Read Books Novel

Late Call

Late Call (Call #1)(38)
Author: Emma Hart

Like he knows, he kisses me and pulls me from the wall. I hug him to me as he walks, each step another jolting thrust inside me. He lays me back on the bed.

I refuse to let go. He doesn’t say a word.

He lowers himself on top of me and spins us to the side. His arms go around me and he pulls me into his body.

I snuggle in, still riding a high from the intense orgasm that just racked my body, and fall asleep with him still inside me.


A murmur of “Good morning” and a thumb brushing across my cheek stirs me. I stretch out and let my eyes flutter open. Aaron stares back at me with curved lips.

“Good morning,” he repeats.

“Mmm.” I roll onto my side. “No it isn’t.”

“Any morning after a night like last night can’t be bad.” He runs a finger down my side. My bare side.

I yank the covers up to his deep chuckle. “Go away. Do you know what time it is?”

“It’s ten in the morning.”

“What are you doing here?”

He stands and holds up a finger. I frown when he disappears from the room and stare at the door. What the?


He fills the doorway, black slacks resting low on his hips and shirtless, a mug of coffee in one hand and a plate of food in the other.

“Is that for me?” I ask, my eyes tracing the lines on his stomach.

God, he’s so beautiful. I desperately try to find a scar or spot or mole or something on his body, but there isn’t one. Just a chest and a stomach that have been sculpted by someone who knows women so well they probably created the vibrator too.

My eyes drop to his hips and the clearly defined muscle that dips down, the very muscle my tongue has run along, catching water droplets and eliciting groans from the pink lips I just know are pursed in amusement.

“Is what for you?”

“Both,” I mutter. Wait. That wasn’t supposed to come out. I shake my head and meet his eyes. “The food. And the coffee. Definitely those.”

He grins and crosses the room, placing the coffee on the nightstand and the plate in my lap. Mmm. Bacon, eggs, and toast.

I make a mental note to check out the gym facilities here. Maybe tomorrow.

“They are for you.”

“Thank you.”

Aaron leans forward and touches his lips to mine, tugging on my bottom lip as he pulls away. “And so am I. I’m all for you, baby.”

“That’s my word.”



“Are you using it?”

“Right now?” I chew some bacon and he nods. “No.”

“Then I’m using it.” He sits on the end of the bed and watches me as I eat. “You don’t use it nearly enough.”

“What? ‘Baby?’”


“That’s because I don’t need to use it all the time. I only need to use it when I’m being your girlfriend, and that’s only when we’re in public.”

Something glimmers in his eyes. “I’m changing it.”

I pick up my coffee mug and hide behind it. “You can’t.”

“Of course I can. As you so often remind me, I pay for the privilege of you by my side.” Disgust filters in his voice, and I know it’s at the ‘paying for me’ part. The annoyed twist of his lip that disappears as quickly as it appeared tells me that.

“So you do.”

“That means I can change the agreement at any time. And I’m changing it now.”

I’m not going to like this. Or at least, I’m not going to want to like it.

“Go on.”

He crosses the room and pulls a shirt on, pausing before he buttons it and glancing at me. I keep my expression blank. Damn.

“You’re now to act as if you’re my girlfriend at all times. Even if we’re alone.”

I knew it. I click my tongue. “Is that right?”

“Yes. I don’t think you’re believable enough as my girlfriend while we’re in public. You need more practice.”

“Funny.” I put my plate on the nightstand with my mug. “You didn’t seem to think I needed practice before, and especially not when you were dragging me out of the room to f**k me last night.”

I stand and wrap the sheet around my body. I hate that he gets to me so easily.

I know what he’s doing. He’s playing a f**king game with me, and I should have seen it coming. I should have known the second he got his way and f**ked me that everything would change.

Because that’s how it works, isn’t it? Sex is the game changer. It’s always been the game changer, and right now, it’s just changed the game into something I don’t want to play at all.

“Dayton, I believe this is where you agree to what I’m asking.”

“Oh, you’re asking now?” I hug the sheet to me. “Should I feel special?”

He rubs a hand down his face. “Stop being unreasonable.”

“Unreasonable? You wanna know what’s unreasonable, Aaron? Unreasonable is hiring your call girl ex to pretend to be your girlfriend for six weeks then f**king her and suddenly deciding she has to act as your girlfriend all the f**king time!” I put my hands on my hips. The sheet falls to my waist, exposing my br**sts, and he draws in a sharp breath.

Almost immediately, the charge in the air changes from annoyance to sexual. It’s strong and it’s compelling, and as he takes a step closer, I move back one. No, no. Any closer and I’ll do something I’ll regret later.

“You’re right. It is unreasonable.”

“I’d believe you more if you said it to me instead of my tits.”

He fights a smile and looks at me. “It’s unreasonable and I don’t care.”

Ex-fucking-cuse me?

His long stride covers the kitchen in seconds and he drops his palms on the island in front of me. His eyes are hard, the lusty determination there making me swallow.

“I didn’t ask you for an answer, Dayton. It was a rhetorical question. I am changing the agreement. You will act like my girlfriend at all times. You’ll act that way until you drop your call girl-client bullshit.”

“Fuck you.”

“You’ll act like it until you believe it.” He pushes off the island and grabs his tie, knotting it and sliding it into place. I grit my teeth and watch as he grabs a jacket and briefcase from the sofa.

He doesn’t look at me until the elevator doors open. When he does, his stare hits me with such an intensity that I almost step back.
