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Mad For You

Mad For You (Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Love #1)(11)
Author: Anna Antonia

Was I being cared for or being treated like a fancy piece?

I wish I could just accept what he did without always being so damned suspicious of it. If he was a regular guy, someone more like me, I know I’d already be gone off the deep-end for him.

Gabriel guided me into another plush seat before pulling over a chair to sit next to me. Linnette, much shyer than her sister, didn’t say much. She carefully pulled my dress up and then draped a lightweight blanket over it, presumably to keep it dry from the footbath.

She was about to take off my shoes when Gabriel cut in. “Let me do that, Linnette. I am the most qualified person to take care of Emma’s feet.” The small girl stepped aside as Gabrielle crouched down and removed my shoes.

The attention embarrassed but only when it didn’t thrill me. I bit my lip, unsure of what to say when he resumed his seat next to me. I obviously liked him nice except when I didn’t.

Oh, I’m such a damned mess. Really.

I noticed he was still in his gray suit. “So is your tuxedo on the way?”

“It’s here. It won’t take me but five minutes to get changed so I’ll do it when we’re ready to leave.”

Conscious of the women around us, I didn’t know what else to say. I definitely didn’t want to converse with Gabriel as if they were mute or like living pieces of furniture.

It reminded me too much of how my mother was treated when I cleaned houses with her when I was younger.

“So…” my voice trailed off.

Gabriel yawned theatrically. “Emma, will you be a dear and excuse me for a bit?”

“Sure, no problem.” I expected him to get up and leave. Instead, he reached out for my hand, leaned back, and closed his eyes.

The heat from our entwined fingers travelled up my arm and straight to my heart. He instantly figured out my problem and proceeded with a solution. How did he know?

Because he watched me as much as I watched him. What does he think he knows about me and how much of it is spot-on?

Linnette set my feet into the warm, bubbly bath. She brought me a tray of polish, colors bright like liquid candy. “I’d like a French pedicure and manicure please,” I said in a whisper, even though I was sure Gabriel wasn’t even close to sleepy or asleep.

She nodded quickly and put away the tray. I soon felt her hands on my feet, massaging away the day with a few turns of her expert fingers. I should’ve been fixated on the magic of Linnette’s work, considering this was only my second professional pedicure, but Gabriel firmly had my attention.

Just when I thought I had him figured out, he defied my attempts at categorization.

Like a stone poking into my heel, I thought of the womanizer I’d known in school and the boy who’d bared his heart to me on my front porch.

So just who was Gabriel Gordon? An utter bastard or the sweetest man in the world? I couldn’t find the answer, no matter what mental road I traversed. All I could say for certain was that angel or demon, Gabriel still had me in the palm of his manicured hand.

I never stopped wanting you even when I didn’t want to want you. And now you’re here, making me forget why I shouldn’t want you.

While lost in my thoughts, Linnette made quick work of my pedicure. Soon my feet were done, polished and decorated with a gorgeous white strip of color. I reluctantly let go of Gabriel’s hand and carefully followed her to a small table so she could work on my nails.

I was grateful for her companionable silence. I watched Linnette work while sneaking glances over to Gabriel. His large body slouched in the small chair, reminding me so much of how he looked in high school. At one point I caught the glitter in his eyes and shivered.

What are you thinking about, Gabriel, when you look at me?

“Are you cold, Ms. Adams?”

“No, I’m fine,” I assured her. When I looked back at him, he shifted and rested his head on his palm.

I couldn’t help but hope I dominated his thoughts as much as he did mine.

Linnette guided my hands to a small dryer before setting me free. I touched her arm. “Thank you so much. My nails are beautiful.”

She ducked her head and waved me to her equally quiet sister Minnette.

“Sit here please, Ms. Adams.”

I sat in front of the red-haired girl and watched as she unwrapped a brand new set of brushes. “How would you like me to do your makeup?”

“I’m not really sure. I, ah, well…” Oh, damn I sounded like a total idiot. I didn’t know much about makeup either. My work routine involved one swipe of dark shadow along the lash line, a coat of mascara, and a tube of berry-colored lipstick.

“Smoky eyes, Minnette, dramatic, matte foundation, and a light lipstick.”

Once again Gabriel came to my rescue. And once again, I felt uncomfortable with how absurdly comfortable he was with all of this.

“Miss Adams? Is that okay?”

I smiled and nodded. I didn’t look back over my shoulder at Gabriel while she worked. I held myself still, holding in a sneeze when the powder tickled my nose and even going along with the application of false lashes. We were done in less than fifteen minutes before I was sent back to Annette.

I’d only caught a peek of myself in the mirror, finding the stranger peeking back me disconcerting because she wasn’t the person I was used to seeing.

Annette undid my rollers and set about combing out and styling my curls. She worked several different kinds of brushes and combs through my hair, spraying it occasionally before stepping back with a wide grin.

“There! What do you think? Nice, right?”

I couldn’t recognize the beautiful woman staring back at me. The perfectly curled hair paired with the perfectly powdered and painted face looked like one belonging to the women profiled in glossy magazines.

I tilted my head, turning it this way and that. Yep, still me. I didn’t know I was capable of being this beautiful. Sure, I was pretty in a fresh-faced way but this…this was something I never even imagined being. I smiled tremulously, wanting so much to put my feelings into words that didn’t end up with me smearing my mascara.

“Thank you so much. All of you. You’ve made me look phenomenal.”

The three pixies grinned in pleasure and returned my thanks.

Gabriel stood up and stretched. He had yet to say a word. Instead, he marched over to each girl, clasped their hand, and bowed deeply. “Angels, all of you. Thank you for coming here on such short notice.”

I watched as they each blushed in pride and pleasure. Gabriel’s affection wasn’t feigned or polite. Curious, I wondered how he knew them and most importantly, how often did he employ their services?

“You’re on the schedule for Sunday, Mr. Gordon.”

“I’ll see you then, Annette.”

I flinched inwardly, needing no further proof that he wasn’t as free as I thought him to be.

Gabriel approached me and held out his arm. “Shall we?”

I placed my hand on his forearm, unsure of how to act. The muscles shifted beneath my touch. I couldn’t tell if he was pleased by my appearance or not. Usually he wasn’t so quiet.

Don’t worry about it. Maybe he was really sleepy. Maybe…

I waited until we were in the hallways. “Why did you stay with me?”

“Because knowing you, you’d either apologize for letting them do their work or you’d refuse their help and try to do it all yourself. Go ahead—try to deny it.”

My silence proved his point and he knew it. Or at least he thought he knew the cause of my silence.

Who are you going to see this Sunday?

Insecurity dimmed the light in my eyes.


The ride to the fundraiser was quiet. Earlier, Gabriel had changed into his tuxedo after escorting me from the salon. I waited in the front, absently looking at the clothes on the racks and trying hard not think about his decided lack of reaction to my appearance or his plans for Sunday. He appeared a short time later, looking so beautiful I could hardly believe him real.

His slicked back hair told me he’d seen Annette recently. The style matched my vintage look and made him look like a Hollywood god of old. His full lips and hypnotic gaze would’ve been welcomed on the big screen.

Too bad his unsmiling expression wasn’t as welcoming in person.

After picking up a bag containing my work clothes and shoes and another one containing his, Gabriel guided me out the door and into his limousine. Now we sat next to another in nauseating silence.

“Do you still want to go with me, Emma?”

I knew it! He’s already regretting asking me!

I raised my chin and steeled myself for the inevitable rejection. “You can drop me off at the office if you changed your mind.”

“That’s not what I asked you.”

“I heard what you asked.”

“Then answer me please.”

I looked out the window. “You have a lot of nerve, Gabriel, you know that? I don’t have time for this.”

“Why won’t you answer me?”

“Why did you ask the question?” I snapped. “You want me to cry off so you don’t have to feel bad? Fine!” The limo drew to a stop at a traffic light. I reached for the door handle, fully prepared to hoof it back to Obelisk Pointe.

Gabriel yanked me back against the seat. He shoved his face into mine and growled, “Are you out of your mind?”

“Obviously, since I agreed to go this thing with you when it’s obvious—” I clamped my mouth shut.

“Finish your sentence.”

I shrugged, mulishly keeping my teeth together.

“You always think the worst of me, Emma,” Gabriel muttered inches away from my flushed face. “Why is that?”

“Look, it doesn’t matter—”

“Yes, it does! It matters because I won’t let you close me out, Emma. Not this time around!”

“Close you out? You’re the one who closed me out, Gabriel! You’ve barely looked at me since I finished getting ready. What? Do I so offend your upper-class sensibilities? Already regretting going slumming, Mr. Gordon?”

I didn’t care that he’d narrowed his gaze at me or clenched his jaw tightly. I was too incensed to stop.

“Or is it that your girlfriend might catch wind of you being out with me tonight instead of her?”

A deep frown bisected his brow. “Girlfriend? I don’t have a girlfriend!”

“Okay, then maybe your fancy piece will throw a fit that you went out someplace without her. I don’t know and frankly don’t care.”


I clenched my fists hard. Nails bit into my palm, stinging me enough to keep from unleashing my temper onto him.

“Watch what you say to me, Gabriel. I’m not one of your lackeys that you can talk to anyway you want.”

“And you better watch what you say to me, Emma. I won’t take you lying to me,” he spit back just as fiercely.

“What the hell is your problem? You run hot all day and then you turn cold.”

He ignored my question which made me want to scream. “What makes you think I have someone on the side?”

I wanted out of the limo and out of being interrogated. “I already told you I don’t care. I don’t know you and I never did. Your business is your own.”
