Read Books Novel

Kiss Me Like This

“What are you going to do with those amazingly talented hands once I take my jeans off?”

His grin grew wider...and wickeder. “Take them off and I’ll show you.”

Fumbling now to find out exactly what he had planned, she yanked open the button and zipper of her jeans and shoved them off. But he didn’t seem to care about her non-striptease because his eyes were trained on her underwear.

When she looked down, she saw why: the pink fabric was clearly damp...and getting wetter by the second.

“My God, Serena,” he said in a raw tone, “you blow my mind.”

Wanting so badly for him to touch her again, any way he wanted to, any way at all, she slid the thin layer of cotton off. She’d never had any experience with seducing anyone before, but it was suddenly the most natural thing in the world for her to say, “What about now?”

He answered her with a kiss, but not on her mouth. Between her legs.

Obviously guessing that she would be equal parts nervous and excited by what he was doing to her, his hands were soothing as he took hers in his and laid them together over her hip bones. Once more, he pressed a soft kiss to the damp flesh between her thighs, before lifting his head and meeting her gaze. “If you want me to stop—”

“No.” God no! “It feels so g—”

Her final word was lost on a gasp of pleasure as his tongue slicked over her. All of her. Again and again he laved her with his tongue, and she spun out further and further as pleasure took over every last inch of her. She knew she was gripping his hands tightly, too tightly, but as he took her higher and higher, she desperately needed something to hold on to, some way to try to keep it together when she was going to split apart into a million little pieces any second. At the same time, somewhere in the back of her head she couldn’t help but be frightened by how intimate this was...and that somehow in her stupid inexperience she might be doing something wrong.

She’d just started to tense up when Sean shifted over her, just enough to say, “Let go, Serena.” His breath was warm over her sensitive skin, his lips brushing over her with each word he spoke. “Let go for me.”

And in the end, it was knowing that he could read her innermost thoughts almost before she could that made it not only possible for her to let go as he swept his tongue, his lips, even the edges of his teeth over her, but also to know that it was okay for her to break apart into a million pieces.

Because he’d be right there to help put her back together, even stronger, and better, on the other side.

* * *

“Was that okay?”

Sean hadn’t been planning to take things so far, so fast tonight. Sure, he’d wanted to, but he’d promised they’d go slow. Only, when she’d said she wanted to touch him...well, his brain had basically shut down and he’d acted without being able to think it through. Apart from that one moment when he’d asked her if she needed him to stop.

Thank God she hadn’t.

“Better than okay.” She made a happy little sound. “Perfect.” But then she amended that to, “Almost perfect. Because there’s still that small matter of my doing the exact same thing to you.”

Hell, he thought, that was nearly the end of it for him as he twitched hard against his zipper from nothing but the thought of her mouth on him.

“Clothes.” The one word was strangled, and he had to struggle to string it into a sentence. “You still have clothes on.”

She huffed out a breath. “Fine. I’ll take off the rest of my clothes first, but you’d better not distract me this time.”

He’d been ridiculously attracted to Serena when she was shy and uncertain and just trying to feel her way around their kisses and his hands on her curves. But now that she was starting to own her sexuality?

Luckiest. Guy. Ever.

“Me? Distract you?”

She laughed softly, but he was the one currently being distracted by the way she was now lifting her T-shirt over her head. After tossing it on the floor on top of her other clothes, she said, “You love distracting me.”

Before she could lower her hands to the clasp of her bra, he grabbed her wrists. “You’re right,” he agreed. “I do. I love it.” He bent his head so that his lips were barely a breath from hers. “And you. I love you, Serena.” He swallowed her echo of his words with his kiss.

A long while later, when he knew he wasn’t being fair, he finally let her up for air. “Okay, no more distractions.”

Her eyes were cloudy with arousal, and he liked seeing how long it took for them to clear to the point where she could actually form the word, “Okay,” and then a few beats later, “You’d better not.”

Of course, when she took off her bra, he was hard-pressed to stick to his promise. Fortunately, the next thing he knew, she was pushing him back down on the bed and levering herself over him so that the only reasonable place for him to put his hands was over her br**sts. Not because he was trying to distract her, of course.

The way her breath stuttered in her chest told him just how much she liked the way he was touching her, but he could see the determination in her eyes, too. “I like your hands,” she said softly as she moved her attention to pulling up his shirt. “How big they are.” Her fingertips—deliberately, he decided—lightly tickled over his abs as she lifted the cotton. “How they’re a little rough on my skin.”

That was right when she pulled the shirt over his head and he had no choice but to take his hands off her, at least until she tossed his shirt onto the floor. And he might have gone right back to teasing her again if he hadn’t caught the look in her eyes as she stared down at his bare chest.

Flat-out awe.

“You are...” She shook her head, clearly giving up on the words she was looking for. She used her hands instead, running them down over his chest, his abs, stopping just above the erection that was about to bust through his jeans. But then she quickly upped the ante by leaning over so that the tips of her silky hair were brushing over him at the same time that she was pressing soft, wet kisses to his skin.

He should have known that she would beat him at his own game, and that she would end up being the true master of distraction, because she had the zipper of his jeans more than halfway down before he even realized it. Suddenly, she had him in her hand, still covered by the cotton of his boxers, but as close to the edge of losing it as he’d ever been.
