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Kiss Me Like This

Kiss Me Like This (The Morrisons #1)(43)
Author: Bella Andre

“He wouldn’t.”

“I might have stolen a couple of girls from him back in high school,” Sean said in a slightly cocky way. “He’s still trying to get payback. But it will never happen.”

“No,” she agreed, “it won’t.” Because no matter how great the other Morrison brothers were, she couldn’t imagine wanting anyone but Sean.

“Olivia, my middle sister, might be a little slower to warm up than the others. But that won’t have anything to do with you. It’s just because she worries too much. And Maddie is probably going to want to trade outfits with you or beg to do your hair, or something. Justin, at least, will be cool. He’s really mellow.”

Even though her brain was reeling at the thought of meeting them all, she realized he’d left one sibling out of his list. “What about your oldest brother? Will he be there?”

“Sure. But Grant won’t try to mess with your head. Not when he takes his role as oldest so seriously. And I’d bet my tuition for the year that my father is going to pull me aside to tell me not to screw things up with you. Be prepared,” Sean warned. “He’s going to call you a keeper.”

Realizing, again, just how close—and fun—his family was, suddenly she didn’t feel quite as nervous anymore. Especially when him letting her in like this was one step closer to that final step they needed to take.

“Okay. Tomorrow I’ll go meet your family.”

He pulled her against him, and she loved the way they fit so perfectly together. Her head tucked right in beneath his chin, and she was tall enough to feel his heart beating against hers, so warm and real.

“I’d better go,” he finally said, “before I can’t stop myself from dragging you back to my place. Because you’ve probably got tons of studying to do, don’t you?”

“I do,” she made herself say. And it was true. She had a bit more preparation to do on her big midterm presentation about the Brontë sisters’ novels, and it wasn’t going to get done while she was making out with Sean. “You’ve got studying and baseball, don’t you?”

He nodded, and when she looked into his eyes, she knew that even one more little kiss would send both of them spiraling off again. “Thank you for an amazing night. And an even more amazing morning.”

“Tonight.” He didn’t say it as a question. “I want you with me tonight. Once you’re done studying, text me and I’ll come pick you up.”

She nodded, shivering slightly at what she knew would happen again tonight. Because even if he wouldn’t yet make love to her, he would touch her in other ways that made her burn in the best possible way.

“Tonight,” she echoed. A beat later, he was gone.

* * *

“You’re glowing.”

Serena slowly turned to face her roommate. She felt as if she were dreaming and one too-quick move would break the beautiful spell. “I feel like I actually am.”

“So much for taking it slow,” Abi said with a wide grin that showed how much she approved of seeing the two of them together.

“We didn’t—” Serena began, but there was so much that they had done, that the full truth came down to, “I’m still a virgin.”

“So technical,” Abi teased. “Well, whatever you did with him, you’re one lucky bitch!” She sighed. “All the guys I’ve hooked up with on campus so far have been major creeps. Total losers.”

“Sorry.” Her roommate was sweet and fun, and Serena wanted only good things for her. “I’m going to be meeting his family tomorrow, so I can check out his other brothers if you want.”

“Of course I want! Where are you meeting them?”

“His sister’s birthday party.”

Abi made an I knew it sound. “He is so in love with you.”

“He hasn’t said anything like that to me.”

“Are you kidding? He’s saying it to you every way a guy possibly could. Setting up all these clandestine Friday nights so that you aren’t bombarded with photographers. Not rushing you to do him. Taking you home to meet the fam. And I’m not even going to ask you if you’re in love with him, too. Nothing has ever been clearer than that.”

The thing was, Abi was right. Serena was in love with Sean. And even if he hadn’t yet said the words, he had shown her in so many different ways just how much he cared about her. So then why hadn’t she let him all the way in?

Tomorrow, she decided. Tomorrow, after she met his family, if she still felt good about everything, she’d finally open up completely to him about her mother and what her life had really been like before she came to Stanford.

And then maybe, just maybe, he’d finally feel comfortable opening up completely to her, too.


One of the biggest things Serena had learned during the past few weeks was the art of concentration. It would have been so easy to lie around daydreaming about Sean, or even better, to spend every free moment with him. But pursuing her dream of getting a serious education that she could build into a rewarding career was just as important. Close, anyway, she thought, as he drew her closer with his arm around her shoulder to shield her from the cool evening breeze.

For the past eight hours straight, she’d been writing and rewriting her big presentation for Monday. She could practically recite it in her sleep by now, but she’d never had such a big test before. Especially not an oral one in front of her professor and her entire class.

“You sure you’re okay with coming over tonight?”

Sean had her things in a bag slung over his shoulder, and they were already more than halfway between her dorm and his frat. But even though she knew turning back was the last thing he wanted, he’d take her right back if he thought that was what she needed.

“Yes. I’m totally sure about staying with you tonight.”

But he didn’t just listen to what she said, he made them stop in the middle of the path so he could look into her eyes. “Did you get through all of your work today after I left?”

“I did.”


Had anyone ever understood her this well, hearing all the things she wasn’t saying, making her admit even her smallest fears so that she could finally get over them?

“I feel like I’ve been preparing for my presentation forever, but I’m still a little nervous about it. Especially since I’ve never stood up in front of a class to talk before.”
