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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(33)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Maybe it was.

I scrubbed a hand over my face. The noise of the coffee bar was pressing in on me. I wanted to scream for everyone to just be quiet. My hands were shaking, and I needed to get out of there.

“I have to go,” I said, rushing out of the booth.

“Wait!” Kimber caught my wrist across the table, pulling me back. I struggled, pulling away, only to stumble forward right into something solid and warm.

Arms surrounded me and for a moment I pressed myself closer, my heart beating unbelievably fast. He came back! But…something was off…his smell was wrong. It was too clean and light and I didn’t fit against him the way I should. I pulled away. “Cole.”

He reached out and grasped my shoulders. “You okay, Hev?”

“Yeah, sorry.” Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.

“Come sit down, Heven,” Kimber said from the booth.

“I have to go.”

“Where are you going to go? I drove you here.”

I stood there trying to come up with a response. Cole put an arm around me, and I dropped my head onto his shoulder. For so many days I had been panicked and the comfort felt good.

“Come sit with me,” Cole said softly, and I went with him because I didn’t know what else to do.

“I’ll get you a hot tea instead of this coffee.” Kimber picked up my discarded cappuccino and walked off.

Cole smoothed the hair from my face, “It’s all going to be ok.”

I was fighting tears so I didn’t say anything as he rubbed slow circles over my back.

“What’s going on here?” The raspy deep voice sent my heart splintering. I pushed Cole’s arm away.


His hazel eyes flashed at me, but then went to Cole and narrowed. “Get your hands off my girlfriend.”

I pushed Cole away and ran forward, throwing myself against him. He caught me but the breath hissed between his teeth. I tried to pull back, to see what was wrong, but his hold tightened.

“I’ve been so worried!” I said into his chest.

“I know, and I’m sorry,” he said, leaning down, whispering into my ear. Goosebumps raced across my skin, the sound of his voice was exactly what I needed to hear.

I went to grab my bag from the booth, and Cole stepped into my path. “You can’t go with him, Heven.”

“What? Yes I can.” I pushed Cole back with my hand and grabbed my bag.

Sam cleared his throat and came to stand at my back. “Hey, Kimber. I appreciate you looking out for Heven while I was, uh, gone.”

“Where were you?” she asked.

“I was sick, I couldn’t call.” He glanced down at the floor when he spoke.

“You were sick? Are you alright?” I asked, turning to face him.

“Can we go somewhere to talk?” He asked.

“Of course,” I said, motioning that we should go.

Cole stepped in front of Sam. His eyes were hard. “You don’t deserve her. Heven deserves someone who would treat her right.”

“I don’t think you have much say in the matter.” Sam said tightly.

Cole grabbed my arm and tried to tow me aside. “We need to talk.”

“No, we don’t. I’m going with Sam.”

Cole shoved a hand through his dark hair. “I don’t trust him.”

Sam made a sound and then shoved Cole down into the booth, and Sam was pulling me along with him out of the coffee bar.

“Why did you do that?” I demanded when we were outside

“If that guy touches you one more time…” He growled, almost to himself because his back was to me. His fists were clenched at his sides and his back was tense.


His shoulders dropped and he turned, his somber hazel eyes eating me alive. “I’ve missed you.”

I groaned and went into his arms, hugging him hard. When he winced I stepped back. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, I’m fine.” He tried to pull me toward him, but I could see pain in his face.

“Are you sick? Hurt?” I began running my hands over him, feeling for any sign of injury.

He caught my hands between his. “I’m all right.”

There was a faint yellowing bruise along his jaw. I brushed a finger across it. “This?”

He blew out a breath that ruffled his hair. There was a cut along his hairline. I gasped and reached for it. “This?”

“Let’s go,” he urged, pulling me toward the truck at the curb.

“What happened to you?” I demanded as we drove away.

“It’s nothing to worry about. I’m sorry about not being around.”

That’s all he had to say? I wasn’t about to accept that. I’d spent three days worried sick, and then he shows up clearly healing from some sort of injury and he says that it’s nothing? I don’t think so. He has some real explaining to do! “Where have you been?”

“At home.”

I didn’t even know where that was. “Where is home exactly?”

“Across town.”

I made a frustrated sound in the back of my throat. “You disappeared without warning for three days. You didn’t answer my calls or my texts, and I had no idea where to look for you because I have no idea where you live, and now you won’t tell me what’s going on.”

“Don’t cry,” he said, hoarse.

I turned my body away from him, angry at myself for being such a wimp. I couldn’t even be mad at him because I was so relieved he was all right. I wiped furiously at my eyes, ignoring that he was slowing the truck and pulling over. Broad hands caught me around the waist and hauled me backward until I encountered his solid chest. His arms wound around me and held on tight. His breath was warm and brushed over my ear, making me shiver.

“I was so scared,” I admitted, fresh tears falling.

“I know, sweetheart.” Somehow the tender endearment made it worse, and I cried harder.

“I…didn’t know…if…I would see you again.”

“I couldn’t leave you.”

“But you did,” I accused, turning to face him.

He sighed. He looked tired, and there was an echo of pain in his eyes that I thought he might be trying to hide. “I got in a fight, okay?” He pushed a hand through his shaggy hair. I caught another glimpse of the cut on his forehead.

“A fight? With who?”

“My roommates.”

So I was right to think they weren’t really Sam’s friends. “But why?”
