Read Books Novel

Mark of Betrayal

Mark of Betrayal (Dark Secrets #3)(110)
Author: A.M. Hudson

“And you’re going to help me figure it all out?”

“Of course.”


“We need to devise our own plan—draw out some of the motives of others.”

“How do we do that?”

“By redesigning the board at every move. We’ve got to analyse first, then discuss. We’ll figure things out as we go. But, to start with, I want to see what Mike knows.”

“Mm, yeah, I don’t see him having a sit-down chat and cuppa with you, Jase.”

“I’ll read his mind.” He laughed. “It’s best not to raise suspicions by asking questions, anyway. We also need to know what Morgaine is hiding, and if David’s in on it or not. And we need to find that dagger.”

“Arthur probably has it.”

“Oh, without a doubt. But I need you to find it.”


“So I can destroy it.”

“And then what? What about Drake?”

“We have to find a way to kill him.”


“Nope. He’d be immune now.”

“My electricity?” I held my hand up and let a flash of blue spark my fingertips.

Jason grabbed it, smiling in wonder. “That’s amazing. Have you studied the full extent of this power yet?”

“Mike puts me in a metal cage and makes me shoot things with it, but I get headaches when I do.”

His whole face screwed up. “A metal cage?”

“Yeah, just so that I don’t shoot anyone unintentionally.”

“You’re not a goddamn Tesla Coil.”

“A what?”

“Never mind.” He frowned, looking away. “Does Arthur know Mike’s doing that to you?”

I nodded.


“Who? Arthur?”

“Yes. He didn’t tell me. He didn’t even tell me you had that power.”

“Hm. Weird. I wonder why.”

“Probably because he knew what I’d say.”

“What would that be?”

“Well, for starters, I would have been on the first plane back here, and when I found out they were forcing you to shoot things, I’d have shut Mike in a cage and made him run on a spinning wheel for ten hours, like a lab-born hamster.” His voice got gradually louder. “That’s just plain stupidity. I can’t believe he did that. He knows nothing about science. Nothing! He could have really hurt you.”

“What’s the big deal?”

“We need to be studying your powers, Ara, not forcing you to use them as a weapon. Those headaches could be serious. You might not be able to die that easily, but you can get brain damage.”

“I can?”

“Yes. I’m not sure if it would be permanent, but being in that state, even for a few months, would be horrible for you—and for your people.”

I twiddled my fingers in my lap. “What if he’s right, though? What if I do need to be exercising this power?”

“Then we’ll find another way—a kinder way.” He moved my hands apart and stole one, looking carefully at my fingertips and nails. “So, the light—it just shoots up out of your skin?”

I nodded, closing my eyes; his tickly touch felt so soothing, kind of relaxing.

“And how often do you get these headaches?”

“Pretty much every time now.” Except when I have sex.

“What’s sex got to do with it?”

My eyes flung open. “Huh?”

“Ara, I read your mind. What has sex got to do with it?”

“Oh, um. I light up when I have sex, and I can read David’s mind when I get…”

“Turned on?”

I nodded, feeling the pulse of extra heat in my cheeks.

He stared down at my hand, his eyes small with thought. “That’s just…that is fascinating on so many levels.”

“Yeah, but, it’s also bad, because if I shoot anyone with it, like, if I accidently shoot vampires, they feel their hearts beat for a second.”

He folded his fingers firmly around mine and pressed my hand to his chest. “Do it to me. Shoot me.”

“No way.” I drew my hand back. “I nearly killed Falcon when he was human.”

“I don’t care.” He took my hand again. “Shoot me. I want to see what it does.”

“Forget it.” I looked into his green eyes, watching the morning shadows of leaves dance across his nose and cheekbones. “If I shoot you with it, I’ll have a headache for the rest of the day, and I’m really too stressed to deal with that as well right now.”

“Okay.” He patted my hand, keeping it against his heart for a second, then dropped it into his lap. “Maybe we’ll work on it another day.”

I closed my eyes around the deep, smooth tone of his voice, feeling it melt through me; it was so different to David’s—softer, kinder almost, like he’d never say a harsh word or speak ill of anyone else. “God, it is sooo good to hear your voice again.”

“It’s so good to touch you again.” He squeezed my hand. “And even sweeter that we’re here, in our field, awake.”

I opened my eyes and looked up at our tree. “It doesn’t feel that different.”

He placed his thumb to my chin and tilted my face up to his, then gently and so sweetly pressed his lips to mine. I let him do it; let him stay there for the single breath we both took through our noses, before he pulled slowly away, staying right in front of my mouth. “Does that feel different?”

I nodded, tasting him on my lips. It felt warm and loving and so real. “I really missed you, Jase. There’s so much I’ve wanted to say—so many things I wanted to tell you. I just…” I cast my teary gaze to the wide field of grass, moving and dancing in the breeze, hiding the fluffy white dog chasing crows in the distance. “The thought of you being gone forever, I…now that you’re here, alive, I’m sure I’m going to have nightmares about losing you again.”

He cupped my face and turned it to his. “I will never, ever leave you again. Not for anything. I promise.”

I nodded, placing his hand over my heart. “Thank you for coming back to me.”

“It would only have been a matter of time before I came back.” He looked at his hand, then slid it up to my shoulder and, in one move, swept me into him, spine to chest between his legs, his arms wrapped tightly around my ribs. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I missed you, too.”
