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Kiss and Tell

Kiss and Tell (Bloodmates #1)(8)
Author: Sandy Lynn

Holding the towel, she almost dropped it when she gripped her stomach, willing it to behave for just a few more minutes when she caught a whiff of the pizza and breadsticks. It gave a loud protest while she dried herself as quickly as she could. Her sensitive body flinched when she pressed the soft towel against certain areas. When she was mostly dry, she grabbed the shirt and pulled it over her head. It ended at the top of her thighs, only barely covering her p**sy and again, Willow had to remind herself not to feel embarrassed. The memory of his erotic washing, combined with her stomach’s growling, forced her to dismiss any possible awkwardness and begin working on her hair. Grunting through the tangles, she brushed her hair as fast as she could. When she was satisfied and decided she was presentable—that her long hair was as tame as it was going to get—she walked out of the bathroom.

In the bedroom she avoided looking at the rumpled bed as she allowed her nose to guide her to the food. Walking through the hallway, she was amazed by just how much she had missed, just how distracted she’d been when he carried her through his apartment the previous night.

Leaving the hallway, she was surprised to see the elevator opened directly into his home. She hadn’t believed his apartment was quite so generous. Of course, until now, I’ve only seen the hallway, his bedroom and master bath…

“Wow,” she said aloud, looking around at the beautiful furnishings as she passed. The main room, the one directly in front of the elevator, was so large it had been divided in half. To the left there was a large formal living room, filled with expensive furniture she wasn’t sure weren’t antiques.

To the right, a giant portrait of a beautiful sunset filled with pinks and oranges, hung above a marble fireplace in the cozy area. This part was filled with furniture that looked incredibly comfortable. It was the kind of furniture that inspired thoughts of cuddling beside the fireplace and just snuggling as the flames glowed. There was a recliner just off to the side, she noticed with a smile. Her mind instantly turned to some of the more interesting things she could do with Seth while he was sitting in the chair.

Her stomach gave another low growl and, looking around, she wondered where exactly he could be hiding the kitchen. Following her nose wouldn’t work any longer. The large room seemed to be filled with the tempting aroma.

“Over here,” Seth called to her, sticking his head around a corner just past the cozy area.

Willow followed him to find an amazing dining room, extravagantly decorated with a crystal chandelier hanging down over the center of a large dark table that could’ve fit twenty people around it, with room to spare. Looking at the beautiful fixture, she could imagine it throwing little rainbows all over the room when the sunlight hit it just right.

Sitting in front of the large pizza box, she opened it, her stomach once again grumbling at being neglected for so long. Without a single thought to modesty, she picked up two of the biggest slices she saw and put them on a plate. Opening the package of breadsticks sitting beside the box, she grabbed one and tore a bite out of it, her eyes drifting shut with pleasure.

“Would you like something to drink?”

“Water’s fine, thanks.” As soon as she swallowed the food in her mouth, she began to devour the pizza. She couldn’t believe how hungry she felt, how heavenly the pizza tasted. Looking at the box, she could almost believe she’d be able to eat the entire meal all by herself.

Seth brought her a glass filled with water then sat across from her.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be such a pig. My mom would die if she saw my manners. Would you like some?”

“No. I enjoyed something earlier, but thank you.” He had a strange look on his face that she couldn’t quite read. But since it didn’t make her feel like he was some homicidal maniac about to kill her, she contentedly continued to eat.

After eating another slice of pizza and two more breadsticks, she forced herself to stop. She didn’t want to make herself sick by eating too much or too fast.

For a moment they sat in companionable silence, both just content to simply relax. From somewhere in the apartment she heard a clock strike the hour and jumped from the shock as the bell echoed in the silence.

“Is it really that late? Where did the time go?”

“You know what they say, time flies when you’re having fun.” He smiled seductively.

Willow blushed again at the gleam in his eyes. He looked as though he wanted to devour her, much like she had the pizza. Her p**sy flooded, and she was again astonished by how he could make her incredibly wet, so ready with just a look.

“May I use your phone?” she asked suddenly, trying to break the spell he had cast over her body.

“Of course.”

Seth led her to a small cordless phone set up in the less formal area of his living room. It was the section that Jason had persuaded him into creating. He was much more comfortable on the other side, among the items that reminded him of his youth, or other pleasant times in his life. There wasn’t a single piece of furniture in the more formal room, not a single piece of bric-a-brac, that didn’t hold a fond memory for him. Jason had tried to entice him to sell some of his collection once, but he could not be persuaded to part with the items, no matter how generous an offer was made.

Looking at Willow, however, he was glad he had caved in and created the less formal area as well. He was about to leave, to allow her some privacy when she stopped him by placing her hand on his arm. Sitting beside her on the overstuffed couch, he was careful not to touch her. He knew if he did, he would pull her into his arms. From there he would kiss her, and, especially after the shower he had given her, he felt sure things would escalate until he was buried within her again. Sometimes modern conveniences were most inconvenient in his opinion.

From his position beside her, he could smell her arousal. That tempted him more than the thought of tasting her blood. He could barely resist tasting her blood flowing into his mouth. He knew if he touched her he wouldn’t be able to resist tasting her sweet cream on his tongue again. Never before had any woman been so tempting to all of his senses, so addictive.

“Hello? Roxy, it’s Willow. No, no, calm down, I’m fine. I just didn’t realize it had gotten quite this late.” She paused as the person on the other end, Roxy, spoke. “Yes, I’m sure you guys were worried about me, but I’m fine.” Another pause. “Yes…hold on.”

“Um, where are we?” Willow blushed prettily as she covered the mouthpiece and admitted she wasn’t sure where she was.

He smiled, unable to blame the girl for not paying more attention to her surroundings the previous night. They both had other, more pressing, things on their minds.

“Is there a problem?”

“No, it’s just—in order for my friends to come pick me up I need to be able to tell them where I am,” she explained.

“I’d be happy to take you wherever you want to go.”

For a minute she just sat and stared at him.

He decided to take a chance. “If you don’t have any other plans, somewhere else you have to be, you are welcome to stay here. We could talk or…” His voice trailed off, allowing her imagination to run wild with all the possibilities. He tried to keep his expression neutral, though inside he prayed she would stay with him longer.

“Roxy, I think I’m going to stay here a little longer… No, Seth will bring me back home… Yes, I know… I’ll be fine… Well, it’s not like I have something to do… Look.” Willow sighed. “I’m a big girl… Yes, I know I’m your little sister, but that’s not the point. I’ll be fine. I’ll call you, okay… Yeah, alright…bye.” She hit the end button, looking uncertain of her decision now that the call was over.

“Is everything all right?” Seth wished he could think of something better to say. He felt like a fool, but again refused to go snooping through her brain. Typically it didn’t bother him to find out what he wanted to know regardless, but with her it was different.

“It’s fine. My sister just worries about me. I’ve… Well, I’ve never just disappeared with a strange guy before. That combined with the craziness that’s been going on the last few days have made her worry more than usual. When she didn’t hear from me earlier, I guess she just started to freak.”

“That’s understandable. But I promise you’ll come to no harm while you are here. I am glad to hear you don’t typically go home with just any man, though.” He was more relieved than he should be, but pushed those thoughts to the side.

“Thanks.” She looked around the room. “What do we do now?”

Seth laughed, his head falling backward for a second as the amusement bubbled out of him. She seemed so innocent at times.

“We can do whatever you want to do, sweetheart.” He gave her a molten look. He knew what activities he would enjoy, but would put no pressure on her.

“I wouldn’t mind watching a movie or something but I haven’t seen a TV anywhere…” Her voice trailed off as she looked around the room.

“I don’t watch much television.” It was the truth. He was about to show her where the large television that Jason had also talked him into installing was hidden, but she spoke.

“Oh. Well then, what would you suggest we do?” She blushed as she glanced at him and saw how he was looking at her. He knew he had to be devouring her with his gaze. “Why don’t we talk,” she suggested.


“Yeah, talk. I’m going to be honest with you. More honest than I’ve been with most guys I’ve ever been with, especially after just meeting them.” Her face turned a delicate shade of pink. “I want you. I really, really want to feel you inside me again. But I’m not used to being just a…a sex toy. This is all new to me and I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

“As I said before, you are welcome to stay as long as you like.” His voice was low and husky. Despite his intentions, it was hard to try to control the lust filling him. “But if you wish to talk, then we shall talk.”

“What’s your favorite color?” She burst into a fit of giggles when the question was out. “I’m sorry, this just feels really weird. Usually the silly questions come before the wild, uninhibited sex.”

He lifted her hand and kissed the back, his tongue lingering on her skin. “My favorite color is burgundy.”

“I think you are the first person I’ve ever met who picked that color.”

Seth shrugged. “What kind of crazy stuff has been going on that would make your sister worry?”

Willow nibbled her lip gently. He easily read her reluctance to “spill her guts” as she had phrased it on her face. He was learning her mannerisms and since he was fairly certain she wasn’t about to throw her head back and scream with pleasure, the nibbling on her lip must mean she was nervous.

“Just this jerk I work—used to work with,” she corrected herself.
