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Lost for You

Lost for You (Lost #2)(47)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Brax tears himself away long enough to open the Tiffany’s bag and pull out the blue ring box. He opens it and pulls out a sparkling platinum diamond infinity engagement ring, making me gasp. I hold my hand out to him as he slips the perfectly sized ring onto my left hand ring finger.

“Oh, Brax, it’s beautiful,” I say before kissing him once more.

A few people are clapping and cheering around us. I move my head away and look around to see that we’ve drawn a small crowd with our proposal. Holding my hand out, I marvel at my ring as it sparkles in the afternoon sun. It’s the exact same design as my necklace, the infinity symbol lined with diamonds that wrap around my finger.

Just like my necklace, it is breathtaking.

I start giggling, dropping my head into Brax’s shoulder in embarrassment. Of course we are making a scene in the middle of Time’s Square. That is just Brax.

God, I wished I’d had the forethought to get us a hotel room for the night. I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate Elle agreeing to marry me for the second time in as many days, but the whole New York day trip was a last minute thing. I can’t wait until we get home and I can be deep inside her again, making love to her once more.

I stand back up and pull Elle with me. “You’ve just made my entire life.”

“I love you so much, Brax. I’m going to remember this moment forever,” she says, her smile bright enough to light up the whole city.

Still holding her in my arms, and not wanting to let her go, I hear her stomach rumble.

“I need to get my lady some lunch, I think,” I say with a smirk.

I see the slight blush creep up her cheeks. “I’d say so too.”

“Right. Central Park, here we come,” I say, kissing her hand before starting to walk towards the road, throwing my hand out to hail a yellow cab that’s driving past. Once the driver stops, I open the back door and usher Elle into the seat, following behind her before closing the door.

“Where to?” the voice of the cab driver calls out.

“Central Park Zoo, please,” I reply, hearing Elle gasp beside me.

Looking over, I love how happy she looks. This is Elle without a care in the world. She looks at peace, and I’ll live for her to look like this every day. With all of the danger behind us, I hope our lives can only continue to get better from here on in.


After an afternoon at Central Park Zoo where we walked hand in hand around the enclosures, not having to worry about who could see us, or who could be after us, Brax surprised me with a romantic picnic right by the Bethesda Fountain which we finished up by lying on our backs on the grass, watching the clouds float by while we just held each other. It’s been a long time since we’ve just been able to relax and enjoy each other in public, and I absolutely love that Brax gave me this day.

Now we’re back at Grand Central, awaiting our train trip home. Today has been unreal. Not once has Brax looked over his shoulder, checked his phone, or even furrowed his brows. He’s been happy and smiling the whole day long. I can’t imagine how hard it has been, knowing that someone wanted to hurt me, and his job being to stop that from happening.

We’re waiting for the 7 p.m. train when Brax takes a seat, pulling me down on to his lap and burying his face in my hair.

“Thank you for today,” he murmurs, kissing my head.

“I should be thanking you. You gave me a second proposal to cherish.” I lean away from him so I can see his face. His eyes soften the moment I look at him. “You deserve everything the world can offer, Elle. I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to show you that.”

“I don’t want anything else, Brax, I just want you,” I say, kissing his lips softly and pulling away. “I only need you.”

“I’m glad because you’re stuck with me now,” he says with a grin as he stands up, pushing me off his lap in the process. “You’re also kinda stuck with Shay and Devon now too. If you didn’t love me already, I’m afraid those two would have you running away.” He winks at me and I crack up laughing.

“I love all of you. You’ve all done so much for me already. I wouldn’t be here without the three of you.”

He looks down at me and smiles, a genuine, heart-warming smile that melts my heart. “Now, I’m gonna kiss the shit out of you, then we’re going to get on that train and go home where you’ll be lucky if I make it through the front door before I have my wicked way with you.” He snakes his hand around my waist, moving it down until he’s gripping my ass. “Because God knows I’m struggling to keep my hands off you now.”

Seeing the train pull up behind me, I decide to ramp up the teasing. Still wrapped up in Brax’s arms, I pull myself close to him until our bodies are pushed together, shoulder to pelvis, with nothing but a few layers of clothing between us. I pull his head down so that my mouth is right by his ear.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to wait that long,” I say huskily, my voice laced with desire and want.

“Damn,” Brax mutters under his breath as he takes my hand and leads me into the last train car. Not surprisingly, the only car that’s pretty much empty for this time of night.

I turn to face Brax, walking backwards into the train car. “Who’s going to break first, fiancé of mine?” I ask with a smirk. Memories of the last time we played this teasing game come flooding back.

“Oh, I’ll be the first to admit that I have no will power when it comes to you, Miss Halliwell. No will power at all.” He stalks towards me, getting closer with every step.

“Well, it seems you might have a problem with self-control Mr. James,” I say in my most seductive sounding voice, relishing in the frustration painted on his face.

Looking down at his now tight pants, I can’t help but giggle. “But I’m sure I can help you with the most pressing problem.” I turn and run down to the end of the train car, no missing the replying growl from Brax as he sits down beside me.

I’ve never been one of those guys who can’t control themselves. I’ve always been able to keep it under wraps until we’re behind closed doors and alone. But seeing Elle beckon me with her finger, and giggling at my tented pants, breaks my resolve. I’m going to have her on his train, one way or another.

Realizing that there are only two other people in the train car, both sitting near the front, Elle leads me to the rear of the car. I sit down next to a now glowing Elle and can’t hold back the growl at the back of my throat. She’s hiked her denim skirt up to mid-thigh, and the silky smooth skin beckons me, but I know I need to wait. It’s the wait that is going to kill me; the anticipation of knowing what that skin feels like under my hands, the way she shudders when I drag my lips against her body. Just knowing that she is feeling this too has me harder than steel right now.
