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Master of Pleasure

Master of Pleasure(2)
Author: Adriana Hunter

The truth, of course, was that she only had eyes for Chase. He was magnetic, as usual, and as impeccably dressed as he always was. Sharp, fashionably snug jacket and a blue dress shirt, the colors adding more vibrancy to his tanned skin and dark, wavy hair. Everything about him looked just right; she just hoped she’d be able to tamp down her awareness of him enough to get some food down her belly.

In time, they got down to ordering their five-course meal. At first Zara felt somewhat overwhelmed by the variety of choices on the menu, and was glad when Chase made some recommendations regarding the appetizer and main courses. The server was on hand to give note of the restaurants top dishes, and in the end Zara felt sure she’d do okay with her choice of lobster and later, lamb. She felt certain she’d be unable to taste a thing. The wine pairing, the atmosphere, and the perfectly dimmed lighting, was all superb.

Zara couldn’t help feeling impressed with course after course. Contrary to what she’d privately feared, she did manage several mouthfuls of the delicious food, and the conversation at table was going well, too.

Now, outside of the office, both of her bosses had eased up somewhat, and they chatted on topics about everything but work. As always, Zara felt that Matt’s presence diffused somewhat the inner tension she always felt around Chase.

You are very attracted to him, that goes without saying. Every day, you wonder how it would feel to be kissed by those firm yet inviting looking lips of his. And every night, you fantasize having his nice, large hands smoothing tenderly over your nak*d body, thrilling you, driving you insane…

It was her inner voice again, telling Zara things she didn’t want to acknowledge. To want him, to feel her heart begin to pound whenever he was near…To get that strange twitching between her thighs when he looked her way – that was bad enough. But to also have him totally unaware of her except as a secretary, made it even worse.

Was it so very bad of her to wish for something far, far more?

* * *

Halfway through the third course, Matt’s cell phone suddenly beeped. He glanced at the new text, and then looked up at his two companions. “It’s Demi. Looks like I have to cut out of the party a little early, guys, sorry. I told her to reach me if there was any emergency.”

Demi was his fiancée, and Zara had met her several times at the law office. She was petite and very pretty, but beneath her doll-like exterior, Zara knew the woman was a tough-as-nails doctor who handled her patients with an iron hand.

Chase’s eyebrows rose. “I hope she’s okay?”

Matt lifted his bulky shoulders in another shrug. “I guess she couldn’t bear the thought of me having so much fun without her,” he joked. “No, seriously, she caught some kind of bug today and she says she’s feeling worse. I have to go check on her at her place – hope you guys don’t mind?”

“Forget all about us,” Chase told him briskly. “We’ll be fine. Go take care of your girl and give best wishes to Demi.”

“Mine, too,” Zara said sincerely.

When Matt was gone, Zara faced Chase somewhat shyly, her spoon fiddling between her fingers as she searched her brain for something to say. Now that they were alone –sort of, she was realizing that light conversation was not going to be so easy. If only he would train those disturbing gaze somewhere else but on her, was her breathless wish.

“It’s a shame Matt had to leave so unexpectedly, isn’t it? Poor Demi, I hope she feels better soon,” she said on a rush, now clutching her glass and lifting it to take a quick, bracing sip of the heady wine.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Chase murmured, also taking a drink of his wine and viewing her over the rim with hooded eyes. “I kind of like the idea of finally having you all to myself.”

Zara tried not to appear surprised, wondering if she wasn’t imagining that dark twinkle in his eye. Oh heavens, was Chase Morgan actually flirting with her? Play it cool, warned her ever-present inner voice, and she joked, “Well, they do say three’s a crowd.”

“And that would make us a couple, wouldn’t it?” he returned smoothly, his smile downright wolfish.

It was really happening, Zara thought – he was flirting. Calming the flutter in her chest, she reminded herself what a folly it would be to actually pursue that notion. Hadn’t she warned herself from the first day she’d started the job, that Chase Morgan was way out of her reach? What made the difference now?

“As much a couple as a boss and his employee can be,” was her wry rejoinder, as if to bring things back into perspective. No point deluding herself.

“Why do I feel like you’ve put me effectively in my place?” he asked, his expression speculative even as his smile widened. “But then again, I always make it the rule to leave work at the office. So right now, all we have here is a man having a very nice dinner in a romantic setting with a very alluring and beautiful young woman.”

She placed her hand on her chest dramatically, even as she gasped, “Really Chase, you overwhelm me. And there I was thinking you didn’t even know I existed.”

“Really,” he murmured, his smile slanted. “How can you say that? I’m the one who hired you, don’t you remember? I mean, sure, you were the brightest and had the best application, but that wasn’t the only reason you made the cut six months ago.”

He leaned forward, eyes darkening as he viewed her surprised expression. “I always knew that there was something about you, Zara. I just wasn’t sure you were ever going to let it out. Tonight…I’m seeing a glimpse of that woman I was certain lurked beneath all those layers of frumpy clothes.”

“Frumpy?” she echoed, somewhat indignantly, even though his soft, stirring words had made her skin tingle.

“Zara, trust me, I knew what you were up to. Did you really think dressing like a spinsterish schoolteacher was going to get me off your scent? If you knew how many times I wanted to throw you flat on your back on my desk, spread your legs wide and…”

Zara choked on the glass of wine she’d grabbed, sure her face was burning. “Chase!” she hissed, glancing around at the nearby tables. Luckily, there was a positive hum of voices from the crowded restaurant, so she figured their steamy conversation wasn’t being broadcast to the whole room.

Chase sat back with a shrug. “But then again, I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you…”

“Maybe…you should be worried about me taking advantage of you,” she said quite calmly, considering how her chest was slamming like a sledgehammer. Their eyes held in a silent duel for a few moments. “And why would Matt want to act so protective? I can take care of myself. I’m a big girl. Fully grown.”

When Chase’s eyes raked over her this time, it was with a decidedly feral glint. Very predatory and hard to ignore. Zara squeezed her knees together and tried not to squirm in her seat.

“Oh yes, I’m quite aware how fully grown you are, Zara. In fact, the thought of how much of you there is to claim, if I so desire, has been keeping me awake for many, many nights. You’re fabulous, Zara…every sexy, curvy inch of you.”

Zara gulped. Well, she was never going to be a size zero, and no kind of dieting seemed to work for her, but she’d always felt she had a nice, curvy figure. Knowing that he found her plus size attractive, made her feel all the more light-headed. All this time, he’d had the very same thoughts as she had. Carnal, animal desires just waiting to burst free… She could hardly breathe at the very idea of the possibilities, which now lay ahead.

“Thank you, Chase,” she said at last, her voice somewhat scratchy. “I think you’re pretty awesome, too. I mean, I’ve always liked you as a boss, and then of course I –” She paused, not sure how much more she wanted to divulge. She desired him tremendously, but a part of her still held back, wanted to be sure.

Chase leaned forward, and this time, his hand covered hers on the white table cloth. “I know,” he said deeply, simply. And somehow, she felt that he understood.

“Like I said, Zara, I always knew you had…potential. There was however, always one tiny setback, which made me wonder, will she ever let go? Can she completely trust me to bring out the real woman inside?”

“I do trust you, Chase,” she said quickly, the touch of his hand warm and very thrilling over hers. This was their first real, close contact, and it felt good. She liked his touch. It held promise, and strength. Yes, she felt stronger by the minute just knowing now where she stood with him. His passion, his desire, was real.

His smile of triumph spread slowly on his handsome face, and she sucked in a breath. Just what was she swinging herself into?

“Then you’ll have to come with me,” he said softly, his fingers tightening around hers. “Right now. Will you?”

Zara didn’t even blink. “Yes,” she said with a tight throat. It was to be the first of many times she would be agreeing to Chase’s requests. And demands…

* * *

I want you to obey my every command, no matter what.

These words snapped Zara back to the present. He’d said them just minutes ago, and now she was getting her first test. His casual request for her to take off her clothes had instantly changed the game – and suddenly she knew this was very, very real.

Chase Morgan was going to soon change from her boss, to her lover. She just had to make this one move to do his first bidding…

* * *

She had to rise to her feet in order to be able to work zipper of her dress, which was on the side, underneath her arm. Only the wobbling of her knees made her realize just what the present situation was starting to do to her. If last week, someone had told her she would be in her boss’s home, undressing in front of his watchful gaze, she’d have laughed it off uproariously.

The shaky knees were gradually getting worse. She could barely stand, her whole body quivering as Chase watched her every move, his gaze unbroken. Tugging her dress over her head, she kicked her shoes off her feet.

Stripping in front of Chase, her boss, was like the hardest thing to be asked to do. But she did it willingly, and with more than a surge of secret delight.

She stood before him in just her bra and panties, and not much else. His eyes blazed to see her in her silky lingerie, but there was not much else of a reaction from him.

However, there appeared to be a pulse beating just at his mouth, as if he was clenching his teeth. Zara couldn’t be sure. Maybe it was just her now fevered imagination. He was waiting patiently, not speaking, so she figured she mustn’t stop. She would have to take it all off.

He didn’t prevent her when she reached behind to unhook her bra, freeing her double Ds. They were quite firm for their size, the n**ples centered and high-profiled. She was very proud of them, actually, and they held up nicely even without their support.

“Don’t stop now,” he said, his voice somewhat thicker now. “You have to finish unwrapping the present, sweetheart.”

Zara felt warmed by his fixed gaze, his voice. So long as he kept talking to her, she felt she could go on, and not chicken out.
