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Love in Between

Love in Between (Love #1)(35)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“What do you mean, no?” he asked as he leaned down and smashed his lips against mine.

His kiss was rough as I parted my lips and his tongue slipped into my mouth. He stopped and looked at me.

“Tell me how much you love me.”

“Let go of my wrists and I will.” I smiled.

As he let go of my wrists, I brought my hand to his face, and I stared into his beautiful brown eyes. “I love more than anything and anyone in this entire world.”

“I promise you, Lily, I’ll be nice tonight, and I won’t get out of line.” He smiled.

I pulled him down to me as I wrapped my arms around him and whispered in his ear, “Thank you, baby.”


We met Maddie and Adam at a restaurant called The Falcon’s Landing. As the hostess led us to the table where Adam and Maddie were already sitting, Luke tightened the grip on my hand when he saw Maddie laughing.

“You promised,” I whispered.

“I didn’t do anything,” he said as he looked over at me.

We arrived at the table and took our seats. I was amazed that Luke shook Adam’s hand. Maddie looked over at me and smiled.

“Adam is moving to Los Angeles, and he’s going to attend UCLA,” Maddie announced.

I looked over at Luke as he clenched his jaw. I squeezed his thigh under the table, and he loosened it.

“That’s great, Adam. What are you studying?”

“Drug abuse and alcohol counseling,” he answered.

“You want to counsel drug addicts?” Luke asked.

“Yes, I do. I already have a year of classes under my belt, and they’ve all transferred to UCLA. I’m starting over, man. I’m walking away from my past, and I’m stepping into a brand new life; a life that includes my daughter and Maddie.”

“Where are you going to be staying?” Luke asked him calmly.

“I’ve rented an apartment by UCLA. That way I can be close to Charley and the campus.”

“I’m sorry, man, but I have to ask this: how the hell are you affording all this?”

“I’ve been working the past year as a computer tech, and the owner was paying me under the table. He warned me that if he caught me using drugs, he would report me to the state. He did a drug test on me once a week. I saved every dime I made so I could go to school and make something of my life.”

“You always were a genius with computer.” Luke laughed.

It was at that moment that Luke realized maybe Adam was telling the truth, and we had a great dinner and good conversation. As we walked out of the restaurant, Adam put his hand on Maddie’s back. Luke looked at me, and I squeezed his hand. We hugged, said our goodbyes, and Luke and I climbed into his Jeep.

“They have a chance at being a real family,” I said.

“I guess.” Luke sighed as he pulled out of the parking lot.

As we were on our way home, my phone rang. I pulled it from my purse and saw it was Giselle calling.

“Hey, girl, what’s up?” I answered and put her on speaker phone.

She was sobbing so hard, I could barely understand her. She said something about an accident. Suddenly, Lucky’s voice came through the speaker.

“Hi, it’s Lucky. Gretchen and Sam were in a car accident, and they’ve been taken to the UCLA Medical Center.”

I started shaking, and instantly I felt sick.

“Lucky, how bad is it?” Luke asked as he quickly turned the Jeep around and headed toward the medical center.

“I don’t know, man. The hospital called Giselle, said there had been an accident, and to get to the hospital right away. I’m freaking out, Luke. What if—”

“Stop it, Lucky, they’ll be fine. We’re on our way.”

With shaking hands, I ended the call. Luke reached over and took my hand and brought it his lips.

“They’re fine, babe. I know they’re fine,” Luke said nervously.


Luke pulled into the medical center parking garage and quickly found a place to park. As we got out of the Jeep, Luke grabbed my hand, and we ran to the entrance of the emergency room. When we approached the reception desk, Giselle came running up to me, crying.

“Lily, they won’t tell me anything,” she sobbed.

“Giselle, you have to calm down. Think of the baby,” I said as I tried to console her.

Suddenly, Sam came walking through the automatic double doors. He had a white bandage on his forehead, cuts on his face, and his hand was wrapped.

“Sam, are you ok?” I asked.

“How’s Gretchen?” Giselle cried.

“I don’t know. She’s still in surgery.”

Luke hugged him. Giselle couldn’t handle hearing that Gretchen was in surgery. Lucky grabbed a hold of her, and he made her sit down in the chair.

I looked at Sam because I needed to be strong, not only for Gretchen, but for him as well. “Sam, what happened?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you as soon as we get back upstairs to the surgical waiting room.”

“Did anyone call Gretchen’s parents?” I asked.

“I did,” Lucky said. “They’re on their way down.”

Lucky helped Giselle up, and we all rode the elevator to the third floor where the surgical waiting room was. It was quiet and empty, and we were the only people in there. I sat down next to Giselle and offered her some water. She wouldn’t take it as she continued crying on Lucky’s shoulder. I walked over to the coffee machine and put in some change. I pressed the button and nothing. The damn thing was broken. I pounded on the machine as I pressed my forehead against it and started crying. Suddenly, I felt Luke’s arms from behind.

“Babe, it’s ok,” he whispered as he laid his head on my back.

“All I wanted was a cup of coffee,” I sobbed.

Luke turned me around and took my face in his hands. “I can get you a cup of coffee.” He smiled as he wiped away my tears.

I was scared shitless that Gretchen wasn’t going to make it, and I felt like I was on the verge of an anxiety attack. Luke went to get me a cup of coffee, and I walked over and sat next to Sam. He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

“She’s going to be ok,” I said, grabbing his hand.

“She has to be ok, Lily. If she dies, I don’t know—”

“Don’t talk like that. Nobody is dying here. She’s a strong person, and she’ll pull through.”

Just as Luke walked back in and handed me a cup of coffee, a doctor in blue scrubs followed behind him.

“Are you all here for Gretchen Williams?” he asked.

Giselle jumped up from her chair. “Yes, I’m her twin sister.”

We all stood up and walked closer to where the doctor was standing. “Gretchen is going to be fine.”

We all let out a sigh of relief as he continued telling us about Gretchen’s condition.

“She had some internal bleeding, so we had to go in and repair that, and we also had to remove her spleen. Her right leg is broken in four places, and we had to put in some pins and screws. I also believe there may be some nerve damage. She’ll have to be in a cast for several weeks while the bones heal. There may be a chance she’ll have to go through physical therapy to learn to use her leg again.”

“When can we see her?” I asked.

“I can take you to her now, but I want you to be prepared. She’s very swollen, and she’s hooked up to some machines. We’re keeping her comfortable on pain medication, and she hasn’t woken up from the surgery yet.”

As Luke put his arm around me, we all followed the doctor to the room where Gretchen was. Giselle ran to her and started sobbing. Lucky walked over to her and tried to calm her down. I instantly fell sick to my stomach when I saw her lying there. I barely recognized her since her face was so swollen.

“Are you ok?” Luke asked me.

“I’m fine. Are you?”

“Yeah, I’m just glad they’re both ok.”

“I know this must be bringing back a lot of memories for you,” I said as I kissed his hand.

“It is, but it’s cool. I’m just thankful Gretchen’s going to be fine,” he said as he kissed my head.

We walked over and stood at the end of the bed. Sam pulled up a chair, grabbed her hand, and brought it to his lips.

“Please, sweetheart, please wake up,” he pleaded.

It broke my heart seeing Sam like that. A few moments later, Gretchen squeezed Sam’s hand, and she slowly opened her eyes. Lucky had to hold Giselle back from throwing herself on top of her.

“Let her wake up and focus, Giselle,” he said to her.

Gretchen tried to talk, but could only mumble a few words.

“Don’t try and talk, sweetheart. You’re going to be fine. Just get some rest,” Sam said.

She took her other hand and laid it on Giselle’s arm as she mumbled, “Stop crying, I have a headache.”

As we all started laughing, Sam leaned over, gently kissed her lips, and told her how much he loved her. I took a few steps back, and I looked around the room at the people I called my family. As I looked at Sam, I remembered the first time I met him and how he held the door open for me as I was bringing in my boxes. Then I looked at the twins, remembering the day they moved next door, and how we instantly became best friends. As I looked at Lucky, I was remembering the night we met. I couldn’t help but smile at how he tried to flirt with me, thinking he was going to get lucky.

“You ok, babe?” Luke asked with a smile.

As my eyes looked into his, I remembered the first time he told me to watch my mouth, and I knew at that moment, he was the one I needed to complete my life.

“I’m wonderful.” I smiled as I leaned into him and softly kissed him.
