Read Books Novel

Lost in Distraction

Lost in Distraction (Lost #1)(15)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Now that we’re upstairs and in my apartment again, I’m nervous about spending the night with Brax. After this morning, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself around him. I’ve never had a man sleep over before. Any hook-ups I had in the past were purely physical and were never at my place, but something about sharing my bed with Brax feels different.

It feels right.

He has left me alone in my room while I change out of my clothes. He must realize that this is a big step for me and knows I need some space to collect my thoughts. I hop in the shower, trying to rinse away my nerves and surprisingly, it works. I do feel a little more relaxed by the time I get out. I stress out over what to wear, but decide on my tank top and pajama shorts again since he already saw them this morning and didn’t seem to be complaining. When I head out to the living room to look for Brax, I hear him talking on the phone.

“You’re off for the night. Go home, get laid, relax. I’ll call you in the morning, dude.” He hangs up and turns around when he hears me come in the room.

“Who was that?” I ask, having a fair idea that is was Shay, but not sure what he means about him having the night off.

“It was Shay. I told him that I was staying here for the night and he was just asking if anything was wrong. I told him about your nightmare and how we’d both feel better if I stayed over,” he explains as he walks over to me and slowly runs his hands down my arms.

He wraps his arms around my waist. “You don’t mind that I told him, do you?”

“It’s okay, he’s your best friend. I bet you tell him everything,” I reply, wishing I had someone to confide in.

His face softens, his eyes sparkle and he grins as he looks down at me in his arms. I instantly get chills, the good kind that run from your head to your toes and warm you up as they go. I move my arms up and wrap them around his neck.

“Should we go to bed now?” I suggest quietly, trying and failing to hide the nervousness in my voice. I’m still not ready to take things to the next level, but I’m more than happy to make out with him in bed, half naked.

Definitely ready for that.

He looks at me and smirks. “Babe, I’m starting to think you just want to get me half naked.”

I gasp in mock horror, whack his arm and twist out of his embrace, walking towards the bedroom. As I reach the doorway, I turn around and give him my best attempt at a seductive grin.

“What are you waiting for?”

I’ve never seen a man move so fast, I swear to God.

I wake up after one of the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had, with a sleeping Elle in my arms again. Although this time we’re in her bed and we’re a tangle of arms and legs, like we can’t get close enough to each other. My body is acutely aware of our proximity and has already made its intentions clear. I try to move away from her so that I’m not so obvious and she doesn’t feels pressured, but she tightens her grip as soon as I try and edge away. I roll over and find her smiling back at me with the sexiest look I’ve ever seen.

I lean over and push her onto her back, kissing her like she’s the air I need to breathe. Her hands reach behind me and pull me over on top of her. Dammit, she isn’t helping my self-restraint. I bury my hands in her soft brown hair, devouring her mouth and giving her all that I have. When I hear her groan into my mouth, any control over myself I had is lost. Pulling away, I stare into her eyes, looking for any sign that she isn’t okay with this. My hard body feels so good against her soft skin and I know that if we go any further, it is going to be rather difficult to stop what we’ve started.

She lifts her head so that her lips are close to mine again and kisses me. It’s like a silent plea to carry on and my hands drift from her hair down to her face as I gently caress her cheek with my thumbs. Propping myself up on one elbow, I run the back of my hand down her neck until I reach the curve of her br**sts. Her chest is lifting steadily as her breathing quickens under my touch, I love how responsive she is with me. My hand moves lower, stroking her breast as I explore her soft silky skin, watching her face for a reaction as I go. She closes her eyes and moans deeply, arching her back and pushing her br**sts further into my hands. The fact that she is openly giving herself to me like this, and is enjoying every second of it, amazes me. I run my palms over her now erect ni**les, I hear a soft whimper from her mouth. I’m making sure I take my time exploring every inch of her body; she needs to feel cherished, I want her to feel worshipped.

I move my mouth to her neck, gently nipping and sucking at her skin. Lifting my mouth to her ear, I whisper, “Let me hear you, Elle. I want to know how I’m making you feel.”

She runs her hands up and down my arm, my muscles tense and relax at her touch. I trail my lips from her ear and along her jaw while my hand moves down to the hem of her tank top. Grasping the bottom of it, I slowly drag it upwards and my fingers lightly graze her skin as I move it higher, pulling it over her head. Now that she is naked in front of me, the overwhelming urge to claim her as my own consumes me. Her response to me is blowing my mind. Craving the touch of her skin against mine, I pull her towards me and she nips my bottom lip, pushing her tongue against mine, showing me how on fire she feels right now.

Pushing her back down onto the bed, my hands continue their exploration down her stomach until they reach her hips. Running my hand ever so slowly across her body, hip bone to hip bone, I feel her shiver. I’ve never wanted to take my time as much as I do now. I could spend a lifetime doing this and still never have enough of her. Enjoying of the most erotic moments in my life, I can’t kid myself any longer about the depth of my feelings for her. I inch my hand under the band of her shorts and hear her breath hitch as I inch them down. I look back up at her for a moment, reveling in her beautiful naked body next to me.

I move down the bed, kneeling between her legs. Not once breaking eye contact, I lift one of her legs up and gently kiss the instep of her foot, starting a trail of kisses up her smooth calf. I caress behind her knee before continuing up to her inner thigh. I lean over her body and kiss her deeply, meaningfully, our twisting tongues beginning a passionate battle.

I lie down on my side, rolling her to face me. Without breaking our searing kiss, I settle my palm between her thighs as her legs part around me, leaning over her with my other arm resting by her side as I start exploring her with my fingers.

I’ve been totally overcome by this woman beside me, and I don’t want to fight it anymore.
