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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(39)
Author: Cambria Hebert

I heard footsteps pounding across the deck, and I opened my eyes to see Cole running towards us. “I was up in the house – what happened?” He gaped at Kimber standing there all wet and in her bra.

“I just wanted to have a little girl time; I just thought we could talk,” Kimber cried, throwing herself into Cole’s arms.

“Why are you guys so wet?” he asked, shifting Kimber into one arm so he could bend and pick up her shirt. “And why are you half naked?”

“I f-f-fell in,” I stammered and Kimber began to cry.

“Geez, Heven.” Cole sighed.

“Are you feeling okay? Can you walk?” Sam asked me.

“I think so,” I said, trying to climb out of his lap. He tightened his grip.

“We should go,” Sam said, talking more to my friends than to me. Instead of allowing me to stand, he stood up, taking me with him, holding me against his chest.

“I can walk,” I told him, half-heartedly.

“I know,” he said simply and began walking toward the house.

“Wait!” Kimber exclaimed, running after us. “Let’s go change into some dry clothes.”

I stared at Kimber, trying to decide if I should be mad or not.

“It’s the least I can do,” she begged, wiping at the tears on her cheeks. “I feel awful.”

I kind of thought she should feel awful. But still. She was my best friend, and it was her birthday. Even after she said those things to me I still didn’t believe that she wanted me to drown. So I nodded, and we made our way to the back door of the house.

I looked like a drowned rat. My clothes were rumpled and soaked, my hair was plastered to my head, and my skin was an unnaturally pale shade. And to top it all off, I felt odd. Something wasn’t right…but I couldn’t figure out what it was. I figured that it was because I just almost drowned and tried to push the feeling away.

While Kimber pawed through her extensive closet, I shut myself in the bathroom and made use of the hair dryer. My perfectly tasseled waves were gone, and I wasn’t even going to bother to get them back. I wished I could pull the blond mass up on my head and call it a night, but I couldn’t. I dried it until it was only slightly damp and brushed it out, knowing that it would have to do. I used Kimber’s face wash without asking, needing to get the lake water off me and not caring if she minded. When I was done I stepped out of the bathroom. Kimber was standing at the foot of her bed fully changed into dry clothes. Her hair was brushed out and pulled up high, like I wished to style mine.

“I got you some dry clothes.” She motioned to a pile on the bed. “Just leave your outfit here. I’ll wash it for you.”

“That’s not necessary.” I walked to the bed and looked down at a pair of black yoga pants, a white tee and a pink GAP hoodie.

“I thought the pants would fit you better. I know my jeans are too big.”

I nodded and began changing. When I pulled off Sam’s sweatshirt and looked down I realized that something was missing. Something important. My bracelet was gone. What if it fell off in the lake? What if it was gone forever? I should have known better than to wear it tonight with the clasp so undependable. This is why I was feeling so off. This is what was wrong. I wouldn’t feel right again until that bracelet was back where it belonged.

“Heven,” Kimber began, drawing my attention away. She looked more sober now than she had all night.

“What were you thinking?” I cut her off, angry. “You scared me on purpose.”

“No! I wouldn’t do that. I never meant for you to get hurt.”

“Well, I did.” I snatched up the sweatshirt and shook it, hoping the bracelet was lost inside. It wasn’t. I grabbed my wet clothes and went around the bed.

“Please,” Kimber said softly, grabbing my arm. I turned back. “I had way too much to drink. I don’t know what came over me. I didn’t mean any of that stuff I said out there. You’re my best friend. I’m sorry.”

I laughed a humorless laugh. “You think saying sorry is going to wipe away everything you just said and did?” I glanced down at the floor, hoping to catch sight of my bracelet. It wasn’t there and it made me even madder. “You might have been drunk when you said those things, but you know what? Alcohol doesn’t lie, if anything it loosens your tongue. You might not have wanted to say those things to me but on some level you meant them.”

“No – I –” Kimber began, but I sliced my hand through the air and cut her off.

“Just save it, okay? I almost drowned, and I’m too tired to hear your excuses.” I tossed the pink hoodie aside, choosing to put Sam’s sweatshirt back on. It smelled like him, and suddenly I wanted to see his face.

“I didn’t mean for you to fall in. I guess I just got scared that you were becoming popular again, and I would be back in your shadow.”

I actually appreciated her honest answer. “You’ll never be in my shadow, Kimber. I am sorry that you ever felt that way. You should have said something before.”

“You forgive me?”

I sighed heavily. “Of course I do.” Even though I was still mad, I decided to let it go. Kimber was too good of a friend to let a drunken tirade ruin our friendship.

She sprang forward and hugged me. “Thank you! I love you.”

“Love you too.” I grinned.

“Let’s go shopping next weekend for prom. I’ll help you find a totally hot dress.” That was Kimber’s way of making things up to me.

“Deal,” I agreed. But all I really wanted was my bracelet back. I decided not to tell Kimber just then that my bracelet was gone. What was the point? I already made her feel guilty enough, why make it worse?

“Good. Now let’s get some cake!” Kimber swung open the bedroom door and made a sound of surprise. I peeked around her and saw Sam sitting in the hall with his back against the wall. When he saw me he stood and took a step forward.

“You’ve been waiting out here the entire time?” Kimber asked.

“I just wanted to make sure she was okay.” Sam said, not taking his eyes off me when he spoke.

Kimber looked between the two of us and then took off downstairs calling, “I’m cutting the cake!”

“We better go,” I told him. “If I don’t see her cut the cake, she’ll be pissed.” I said the words lightly, but deep down it bothered me because, now, I knew that it was true.
