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Last Dance

Last Dance (Rock with You #3)(11)
Author: Adriana Hunter

Melody shrieked in pleasure as Logan rolled over on top of her. “So, we’ll just see how well this works then, shall we?”

* * *

Logan told her he had a surprise. They got up early and he drove her out of Inverness, north toward the sea. They stopped along the way for breakfast and then, not long after that, Logan drove down a winding lane, beneath trees that arched overhead. Through breaks in the trees, Melody saw glimpses of white buildings, briefly visible. He turned down a drive and a larger building appeared.

“Where are we?” She was looking out the window, up at the blue sky. For the first time in days, it was clear and sunny.

“I thought I’d show you a castle.” Logan had been uncharacteristically quiet on the drive but Melody had been so engrossed in watching the ever-changing scenery she hadn’t given it much thought.

“Does it have a name? Don’t most castles have names?” Logan had stopped the car and she climbed out. The wind was cool but the sun shone brightly.

The castle was four stories, whitewashed, with a gray roof. There were several chimneys visible among the peaked rooflines, and there was a turret at the front. Melody looked up at the narrow windows, some with what looked like leaded glass. It was smaller than she thought a castle should be, but it was charming nonetheless.

“Aye. It does. Sometimes castles are named after their owners.”

Melody turned to Logan. “And? Is this one named after someone famous?

“Well, I wouldn’t say famous, but well enough known in this area.”

“Is it open to the public? Can we go in?” There were no other cars that she could see and the only sounds she heard was birdsong and the rush of wind through the trees.

“It’s a private residence. But, if you like…”

Logan had walked around the car and was standing next to Melody, looking up at the turret. He turned to her, taking her hand, turning it palm up. She felt something cold and heavy placed in her hand and she looked down. It was a key, a large iron key on a decorated fob.

“You asked if the castle had a name. If the current owner decides to name it after himself, it would be Castle MacKenzie. But I think that sounds a little pretentious. I’d rather just call it home.”

She stared up Logan, unable to speak. “Logan?” She managed to stutter out his name.

“I bought you a castle, Melody. I hope you like it. It’s a bit big, but there’s room for us, for horses, if you want. You can have an office, I can have a studio.”

He pulled her into his arms. “And there’s room for as many children as we want.”

“Logan…I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll live here with me.”

Melody looked into Logan’s eyes, saw the hope there, his love for her…and saw her future.

“Yes, Logan. I will. I’ll live here with you.”

* * *

The Iron Works was packed. Logan had escorted her to the front, to a table reserved just for her. He’d kissed her full on the lips in front of everyone, to a few cat calls and whistles from the band, and clapping from the crowd, before taking the stage.

She’d settled back in her chair, watching him perform, watching him interact with the crowd and the band. He was animated, telling jokes, gently chiding a smiling Angus for dropping his drumstick. They’d asked for requests from the audience and played song after song beneath the hot lights, until Logan was dripping with sweat.

He finally pulled a stool to the center of the stage, taking a long drink from a bottle of water.

“I want to thank all of ye for coming out tonight to hear us. We thought the last time we were here would be our last, but we’re back. And we’re together.” He looked at each man in the band in turn, getting broad smiles and nods in return. Melody thought she saw Angus duck his head, swiping a hand across his face.

Logan turned back to the crowd, looking out over them, nodding to familiar faces.

“And to all of you, you’re the reason we play. You’re not just our fans, you’re our family. And this is home.”

He took another drink of water, setting the bottle on the floor. The stage lights dimmed, leaving Logan in the center spotlight, and Melody expected the guitar player to join Logan for the last few songs. But Logan remained standing alone.

“One more song. This is something I wrote recently, for a special person. She’s here tonight, and this is for her.”

Alone and unaccompanied, Logan started to sing. The words were in Gaelic and she didn’t understand them, didn’t need to, but the melody she’d heard before. He’d sung it to her once after they’d made love and again after the attack by Victoria.

The crowd was hushed, the words and melody washing over them. Melody felt tears gathering in her eyes and she tried to hold them back.

Logan walked to the edge of the stage, close to where she sat. He was looking down at her, singing to her, his voice pure and clear. And then she heard words she did know, did understand, the words Logan had said to her so many times.

Tá mo chroí istigh ionat.

My heart is within you.
