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Mad For You

Mad For You (Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Love #1)(9)
Author: Anna Antonia

He was so passionate, so earnest that I began to feel like perhaps I was the crazy one for not letting him be generous. “How can I let you buy this for me? Do you know how much it costs?”

“I do,” he said slowly and carefully. “I came here because of the cost.”

“I’m sorry. Come again?”

Gabriel shrugged helplessly. “It’s the least expensive place I know, Emma.”

Oh my God. What to say to that? I said as much to him. “This is blowing my mind. You have no idea what is affordable and what isn’t, do you? Personal budgets mean nothing to you, do they?”

Gabriel neatly sidestepped my accusation. He tried another tactic, one more at place in the boardroom. “We’re at an impasse based on differing expectations. So you should yield to mine, Emma, and let me win this round.”

I crossed my arms and cocked my hip. “That tact won’t work with me, Gabriel.”

“No? I didn’t think it would, but it was worth a try.” He cleared his throat. A slight flush tinged his high cheekbones. “It would mean the world to me, Emma, if you let me buy you this dress. This is the truth.”

Shoot! How could I deny him when he asked so sweetly? Unfortunately, my pride refused to give in with a little bit more fight. “I don’t know, Gabriel.”


“It’s just that it costs so much. I don’t feel right letting you pay—”

“But I demanded you to be my date, putting you at a disadvantageous situation. Let me pay for my bullying, Emma, and I’ll let you pay for our post-function meal.”

This threw me a bit. “Dinner isn’t going to be served?”

“Oh, it will.”

“Then why are we still going to be hungry tonight?”

Gabriel spread his hands helplessly. “While these fundraisers are for a great cause, the food portions are so tiny. Miniscule actually. And the chicken is always rubbery too.”

I slanted an amused glance from beneath my lashes. “Tiny and rubbery too?”

“Abominably so. The organizers really should ashamed, but it’s part of their benevolent, yet cutthroat, plan. Keep our stomachs empty so we drink more and bid more. I always leave these types of events half-drunk and starving.”

“Oh, you poor, poor man.”

“I know, right?”

“Starving, huh?”

“What? I’m a large man. I need to eat.”

I poked his belly, feeling the hard muscles leap at my touch. “Just like I suspected—not a lick of fat. I think you’re just letting me think I won something in our negotiations, Gabriel.”

“What? Who? Me? I’m hurt, Emma. Simply hurt! I’d never do something so underhanded like that!”

“No, but you’d admit you’re a bully?”

“Always. Only for good when it comes to you though.” Gabriel crossed his heart.

I surrendered, completely unable to resist him. “Okay, you win. You can buy my dress plus the other things that are under it.” Whoa! That came out a little more flirtatious than I intended.

“That’s my girl!” Gabriel grabbed my hands and moved my arms back and forth. My entire body shimmied from his play. “Now let’s find you some shoes.”

I forcibly shelved my prickly nature aside. “Okay. Let’s do that. The prettiest, sparkly pair we can find.”

Mock horror possessed his expression. “Emma, are you all right?” He dropped my arm and pressed his cool palm against my forehead. “You didn’t even argue a little bit. I’m shocked!”

“I can throw down if it’ll make you feel better. I’ve got plenty of things I can rail about starting with—”

“No, no! I like you agreeable just fine.” His mouth twisted into a kissable pout. “It’s the sparkly things, isn’t it? I must remember that for the future. Maybe I’ll carry a pocketful of Swarovski crystals with me at all times.”

“Maybe you should.”

Gabriel kissed my temple. “Done.” He strode away and poked his head out the door. “Oh, Meredith and Melissa? My Cinderellie needs shoes please. Tons of sparkles. Crystals, sequins, the works!”

I discreetly touched the spot where he kissed me. I imagined I could still feel the outline of his sensuous lips. He easily pleased me with little bits of affection. That was for sure.

Gabriel held the door open as the two women immediately marched in with boxes of footwear.

“I took the liberty of getting your shoe size from your heels, Ms. Adams. Please let us know if there’s anything here that doesn’t work or if there’s anything else you’d like to see.”

Overwhelmed by the veritable sea of containers, I nodded my head. “I didn’t realize you sold shoes here as well, Meredith.”

“We don’t. I had these delivered from the shop next door.”

That quickly? “Oh, I see.” It continued to boggle my mind just how easy the rich had it. Everyone bending over backwards to accommodate your wishes, privacy extended based on name alone, goods brought in so you wouldn’t have to tire out your feet in search of them—no wonder Gabriel kept calling me “Cinderellie.”

Normal people never got to experience this.

Gabriel clapped his hands together, easily pulling my attention straight to him. “Can I help, Emma? I’d love to if you don’t mind.”

I didn’t expect the billionaire to have such an affinity for shoes. “Feel free if that’s the kind of stuff you like.”

“Good. Why don’t you sit there and I’ll sit here.” Gabriel crouched down amidst the stacks. “Meredith and Melissa, I can assist Ms. Adams with her selection. Oh, and the girls are here, correct?”

“Yes, Mr. Gordon.”

“Wonderful. Please be so good as to let me know when my tux arrives. I’ll take it from here in the meantime.”

They both murmured their agreement and left the room, closing the door after them.

The girls? Who could they be?

I sat down on the seat he’d vacated earlier. Gabriel dug into the boxes, separating those he deemed unworthy, and leaving a small pile of five shoes for me to choose from. I discreetly peeked at the discarded footwear, trying to see if there were price tags.


“Do you see anything you like? If not, I’ll send out for more.”

“I’m sure any of these will be fine.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Just like you only tried one dress and picked it without trying anything else.”

“You don’t like it,” I replied flatly. Well, I didn’t care if he didn’t like it—I liked it and I was going to wear it. So there.

Right, Emma. Sure. Keep telling yourself that.

“Of course, I like it. It’s just that you didn’t explore any other options. Why is that?”

“I didn’t need to try on ten dresses when this one made me happy.”

Gabriel studied me, the fringe of his long lashes making it hard to decipher the look in his eyes. “No dilly-dally. I like it! Careful there, Emma. You’re already spoiling me dreadfully when it really should be the other way around.”

His praise warmed the tender, lonely places inside my heart. “You’re ridiculously easy to please.”

Gabriel sat down on the floor in front of me. “You don’t know the half of it.” He reached beneath my gown and pulled my foot onto his thigh.

“What are doing?” I pulled my leg back. His fingers manacled my ankle.

“What does it look like? I’m helping you try on shoes.”

“You don’t have to—”

“It’s already been established I don’t have to do a lot of things, but I’m going to do them anyways. Now hold still or I’ll spank you!”

I flopped back against the velvety gray armchair. “Have it your way, Mr. Bossy.”

Gabriel’s grin took on Cheshire proportions. “Things will go so much easier if you would just remember that.”

“Don’t push your luck, Gabriel.”

“I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t push. Now what do you think of this one?” He held up a gorgeous model with a moderate heel and silvery crystal straps.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Yes, but do you like it?”

To me beautiful was synonymous with liking, but apparently Gabriel thought differently. “I do like it and would like to try them on.” I made to stand up when he shook his head.

“Not yet. Let me put them on your pretty little feet first.” Gabriel set about unbuckling the delicate shoes. “Have you given thought to how you’d like your hair dressed?”

“Actually, I hadn’t.” I wasn’t about to admit that I merely planned on running a brush through it. I assumed I’d have to leave it hanging long and straight since it was a last minute affair.

“There’s a small salon in the back. Annette and her girls are already waiting for you.”

Ah, so that’s who he meant.

“All you have to do is tell her how you’d like your hair and she can do it. Annette’s quite talented. If you’re unsure about what would look best, you can leave it up to her. I promise you won’t be disappointed. She and her girls are the best.”

How’d he know?

Every sign of Gabriel’s ease with navigating this ultra-feminine world put another brick in my wall. My irrational jealousy wasn’t his fault, but if he wasn’t available or was taken then he shouldn’t be escorting me to some function.

And if he had thought I’d be amenable to a roll in the hay, then Gabriel Gordon had another damned thing coming.

Lies, now is it? Where was your restraint in the limo? Didn’t seem like you were willing to put on the brakes then. And the worst thing about it is this—Gabriel knows how easily he could’ve had you. And he still turned you down. Now think on that!

“Stop frowning.”

I looked down at him in surprise. “I’m not frowning, am I? Besides, I thought you like my frowns.”

“Yes, when it involves my wrinkle. Your thoughts are not bringing up my wrinkle, so I don’t like them. Hence, stop it.” Gabriel slid the shoe around my foot easily.

“Fine, fine. I won’t argue with you about this.”



“More than fine.”

“Gabriel, do you just have to have the last word?”


The man really had no shame! In an effort to change the subject, I asked, “You said Annette had girls. What do they do?”

“One does nails and the other does makeup. We have plenty of time since you’ve been such a peach so make sure you get both sets done.”

“What’s wrong with my nails?” I didn’t mean to sound so belligerent…okay, maybe I did.

Gabriel pressed one of my unpainted toes. “Nothing is wrong with these adorable piggys. You don’t have to put on polish if you don’t want to. You can just do a French manicure and pedicure if you’d like.”
