worthy Valentino.

“Uh. Wow?” was about all I could say when I held it up. The strapless, tapered bodice started with a push-up bustline and hugged its way down to the hips, where it flared out, giving it an upside-down trumpet shape. A deep slit up the middle would certainly show off my legs. It was elegant and sexy and—

“Like the dress?” Mack stood just inside the jet’s doorway.

“Yeah. Sure. I just wish I knew why we’re going to this party.” And how it would help me find out what happened to Justin.

He slipped an envelope from his pocket. “Here are your instructions.”

“I feel like La Femme Nikita. Do I get a gun to strap to my thigh?”

Mack shrugged his brows. “Just what we need: Mia with a gun.”

“What? I’m sure I could handle one. I went to the arcade when I was younger. Point and shoot.”

Mack smirked and flashed a little bit of that soft underbelly I found so appealing. “Uh, yeah. That’s what I’m afraid of. You, your temper, and the pointing and shooting.”

I laughed.

He removed his pilot’s hat and finger-combed his blonde hair. His fierceness moved down another notch. “Besides, you won’t need a gun. You’ll have me.”

“And…you’re carrying a gun?”

“I don’t need one.”

Why the hell not? I wondered. Before I could ask my question, he shoved the envelope at me.

“Stop asking so many questions and read the letter, Nikita.”

~ ~ ~

As soon as I was strapped into my seat, Mack had us cleared for takeoff, down the runway, and into the air. I held the letter in my hand the entire time, almost too afraid to read it. That’s when my arm started to tingle. I looked at the intricate “K” design and stroked the skin, wondering how King could use it to track and control me.

I didn’t know, but the thing had power, and it was not my imagination. Even then, as I touched the mark with my palm, weird prickles blossomed over my body as if King were right there, standing over me with his menacing frame and strikingly handsome face.

I closed my eyes and again felt his breath tickle my cheek, as if he were leaning down to whisper in my ear. “Read the f**king letter, Miss Turner.”

I gasped and looked around. The cabin was completely empty.

You’re obsessed with him, Mia. Don’t let him get inside your head.

Right. A little too late for that.

I begrudgingly tore open the envelope and read:

Miss Turner,

Once again, my apologies for being unable to attend the event in person. I will, however, be there in spirit, and Mack will ensure your safety. You are to stay by his side throughout the evening, and under no circumstances are you to speak to anyone unless Mack requests it of you.

However, should anyone insist you engage with them, you are to simply tell them you are mine. I understand that this may sound repugnant to a woman such as yourself, but I am confident your ego will survive the tarnish.

I lifted my eyes from the letter to digest the words. What sort of frigging party would this be? I couldn’t speak to anyone, and if they spoke to me, I was only allowed to say that I belonged to King?

I steadied my hand and returned to reading.

Do not let the civilized appearance of the attendees deceive you, Miss Turner. They are anything but. They are savages, above any law, and they live only by the code of “might makes right.”

While you are there, Mack will be acquiring new resources on my behalf. You are to use your abilities to sweep the room.

You know what to look for.

Stay out of trouble.
