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Kiss and Tell

Kiss and Tell (Bloodmates #1)(2)
Author: Sandy Lynn

“Of course.” Her gorgeous prey sounded intrigued and slightly amused.

The guy’s friend laughed as she lifted her leg and straddled the guy’s lap. Her guy looked even more intrigued. His hands rested on her h*ps and she was thankful he hadn’t pushed her off his lap. She’d seen it happen occasionally to Mary and Roxy and knew she’d be humiliated if it happened to her.

She knew she would get teased for this particular decision when she returned to the table. The rules only stated that you were required to sit on the man’s lap; nowhere did they specify how you had to sit on the man’s lap.

But since this is the only time I will ever play this game, why not follow Roxy’s suggestion and have a little fun? I had a hell of a day, and maybe I do feel like playing after all.

“My name is Willow,” she said, finally introducing herself.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Seth.” His voice was deep and came out almost like a purr. His hands remained on her hips, caressing her, teasing her ass with their slight touch.

“I was wondering if you would mind answering just one more personal question for me…”

“Come on Seth, there will be enough time to play after we talk,” the blond complained. “Just ask your new friend to come back in about twenty minutes.”

“Jason, relax. There will still be plenty of time to talk about business in a few minutes. How often do I have the pleasure of having a beautiful lady sit down on my lap?” Seth spoke to the other man without taking his gaze away from her. He adjusted her body until she was pressed firmly against him, as intimately as possible while they were both still fully dressed. The move sent a shock of desire straight through Willow’s body. Moisture pooled between her legs.

“Do you really want me to answer that? Because I believe the answer is last night.”

Willow felt another blush creep up from a combination of the other man’s remark and the hot look Seth was giving her. He looked as though he wanted to devour her, and she had a feeling she would enjoy every second of it.

“What would you like to know, sweetheart?” Seth was clearly ignoring his friend.

Now that the time had come to ask him her question, she felt more than a little embarrassed. She wanted to explain what was going on. To tell him that it was just a game. But it was against the rules.

Leaning closer to his ear, Willow wanted to hiss with pleasure as her n**ples tightened deliciously beneath her shirt when they brushed against his hard chest. She inhaled deeply, enjoying the spicy, sensual smell of him. It reminded her of sex. No, she corrected herself. He doesn’t smell like just any sex… He smells like passionate sex, the kind that makes you wonder if you’ll ever be able to walk again. And not care if the answer is no…

Resisting the urge to take his earlobe into her mouth, she softly asked, “Are you wearing boxers or briefs?”

Mimicking Willow, Seth leaned closer. His body moved against her and made her dizzy with desire. “Sorry, sweetheart, I’m not wearing either.” He took her earlobe into his mouth for a quick nibble before slowly releasing it.

Beneath her, Willow felt his c*ck pressing hard against her as she squirmed from the unexpected kiss. She didn’t doubt that he was being honest with her. More moisture gathered between her legs, increasing her anticipation of their kiss.

She was more grateful than he would ever know to discover she had guessed correctly.

If he had told her boxers, she would have been forced to just walk away—according to the rules. Briefs and she could have given him a kiss on the cheek and said thanks. But, only because neither of those were her guess. A correct guess meant the guy got a quick kiss on the lips and her phone number. It was one reason she’d been so picky about her target. There was always a chance she would hear from her prey again and she wanted to be certain she wouldn’t cringe if he called.

But commando was always rewarded, even if the player had guessed incorrectly. Instead of a quick kiss, she now had an excuse to give him any kiss she wanted. She couldn’t wait to taste him, to feel his tongue playing with hers. She had no doubt that he’d return the kiss.

Placing her hands on his chest, Willow leaned back slightly, careful to keep her movements and touch light. Caressing her way up his body until her arms were around his neck, she shifted her position on his lap once again. As the band began the opening chords of a new song, one of their rare slow songs, she leaned in for her kiss.

If she surprised him it was hard to tell. Seth quickly responded. He opened his mouth and immediately tried to take control of the kiss. He traced his tongue over her lower lip, tempting her to open her mouth more and allow him inside. Before he could become the aggressor, Willow took control. She slid her tongue into his mouth where it played, thrusting and sweeping with the beat of the music around her.

Her entire body could feel the throb of the music as it settled deep inside her while Seth allowed his hands to roam over her body. She felt his hands slide up and down the length of her thighs then withdraw to skim over her h*ps and around to cup her ass. Combined with the most delicious, knee-melting kiss she’d ever had, she had to struggle to keep her h*ps still, to prevent herself from dry-humping him in front of the large crowd.

As the kiss continued, she felt her body grow hotter, wetter. Almost chocking on a whimper, she craved more of his touch when he moved one hand off her ass and leisurely up her thigh, stopping just before he reached beneath her miniscule skirt. Seth’s slightly callused fingers played on her thigh and she began to make small thrusting motions, trying to entice him to continue his exploration. She came close to losing herself in the pleasure of his touch when he obeyed her silent plea, his hand slowly sliding up and down her thigh, coming close but never quite touching her where she needed him to the most.

The slow movement of his hand was a stark contrast to the throbbing beat of the music. The stark contrast of stimulus was the only thing preventing Willow from abandoning herself to the music, to the sensations he created within her and the fire that was now raging through her blood.

Their kiss ended and Willow took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure how she was going to manage the return trip to the table where her friends sat. Surely her bones had melted from his kiss, from his touch. After a few minutes, when she finally attempted to stand, Seth gently pulled her back down onto his lap.

“I’ll call you tomorrow, Seth.” The voice behind her sounded resigned.

Willow’s body tensed as the other man reminded her of their audience. She couldn’t believe how completely she’d forgotten about the his friend as Seth moved his hand beneath her skirt.

“I can see we aren’t going to get any work done tonight,” the blond continued. He seemed either unaware or uncaring of her embarrassment. “Later.”

It took a moment of intense concentration—made harder as Seth caressed her h*ps where he held her on top of him—before Willow remembered Seth had called the man Jason.

Nodding once, Seth let the other man know he had heard him. But Seth’s gaze never once left hers.

Turning her head slightly to try to get a glimpse of their audience, she caught Jason standing and walking away from the table. He’d left them alone.

She tried to get up again, this time a bit more confident that she wouldn’t simply fall flat on her face, thanks in large part to the quick return of reality she had just experienced. Once again he easily held her in place. Beneath her, his erection strained to press closer to her.

“Now it’s your turn, sweetheart. What are you wearing under your skirt?” Seth placed his hand below her skirt, allowing it to travel up her thigh and stopping just shy of touching her. His hands played delicious havoc on her senses as he began drawing circles on her flesh with one finger, so very close to where Willow knew she was dripping for him.

Practically moaning, it was a struggle not to begin writhing on his lap as her senses were overloaded with pleasure.

“Tell me, what will I find if I touch you?” His breath tickled her ear.

Nothing. I don’t like wearing underwear and tonight I’m really, really glad they annoy me. She closed her eyes, amazed the man wasn’t sitting in a puddle of her juices. When was the last time any man made her this hot, this horny?

“May I find out?”

This was it, the time for her to say no or call her friends over if she wanted to simply walk away from him. Looking into Seth’s eyes, she couldn’t stop herself from finding out what his touch would feel like there, on her bare p**sy. It had been too long—it felt like an eternity—since she was last touched by a handsome man. Nodding almost eagerly, she let him—and the two women she knew to be watching them avidly—see that she gave her consent.

Willow closed her eyes and tried to forget about her friends. The other women were the last thing she needed to be thinking about at that moment. They may not see exactly what he’s doing, but with their dirty minds, they should be able to guess rather accurately… She was amazed when there was no accompanying embarrassment with the thought. Opening her eyes she waited for his touch.

Not for the first time since she’d picked him, Willow was thankful he had chosen a semi-dark corner to sit in. Without taking his eyes off hers, Seth moved his hand the short distance to where she was hot, wet, and thanks to her straddling his lap, open for him.

His fingers had barely skimmed her slit, stroking only the outer edges of her lips when she grew wetter. Much more of this and he really will be sitting in a puddle.

He moved his finger back and forth, caressing the outer folds of her sex as her h*ps flexed, encouraging him to touch more of her, to slide his finger deeper. When he finally parted her folds, barely grazing her clit, Willow’s eyes closed blissfully. Arching closer to him, she reveled in the erotic sensations he seemed to awaken in her body, gasping, praying for more.

Taking advantage of her gasp, Seth swooped down on her. His tongue plunged deep into her mouth, thrusting aggressively as he mimicked the motion of his fingers stroking and lightly pinching her clit.

Moaning deep in her throat from the pleasure of his touch, she shifted her h*ps against him, tilting her body slightly to allow him better access to her p**sy. His attention transferring from her mouth back to her ear, Seth nibbled on her lobe as his hand continued bringing her pleasure.

Finally answering her silent plea, he easily slid one of his fingers inside of her, forcing her to bite down on her lip or moan aloud. When he added another, her head fell backward from the pleasure as her hands gripped his shoulders. Seth’s fingers thrust in and out of her, matching the rhythm of the song the band was now playing. Eagerly, Willow arched her h*ps to meet him, all thoughts of discretion fleeing.

Seth pressed his thumb against her, continuing to tease her clit, following the increasing tempo of the song, causing her to bite her lip harder as she lost her grip on reality.

Thankfully, as the first telltale signs of her impending orgasm began, Seth claimed her mouth. His tongue stole the moans that threatened to escape as her body tensed, pulling him deeper inside of her.

Willow was sucking on his tongue as greedily as her p**sy gripped his fingers, an orgasm tearing through her body.
