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Lies in Blood

Lies in Blood (Dark Secrets #4)(5)
Author: A.M. Hudson

“So, if David’s brain is essentially becoming ambidextrous, could he end up with powers like yours?”

“I’m not sure. The strength of his coronation cannot change his brain’s imprint. He cannot suddenly gain power that was never possible; it will merely open his mind to what it was capable of before. Whatever Jason is capable of—” His eyes narrowed, his gaze distant. “David may be very soon, also.”

“So I should watch to see if he starts writing with his right hand?” I laughed.

“No. Watch your thoughts, and I will make sure I watch mine.”

I felt a chill pass through me. “What if he found out about. . .”

“He can never find out what happened between us in that training hall, Amara. Ever. Because it will not just be my head on a spike—” He turned and looked at me. “It’ll be yours.”

I wanted to object, tell him David would never do that to me. But Arthur was right. He did it to Pepper, he tried to do it to Jason, and being his wife did not place me above the law in David’s mind. He’d even said as much. If I broke the law by fornicating or even plotting to fornicate with his uncle, he’d punish me to the full extent of the law. Unless. . .

“Wait! Aren’t I allowed to have more than one husband?”

“Yes. But that won’t protect you from what we’ve done in the past, my dear. And, in order to marry another man, you must submit your intent to marry with the Lower Parliament and it must be approved by the people before you can so much as think about touching him.”


“Yes. Our laws on fidelity are ironclad.”

“Do you think we should. . .?”

He laughed, his sweet smile warming his blue eyes, showing the younger, human version of Arthur. “No. Absolutely not, my dear. That would be suicide, and I don’t fancy explaining to my nephew why we’ve suddenly developed a love enough to marry.”

“You’re right. Sorry.” I screwed my face up in awkward frown. “I wasn’t really thinking.”

“It’s quite all right.” He wrapped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me close for a second. “We’ll figure this out. For now, mind your thoughts and bide your time. And hope to God you’re not carrying his child, or this fight will be over before it’s begun.”

I nodded, sighing out my disappointment as Arthur walked away.

Court was packed. More bodies had crammed themselves into that Throne Room since David returned as king than they had on the day of my coronation. I glanced at my husband on his throne and offered a smile, standing taller as I walked across the platform in front of the hundreds, all waiting for an appointment with their king. I could smell the tasty blood of those who had come over from the Dark Side—a number that far outweighed the amount of heartbeats I could hear in the room—and rather than making me hungry, it made me uneasy. If all those vampires suddenly turned on my people, it would be a slaughter without chance for a war.

“Now there’s a sight for sore eyes. Where have you been all day, my love?” David reached for my hand as I sat down. “I asked after you, but no one seemed to know where you were.”

“I had business to take care of.”

“Business?” His brow arched.


“And what business does a queen have that she cannot share with her king?”

The noise of the people had a gentle kind of hum to it, enough that I almost felt like a human in a room full of humans—like none of the people in the first few rows could hear our private chatter if they wanted. “Talk about it later?”

He smiled, squeezing my hand gently. “This suits you.”

“What does?”

“This.” He nodded to the adoring masses. “Being queen.”

“You think?”

“Yes.” He leaned a little closer, closing the gap between our chairs. “Wanna know a secret?”

“Mm-hm.” I smiled, loving the burn of excitement my heart felt every time he came back down to earth long enough to be My David again.

“I always dreamed of this. Always wanted to be king. But, in all my fantasies, had never imagined such a queen beside me—could never have crafted such a beautiful creature as you.”

“Aw, shucks.”

“I’m not kidding, Ara,” he said, his voice soft but firm. “I know we give you a hard time. I know I’m on your back a lot lately about being a perfect queen, but you rise to every challenge I set, and I’m proud of you. And I’m proud to sit beside you as your king.”

I held very still, taking a moment to bask in the warmth of his words. “So, nice-David got out of bed today?”

He laughed. “He does that . . . on occasion.”

I squeezed his hand back. “I miss you.”

“I know.” He sat tall in his chair again as Walter banged the stick, settling the room to silence.

“High Lord of the Court, please present the first case,” I said.

Chapter Two

The House of the Damned had grown since we first built it. In only a few months, the rectangle building, with enough space to sleep ten children comfortably, now had its own observation wing, secure section, adoption offices, and staff cafe—for the Lilithians and humans. Its expanse of one-building-tall, fifteen-cars-long, had grown to two stories high on the west wing and sat in an L shape at least thirty cars long, shining like a glorious shrine under the daylight among the green fields. It was a place anyone would be glad to call home, and I felt a pang of pride for making it all happen. We’d come a long way from those days I sat merely thinking about the children, recording the nightmares they caused me in my diary.

I wandered down the hillside, stomping my feet a little harder than necessary for a light-footed immortal, driven toward the Damned House like a child on her way to a play-date, but stopped when I heard my name. “Oh, hey, Jase. Didn’t see you there.”

“Come ‘ere a sec?” He curled his arm inward, waving me over.

I detoured toward the square of cement, catching the basketball that bounced in my direction. “When did we get a hoop?”

He looked up at the glass-backed board. “Mike just had it installed. I’m testing it out.”

“Cool.” I ditched the ball and watched it slip through the hoop without touching the sides. “Why’d he put it out here? This group of kids aren’t allowed outside.”
