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Mad For You

Mad For You (Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Love #1)(15)
Author: Anna Antonia

“What about boyfriends?”

“Why would I want to tell you?”

“Why wouldn’t you?” Gabriel waved a fried wonton. “Was there someone as important as me?”

“What a big head you have!”

“Answer the question, Emma.”

“I am not talking to you about my past relationships.”

“Fair enough.” He swallowed a bite of lo mein. “Aren’t you going to ask me if there was someone as important as you?”

My fried rice settled in my stomach like a rock. “No, I’m not going to ask.”

“Good. It saves time. The answer is no.”

I didn’t have to look at a mirror to know my cheeks flushed pink with pleasure. “Good. It saves time with me asking about Embry.”

He glanced up at me, gaze serious. “I’m sorry again for tonight. I shouldn’t have brought you there knowing she might show up.”

“Water under the bridge, Gabriel.”

He regaled me with tales of the Amazon. I told him about my planned trip to Paris—a first for me.

“Which airline are you flying?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Emma, you’re so suspicious! It’s not like I’d have your tickets cancelled so you’d have no choice but to fly in with me on my plane, would I? Seriously, when’s your trip and what airline?”

I zipped my lips shut.

Eventually we rolled ourselves back into his limo. I’d dreaded the idea of having to drive back home when all I wanted to do was crash.

“Where do you live, Emma?”

“About fifteen minutes from here. Why?”

“So I can take you home, silly.”

“Aren’t you going to drop me off at Obelisk Pointe?”

“Are you out of your mind? There’s no way I’d drop you off downtown this late at night!”

“It’s barely midnight.”

“It’s not happening, my dear, so you can just put it firmly out of your mind.”

“Gabriel,” I explained patiently. “If I don’t get my car, your security will have it towed.”

“They wouldn’t dare. Besides, I already let them know your plates and how we’ll be by to pick it up in the morning.”

I would’ve swung my arm at him, but I was too full and tired to do so. “We’ll be by?”

“Yes, we will. Now tell me your address.”

This wasn’t a battle I was prepared to win. Not when I was stuffed into complacency and mellowed by how much he’d made me laugh.

A short time later, we rolled up to my apartment complex. Gabriel peered through the darkened window, examining the buildings with an air of intense curiosity. “Which floor do you live on?”

“The ground floor.”

Gabriel’s mouth pressed into a frown. “I don’t like that very much.”

“Really? I like it fine.” I had a large patio that looked out over the tennis courts. It was quite lovely, especially in the spring.

“Yes, you would because you’re so contrary and just love to argue with me.”

“Why don’t you like it?”

“Because anyone could just break into your apartment. Do you have a dog?”

“No. I’m more of a cat person.”

“Of course you are. It also goes without saying I’m a dog person. Do you at least have an alarm system?”


“You will tomorrow.”

“I’ll be fine without one, Gabriel, just like I’ve been fine all year long that I’ve lived here.”



He huffed, obviously irritated that I wasn’t taking my safety as seriously as he was. “Why won’t you let me get you an alarm system?”

“Because I don’t need one.”

“How can you say that? You’re a woman living alone in a ground-floor apartment without a dog. Please, Emma? It would take loads off my mind to know you have some kind of security system.”

“Why don’t you just move me out into a gated house with round the clock security?”

Gabriel perked up. “Would you let me?”

“No! That’s called sarcasm.”

“It sounds like a great idea to me. I really think we should explore it further.”

The limo finally pulled up in front of my building. I reached out and cupped his chin. “Goodnight, Gabriel.”

“Wait, Emma.” He held my hand in both of his, smiles all gone. “I’m serious about the security system. I can have it installed in the afternoon if you’d let me.”

I sighed, knowing I was going to cave. “Does it matter that much to you?”


Gabriel sounded like my mother. She always harped on me that it wasn’t safe for a girl alone in the big city to not at least have some kind of alarm. “Fine. Send someone over. If it costs more than—”

“It’s not going to.”

“Because you’re going to pay for it?”

“Because you don’t have to worry about the cost.”

“Gabriel, you have to stop throwing your money at me.”

“You could just accept it. Honestly, it would make everything run smoother.”

I groaned and threw my arm over my eyes. “You come on so, so strong.”

“I call it focused.”


“Welll, I don’t know about you, but I don’t have another seven years I’m willing to wait on us.”


“Gabriel, I’ll think about it.”

“They’ll be here in the afternoon.”

“How is that the answer to me thinking about it?”

“Because you already told me to send someone over.” His smirk promised I wouldn’t be able to rescind the order.

“Okay, but only because I’m too stuffed to properly fight you at the moment.”

“Hmm, Emma Adams has a weakness. I’ll be sure to keep you stuffed from here until eternity.”

“Yes, and when I’m a blimp I’ll be sure to sit on you until you can’t move. Teach you to use my weakness as a weapon.”

Gabriel lifted my hand to his lips. “That’s not a threat when you’d be the most beautiful blimp in all of creation.”

Our playfulness faded as the air between us charged with longing. Gabriel cupped my neck, long fingers pressing gently and urging me to lean closer to him.

“I had a wonderful time with you, Emma. I don’t want to let you go.”

I squeezed his hand. Euphoria hit my veins. His lips were so close to mine. “Who says you have to?”

Whoa! Who did that sultry voice belong to? Surely it couldn’t have been me!

“Are you teasing me, Emma? I don’t think I’ll be able to take it if you are.” Gabriel brushed his lips against mine. The soft as a feather motion wrung a low, ragged moan out of me.

“I think it’s you who’s teasing me.” I was no match for him. Gabriel could have me laid out nak*d in no time flat if he so chose. I couldn’t build walls fast enough to keep him out of my tower.

“Hmm, maybe I am.” Gabriel’s tongue licked the full curve of my lower lip.

My hands gripped his lapel, ready to slip the jacket off his shoulders at the earliest moment.

“I would love nothing more than to come in…in all ways.” Gabriel traced a line from my shoulder down to my elbow. “I would love it more than anything, Emma.”

“Then what’s stopping you?”

He cupped my face gently. “I’m saving myself.”

I felt adored, worshipped, and precious. Entranced, I whispered, “For what?”

“For you. For when you’re as crazy about me as I am for you. Don’t keep me waiting for long, Emma. Please.”

I stumbled out of the limo, dazed and on fire for him as he walked me to my door. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Emma.” Gabriel kissed my hand and waited for me close the door before leaving.

And now here we were—me half-asleep and still excited because of the glorious man on the other side of the door.


I opened the door, squinting at Gabriel as he stood on my threshold with bags of food and a carrier with four cups. “Hello, sleepyhead.”

“Hello, Gabriel.” He was dressed in jeans and a finely woven gray sweater. He looked elegant and casual. Beautiful as always. I stepped aside, conscious of my flannel pants and baggy t-shirt. “How can you look so good after so little sleep?”

“Didn’t you know? I don’t sleep more than a few hours at a time.” Gabriel stepped into my small entryway.

“You’re kidding.”


“How is that possible?”

“I’m too busy to sleep.” He looked between my dining area and kitchen. “Where would you like me to put these?”

I pointed to my round cherry wood table. Gabriel set them down. He dug into the bags, pulling out containers of fruit along with muffins, scrambled eggs, thick slices of bacon, and toast. It smelled heavenly.

“Where’d you get the food?”

“I had it cooked.”

“Lucky. I usually have to do my own cooking.”

“Then maybe one day soon you can teach me.”

I took a couple of steps into my kitchen to grab some plates and utensils. “Why ever would you want to learn now?”

“So I can cook for you.”

I set one plate in front of him and another on the opposite side of the table. “Oh.”

Gabriel winked at me. “You sound so excited.” He took one step toward me.

God, I bet I look awful. Morning breath, natty hair…ugh!

I backed up and mumbled, “Let me get dressed.”

“No need, Emma. I like you as you are.”

“I’ll get freshened up then.”


I walked back into my room and closed the door. Going quickly through my morning routine, I couldn’t erase the giddy smile that kept curling my lips up. Thoughts of how the last time Gabriel visited me in the afternoon flashed through my mind. It had gone terribly then. It didn’t have to be that way now.

I wouldn’t let it, not when I had a second chance at my first love.

It’s a new day.

In a few minutes I was minty-fresh and had pulled my hair in a high ponytail. I thought about changing my clothes but then decided against it. And not because Gabriel said he liked me as I was.

Definitely not.

When I came back into the dining area, Gabriel had already laid out our feast on our plates and was waiting for me. He stood up and pulled my chair out before returning back to his seat.

“I wasn’t sure which one you preferred so I brought you orange juice and coffee.”

“Juice is more than fine. I don’t really care for coffee.”

“No to the coffee then.” Gabriel plucked a large cup from my side of the table and took it into the kitchen. He returned quickly and sat across from me. “Eat up, buttercup.”

I smiled and picked up my fork. “It looks so good. I’m not sure if I can eat it all.”
