Read Books Novel

Mad For You

Mad For You (Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Love #1)(13)
Author: Anna Antonia

“What do you think so far?”

“It’s nice.”

Gabriel plucked a champagne goblet from a passing tray. He handed it to me. “Grandmothers are nice. Flowers are nice. So let me ask again. What do you think so far?”

“It’s a different experience.”

“You’re prevaricating, Emma.”

I didn’t really care for the taste of alcohol but took a sip to buy some time. If I really told Gabriel the truth that I didn’t like the crowds or noise, he’d rightfully feel I was an ungrateful person. I didn’t want that but he obviously didn’t care for my hedging. What to do?

“I like being here with you.” My truthful answer pleased him if the crinkling in the corners of his eyes was any indication.

“Nice sidestep there. I’ll take it.”

I smiled, feeling absurdly thrilled that I’d made him happy. “Do you go to these things often?”

“All the time.”

“I guess it keeps you busy.”

“Yes, you’ll get plenty of practice to get used to them just like I have.”

I felt myself beaming like a fool. God, this man had me in his palm! “How do you figure?”

“Well, now that I’ve come here with you, I can’t imagine going to another one without you. It will simply be impossible. Sorry, Emma, but that’s just how it is.”

“Impossible. Really?”

“I wouldn’t lie to you, would I?” His impish grin made me think of a child crossing his fingers behind his back. “So how about it? I’ll buy you a dress for every occasion.”

Had he already forgotten our little struggle from earlier? “Mmm, we’ll see.”

“Too ambiguous. How about this, Emma? Why don’t I hire you and then you’ll get to choose where we go?”

I rolled my eyes. “Why are you so fixated in having me work for you?”

He took my champagne flute and took a leisurely sip from it. “Why are you so fixated in denying me?”

“I’m not fixated. I just happen to like where I work.”

Gabriel nodded, mouth twisted into an adorable pout. “Yes, but my company is better. For one, the cubicles are much, much larger. It’s at least the size of two, three of yours.”

“Are we really back on that again? The cubicle sizes are industry standard and I’m still not convinced you know how big yours are. How much time do you actually spend in one?”

“Fine. I provide better benefits.”

“You don’t know that.”

“You don’t know that I don’t.”

I took my glass back from him. “Tell me true, Gabriel. Why should go work for you?”

“Because I’ll get to see you everyday.”

I don’t have to explain how wonderful those words were to my ear. Gabriel was entirely too charming for his own good because I came really close to believing him.

“You could see me everyday now.”

“Yes, but it’s not the same.”

“How come?”

“I can only see you during lunch.”

“Free time is typically during lunch and after work.”

“Yes, but only because I’m not the owner and boss of you.”

“Rephrase that for me please.”

“If I must but I’d rather not.”

“Thank you.”

“If you work for me, you could have free time whenever you wanted.”

“Then I really wouldn’t be working, would I? I’d only be pretend working.”

“Very well. Then you could be paid to sit in my office. It’s a comfortable office, Emma. You’d like it. Plenty of windows and bookshelves filled from top to bottom with books. And not just for show either.”

“That does sound nice.”

“So when will you start?”

“I didn’t say I would.” I really shouldn’t encourage Gabriel, but it was so much fun. “Now, in what capacity would I operate in your office? As your assistant?”

“I already have Rick. No, you would be my muse.”

“Why would you need a muse?”

“Why is the sky blue? The grass green? It just is. Emma Adams is my muse and you should be employed as such.”

“What does a muse do?”

“Whatever she wishes. Emma, you’d have your own couch and entertainment area. You could spend your whole day in leisure, never having to do anything you don’t want to.” Gabriel smiled brilliantly. “I could talk to you whenever I wanted. We could eat lunch everyday and go out to dinner each night. It would be divine.”

He captured me against my will. It did sound divine. I saw myself reclining on a crimson fainting couch in his office, draped in something white and airy. My gaze pinned on his fine form, watching him work and do the things that powerful men like him did. Gabriel looked up in my mind’s eye, backlit and perfect hair gleaming like a halo. He crooked a finger at me.

It was so vivid. I was in trouble.

“Being your muse wouldn’t go well on my resume, Gabriel.”

“You wouldn’t need one because I’d never fire you.”

“I’d be bored lying on a couch all day.”

“Then it would be my job to entertain you.”

“And how would you do that while running Gordon Industries?”

“I’m quite talented, Emma. I could do both.”

I tapped my chin with one finger, gaze slanted towards the ceiling as if seriously considering his ridiculous offer. “It’s tempting…”


“But I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.”

Gabriel sighed and shook his head. “Emma, Emma.”

“Gabriel, Gabriel.”

“You’re ruthless, you know?”

“Not ruthless. Determined.”

“Determined to drive me crazy.” He plucked the flute from my fingers and again took another sip.

“You know there are servers with champagne, right?”

“Yes, but that champagne isn’t as good as yours and so I won’t be able to drink it.”

“What makes it better? Is it the kind of champagne?” I rose on my tip-toes, trying to peer down over the top of the glass to see if there was something I could discern to make it different.

Gabriel nodded solemnly. “It’s a special blend actually.”

“Do they save it just for you?”

“You can say that.”

“So no one else can drink it?”


“Well, that’s hardly fair, Gabriel.”

He shrugged, completely unrepentant. “I don’t like to share.”

I hummed low in my throat. I wasn’t surprised.

Gabriel lowered his voice to a confidential tone. “Do you want to know what makes it special?”

“What is it?” I asked, wide-eyed and curious, still on tip-toe.

Gabriel crooked his finger. My breath caught in my throat. I wildly wondered if he somehow had special mind-reading abilities.

“Closer, Emma. Closer.” I leaned into him until the flute was all that kept my body from touching his. “It’s special because it’s yours.”

My heels sank back down. I couldn’t believe he got me! “You’re so sneaky and spoiled, Gabriel.”

His eyes lit up with laughter. “Not spoiled enough yet, but I’ll get there. And feel free to hurry that process up along.”

I smacked him on the arm. “You totally tricked me!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”

“Did not! It’s a true fact that which belongs to you is naturally better.”

“Okay. Let’s test it.” I saw a white coated server winding his way near us. I slipped out from behind the column and took a glass when he passed close enough. “Here,” I said when I handed it to Gabriel. “I want to see if your theory works as well as you say it does.”

He took the glass and held it. After a few moments I reached for it. Gabriel lifted it up out of my reach. “It hasn’t had enough time to mature.”

“You or the drink?”

“Ha, ha. The champagne, Emma, the champagne.”

“You’re holding onto it longer than I held onto mine.”

“Naturally. I want you to have the best, Emma. Patience, my girl. Patience.”

I’d long forgotten about the rest of the room as I played with one of the world’s most eligible bachelors. Apparently the world hadn’t forgotten me. Or rather him.

Just as I was going to make another move for his drink, I heard a soft voice say, “Gabriel, I didn’t expect to find you here.”

His smile froze. The light in his eyes extinguished. He became a Gabriel copy. “Embry.”

I looked over his shoulder to see a statuesque blond dressed in white standing there, diamonds flashing around her slim throat and on her delicate wrist.

I smiled warmly at her in greeting, thinking she was an acquaintance or business associate. The glance she deigned to give me frosted my politeness. I knew the look. Clenched jaw, squared shoulders, and the overly-bright eyes animating a body that burned in agony. The walking heart-dead, unable to rest out of yearning for this blue-eyed, blond-haired angel.


Who says you can’t go home again?

My pleasure evaporated. I immediately wanted out. I should’ve known better that this was going too well.

Gabriel gracefully turned around after handing me his champagne glass. “Don’t drink yet, Emma.” His free hand slid to rest on my lower back while his thigh brushed mine. “How are you, Embry?”

“As can be expected.”

Brittle didn’t begin to describe the expression on Embry’s patrician features. I suspected the hollows beneath her cheeks were a recent acquirement as were the prominent collarbones.

Gabriel simple reply didn’t allow for lengthy discussion. “Embry, this is Emma. Emma, this is Embry Milford.”

Her lips moved, barely uttering a “Hello” before her attention swung higher, back to the man who’d apparently reached inside her chest and taken whatever he found.

“You’re looking well…Gabriel.”

Embry’s pause made me wonder if she’d been about to call him a pet name. Either that or a**hole.

Anger burned. I couldn’t believe that this was happening again. Was I so stupid to have believed that Gabriel wasn’t anything more than a smooth-talking womanizer?

“So trust me for a little bit. Just look at me like a normal man. Please.”

Did he ask that of me because he knew he’d be seeing her again?

“I’m glad to see you’re looking well, Embry.”

She stared him down for a moment before dropping her gaze. “I’ll leave you two to enjoy the rest of your night. Goodbye.”

Embry moved away, but not nearly far enough for my comfort. My feet decided to remedy the situation. I veered away from the main door. Gabriel walked with me, silent and tense. For once, his glorious smile didn’t make an appearance.

We left the atrium and entered the darkened dining hall. A small dance floor lay in the center. A lively band encouraged us all to walk on sunshine. I would’ve liked to try it. Too bad tonight wasn’t going to be that kind of night.
