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Last Chance Book Club

Last Chance Book Club(28)
Author: Hope Ramsay

Mom was a control freak. Which explained why Savannah’s father had departed the scene early in Savannah’s life. Dad was an archaeologist who loved clutter. He spent half the year in London and the other in Cairo these days with his second wife. Derrick Reynolds had made it clear over the years that his liaison with Katie Lynne Brooks had been the worst mistake of his life. The fact that he had fathered a child with Mom seemed not to matter much to him, one way or the other. Savannah had seen her father exactly four times since she was three years old.

“Where’s Todd?” Mom asked.

Before Savannah could answer, Dash cleared his throat and stepped forward with an extended hand. “Aunt Katie Lynne, it’s mighty nice to see you. You may not remember me, but I’m your distant nephew, Dash. We last met at your mother’s funeral when I was seventeen.”

Mom looked down at his hand and up at his face. “I know who you are.” She didn’t touch his hand, then she turned back toward Savannah. “Where is Todd?”

“He’s looking for his dog.”

“His dog?” Claire said. “You mean that vicious animal that lunged at us when we opened the back door?”

“Yes, ma’am. Champ is the most vicious puppy I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing,” Dash said.

“Good grief, Savannah, Todd has allergies. Why on earth does he have a dog of any kind, much less one like that?”

“Todd has allergies?” Dash asked, his mouth quirking a little bit.

Claire glared at Dash. “You—be quiet.” Claire had the audacity to wag her finger in his direction.

Dash launched one of his disarming smiles at Claire, then he leaned into the archway between the parlor and the foyer. “Yes, ma’am,” he drawled. He hooked his thumbs in his belt loops and assumed his cowboy pose.

Claire turned back toward Savannah. “Go find your son. Our plane leaves at five-thirty this afternoon. I don’t want to miss it.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize this was a drive-by visit. I thought you would be staying for Easter supper. You know, you all are welcome anytime, but an advance phone call would be nice, in the future.” Savannah spoke in a truly saccharine voice as she struggled to control herself. It might have been the first time she’d tried sarcasm on Claire.

“Don’t get smart, young lady. I am exasperated with you,” Mom said.

“Why are you exasperated? I’m merely saying that it would have been nice to know you were coming. I’m not sure I bought a big enough ham for everyone. But, then, if you’re leaving tonight I guess there isn’t any food emergency.”

“Savannah, stop,” Claire said, “Todd is going to be on that airplane with us, whether you come or not.”

“Uh, excuse me,” Dash drawled, “but I don’t see where a couple of misguided grannies get off taking a kid away from his momma.”

“Who is this man?” Claire asked.

“He’s my nephew,” Aunt Miriam said, as she shuffled into the room bearing a tray with a pitcher of sweet tea. “And he has a talent for speaking his mind.”

Savannah rushed to help her, but Aunt Miriam said sharply, “I’m all right, sugar. I’m not dead yet.” She put the tray down on the coffee table. “Can I interest anyone in some refreshments?” Miriam’s dark eyes were bright behind her trifocals.

“All right, that’s it,” Claire said, “I’m calling the local authorities.”

“Uh, ma’am, I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Dash said.

“And why not?”

“Because I already called them. They’re keeping an eye on Todd. He’s looking for his dog.”

“But you don’t know where he is?”

“Well, I have a general idea where he is. And I’m betting that Zeph will find him and the dog pretty quick and bring them both home. But just in case the dog doesn’t go where I expect him to, I’ve got Damian keeping an eye on Todd. He’s fine.”

“Who is Damian?”

“The chief of police.”

“Honestly, Savannah, have you lost your mind? If something happens to Todd, you’re going to be in such a world of hurt,” Mom said. “You could be charged with child endangerment.”

“Nothing is going to happen to him.” Dash’s voice sounded sharp.

“Greg is not going to like this,” Claire stated. “Not one bit. And if you let that boy come to harm, you’ll lose him, Savannah. Wouldn’t it be better if you just gave it up and came home where you and Todd belong?”

Savannah lost her temper. “Look, we’re not going back to Baltimore. That’s final. You both need to adjust. If Greg wants to own up to his responsibilities and have a conversation with me about Todd, I’m happy to talk with him and work out arrangements. He’s the only one I’m going to talk with about this. Besides, I’ve got investors for my theater renovation project, my son is starting to blossom, and people here like and respect me. Why would I want to leave?”

“You’ve got investors?” Mom asked. The surprise in her voice only served to fuel Savannah’s growing annoyance.

“Yes, I do.”

“Who would be stupid enough to invest in that theater?”

Before Savannah could respond, the doorbell rang, and Dash said, “Well since I’m obviously not invited to this party, I’ll go see who that is.”

Dash opened the door and Lillian Bray came waddling in, her face beet red. “Dash Randall, what have you done?” she demanded.

“Me? I don’t think I’ve done anything.”

“Well you should have done something.” She rolled into the living room and turned on Savannah. “Honey, you can’t say no to Bill. I mean you and he are a foregone conclusion. It’s written in the stars. Made in Heaven. Y’all belong together. Now, honey, he’s on his way over, and you need to tell him that you’ve changed your mind.”

“Who is Bill?” Claire asked in a tone very much like Dame Judi Dench playing Queen Elizabeth in Shakespeare in Love.

“Oh, he’s the one who told you Savannah couldn’t leave because she’s getting married,” Miriam said as she poured another tumbler of sweet tea.

“The minister?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Dash supplied.

“Oh, my goodness,” Lillian said suddenly, “is that you, Katie Lynne. Why you’ve gotten so… old.”

Mom’s jawline tensed. “So have you, Miz Lillian.” Mom turned toward Savannah. “You have funding for the theater, and you’re marrying a minister? And all this happened in a month?”

Savannah shrugged. “Well, I guess things happen fast in Last Chance.”

Mom rolled her eyes. “My experience is that life moves at a snail’s pace here. And knowing your history with men, I’m thinking this development is a very dangerous sign. Hon, you’re always falling in love at the drop of a hat. And you’re always disappointed in the end. And I know how that goes. God, I know. I’ve been married three times. You can’t marry this man, not if you’ve only known him for a few weeks.”

“Oh, yes she can,” Lillian countered. “Miriam has blessed the match between Bill and Savannah. And what Miriam brings together stays together.”

Mom stared at Lillian and then at Aunt Miriam and then back. “You all are crazy,” she muttered. “Savannah, these people are crazy. You can’t live here.”

Just then Bill Ellis strolled through the open front door. “Hello, is anyone home?”

“C’mon in, Bill, your timing is impeccable, as usual,” Dash said. “We’re having a family get-together, and I have this feeling we may need spiritual guidance before it’s over.” Dash had resumed his place, leaning against the archway.

Bill strolled into the room bearing an Easter lily that he might actually have bought instead of picking from Lillian’s garden.

“Meet Savannah’s mother, Katie Lynne Brooks, and Savannah’s ex-mother-in-law, Claire White. Ladies, meet Reverend William Ellis, our minister at Christ Church.” Dash did the introductions in a voice that sounded low and brittle.

Bill didn’t smile. “I’m here for you, Savannah. What can I do?”

“Leave,” Claire said.

Lillian glared at Claire, and Claire dished it right back. It was a standoff as to who had the scarier evil eye.

“Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God,” Bill intoned.

Lillian turned. “That’s from Proverbs?” she asked.

“No, it’s from James, Lillian, and you’d be well to remember the sentiment.”

The church lady nodded and actually seemed to deflate. “You’re right, Bill, we should keep calm and try to sort this out.”

Savannah’s patience snapped.

“Look,” she said in a firm voice, staring right at Claire. “Bill is right, you need to stop talking and start listening. I don’t want to live in Baltimore. My life is no longer there. I will do whatever I can to make sure you both have a chance to spend time with Todd. I know you love him and want the best for him. But Todd is living with me. If you’d like to stay, that’s fine. You can join us for Easter dinner. But I won’t have any more demands, from any of you.”

She cast her gaze from Mom, to Claire, to Bill, and back again.

“And Mom, there is one last thing. I’m sick and tired of you always bringing me down. I have financing for the theater. There are people in this town who want to see it revived, and they’ve given me a grant. So don’t look down your nose at me. Don’t belittle my achievements. I’m not living your life. I’m living mine.”

“They gave you the money?” Mom asked. “Don’t you think that’s a little strange? I mean, usually people invest in a project.”

Before Savannah could address these questions, the door burst open again to admit the prodigal son and his canine.

“I found him,” Todd said. His announcement was completely unnecessary because Champ scampered into the parlor, his tail wagging, his nose sniffing. He went directly toward Claire and put his paws on her beautiful designer outfit.

And Claire flinched. She was obviously scared to death of that little puppy. “Get down,” Claire ordered, but the pooch seemed oblivious until Claire started sneezing.

“Ah,” Dash intoned, “allergies.”

Todd came to a halt. “Oh, hey,” he said, his gaze shifting from one grandmother to the other.

“Oh, my God, your face,” Claire said as she pulled a tissue out of her Hermès bag. She glared at Dash. “You were there when it happened. Why on earth did you put him in a situation where he could get beaten up by a bully like that? And why didn’t you stop it?”

Dash glared back, but said nothing.

“It wasn’t Dash’s fault. It was yours and Granny’s,” Todd said in a surprisingly adult tone.
