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Master of Pleasure

Master of Pleasure(5)
Author: Adriana Hunter

She loved it. He knew she loved it, and so he slammed even harder.

She didn’t even have the presence of mind to protest when she felt him take a handful of her hair and twisted it round his wrist. It didn’t start to hurt till he tugged hard on it, causing her hair to snag at the roots. Unable to help it, she snapped her head back to ease the tingling, and yet still he pulled.

Now she had no choice but to arch her spine in a bid to ease the sting rising in her scalp. She was bent almost in half, and felt him lean closer so that his lips were close to her cheek. His hot breath fanned her skin, and she shuddered having him so close, hearing him whisper in her ear how supple she was. He told her he was going to be f**king her all night, that he was going to make her his sweet little plaything – and that she was going to love every second of it. She could only moan and sob in agreement.

In this position, with her body twisted up and back, it felt like he was able to slam even deeper into her. Was that her cervix he was prodding mercilessly now? She couldn’t tell, couldn’t distinguish between that and the pain from having her hair being used as handle bars, dragging her backwards. Not forgetting of course the sensation of his thumb still stuck deep in her unused rim hole. Certainly, there was that heedless c*ck sawing her right through the middle, his h*ps angled so that he could shaft into her most sensitive, hard-to-reach spots. It was a sweet, erotic pain altogether, and she couldn’t imagine any of it ending, or easing up. If he stopped now, it would possibly kill her.

On reflex, her hand was smoothing down her belly, almost reaching her navel. Her one thought was to ease the raw bite of pleasure-pain causing her inner walls to feel like they were being stretched beyond limits. It felt like a whole tree trunk was being pounded into her. Just a flick with her thumb, she knew, would lighten the sweet tension…

The next thing she knew, she heard a sharp “Thwack!”

He’d spanked her! She went rigid, her daze clearing suddenly in response to the hard, aching throb on the surface of her ass.

“I told you, no touching yourself,” he growled, and smacked her twice more for good measure. Her body jerked in reaction, her now stinging bottom joining in with all other physical sensations. The whip of his large, powerful hands laying flat on her delicate skin had brought a new mix of hot anguish to the torment she already suffered.

And yet even in the suffering was the insurmountable bliss that could not be denied any longer. Her panting and gasping had now taken a singsong tone, rising faster and faster as she felt her orgasm boil to immense proportions. She was there, almost. The room was already beginning to dim around her.

She had started to buck and push back in time with his deep shafting, and soon she’d picked up his rhythm. Her spine ached from being bent so steeply, and her knees tingled from being on the ground so long. She was certain he’d been pounding her p**sy for more than half an hour, non-stop. His level of self-control was amazing.

The combined delights of his meaty c*ck inside her p**sy, in addition to his balls and h*ps slapping loudly against her lower moans, was enough to send her into orbit. This was her chance: she was going to explode on his c*ck and give in finally to all the heights of pleasure to which he had brought her so far. Now, it was time – and she knew without a doubt that it would be volcanic…

* * *

“Oh!” she cried out in shock, when just then, he chose exactly that moment to pull his pulsating c*ck out of her quivering core. The instant, resulting bereft feeling she got was enough to make her want to shed tears.

“You’re not going to be allowed to come, baby. Not yet,” he told her, his voice gruff.

Now, she did cry. Tears spilled heavily from her eyes. She could feel her now empty p**sy vibrating convulsively on itself, her whole lower body feeling like it had been put through a grinder. Not again! Earlier, he’d brought her to the brink with his tongue on her br**sts, while his fingers ravished her p**sy. She’d been so close then, too. And now this. She felt the rush subside, felt the sensation of release ebb back into a throbbing, echoing reminder.

But the next moment, she almost wept with delight. It wasn’t over. He was turning her on her back, making her lie on the ground as he pushed her knees wide apart, and then surged into her once more.

She gasped, her whole frame jolted by the direct impact. For some reason, his thrust seemed to have driven even deeper than any others previously had. She couldn’t believed that was possible, but it had to be, considering how her very ribcage seemed to feel the brunt of his cock.

“Look at me, Zara. I want to see you eyes while I’m buried deep inside you,” he ordered, and her shut lids snapped open. She stared helplessly into his face, her lips parting as she drew in as much air as she could. He had her all in the open now; her knees pulled back so that they pressed on her br**sts and almost touched her chin. It was a good thing she was flexible, though that didn’t do much to ease that ever-present jolt of having such a big c*ck ramming deep inside her.

“I’m so going to love f**king you whenever I can, Zara,” he informed her softly, merciless in his jabbing as his h*ps thrust with power and force. She moaned, her whole body trembling as she tensed for each inward pound, and sighed with every pull back.

“And, since your body is so well designed for my pleasure,” he grunted, “I’m going to use if for just that. My pleasure. Anywhere – and anytime I want you, you’re going to submit to me. Only me. Is that right?”

“Yes, Sir. Oh, yes.”

“And you’re going to like it, aren’t you? You’re going to love every minute.”

“Yes, Sir, a hundred times yes,” she replied breathlessly, leaning up on her elbows for support as his whaled her with that rod-like shaft. He was splintering her insides so strongly that she wasn’t sure when the pain ended and the pleasure began. It was all a blur.

He let go of her knees, spreading them wider so he could lean over her with his hands braced on either side of her head. His eyes were boring down deep into hers as he f**ked her deliberately, powerfully. She gazed up at him with utter submission, her fingers digging into his firm ass, which flexed beneath her palms as he ground into her.

This was pleasure like she’d never known. And it scared her because she knew that after tonight, she might never get enough of it. It was exactly like he’d said: she would love being taken this way, over and over again. By only him. She’d want this hard, rough sex, this feral coupling. Nothing else would ever be enough.

* * *

He was plunging with a buffeting rhythm, and it was making her mindless. She was so afraid now that she could come suddenly, before he could stop her – before she could stop herself.

For the third time that night, that impossible wildness came over her, made her buck against him and meet him thrust for thrust. She was ready to disintegrate, to implode from her p**sy inwards. His face was buried against her cheek, and she was all but crushed beneath him as he began to kiss and suck on her neck.

Then, he informed her softly in her ear that he knew she wanted to come. He told her he wanted it too. But that it had to be exactly when he told her to.

Zara blinked, trying to figure out how in the world she was going to transmit that information to her p**sy. It seemed to have a mind of its own, responding only to the call of cock. Still he stroked in and out of her, causing the bliss to crescendo past endurance. She was whimpering and writhing beneath him, but his warning eyes could not be ignored.


His tone made her shiver, but if she had any doubt that he could enforce his command, then she soon had those doubts debunked. He was seizing hold of one of her br**sts, massaging it for a moment, and then suddenly, landing a slap which sent it swinging. She gasped. He slapped again, across the frontal flesh, making it throb along with her nipple. She moaned, the blow bringing such a delicious swell of moisture to her p**sy. It stung her to attention, and somehow, she was able to draw her body’s focus away from the amazing pleasure, to the opposite edge of sweet pain.

“So, tell me how much you want to come.”

His words permeated her frenzied state of fighting to stay on the brink without toppling over. She could only sob out her response. “So much. I need to come so bad. Please Sir, now.”

“Now? I wonder who’s in charge here, you or me?”

“Oh, you, Sir. Only you. It’s just…just that I can’t…I can’t take it. It’s too much. Sir, please.” Zara wasn’t ashamed to beg; in fact she was hoping it would have an effect on her dominant lover. She hoped to reach out to him now that he was hearing her beg for her own relief, knowing it could only truly come from him.

Only he could give her the utter release she so terrifically longed for.

* * *

He loved to hear her plead, that became clear. It was part of her discipline, to show her never to forget who really was the boss, in every way. For every pleasure, every ounce of bliss that she received, she was to always tell herself that he was the one allowing it all take place.

And now, it looked like at last he would let her find release. She could feel it in his thrusts, which were no less punishing. But still, there was always an edge of sweetness to the ferocity, a slash of sensuality within the kink.

He ground his h*ps into her, sending his mushroom cap into corners of her p**sy that held the trigger to her ecstasy. His rhythm was relentless, fast and hot, and her walls could only grip to him like a suction tube, drawing in every single inch of him balls-deep into her core.

“Zara.” Her name had never sounded so sweet coming from another’s lips. She peeled open her eyes to gaze up into his face, seeing the emotions raging there – and knowing they mirrored her own. She was clutching to his waist as his thrusts almost drove her into the ground. There was such intensity in their passion now, and even she could tell that at last, he was getting to the point of no return.

He didn’t fall through though, not yet. He was waiting for something.

“Ready, Zara?” he asked, his voice gruff as he penetrated her with his eyes. She knew what he meant; it was a question her body had been waiting to hear for the last hour or more.

“Yes, Sir. I’m ready.” So ready I could combust, she added silently, never taking her gaze from him. He was smiling tenderly, and for the first time she began to notice the tiny beads of perspiration gathering at his forehead, plastering his hair to his scalp. She could almost believe then that all this had been as much a torture for him as it had been for her.

“Then go wild, baby. Come for me,” he told her softly.

Zara could never have believed it possible, but it happened. Almost on demand, she felt her body start to spasm as her release welled up like a fountain. With just those words, spoken in that now familiar, compelling tone of voice, Chase had activated her orgasm.

He never stopped thrusting at that same piston speed, not easing up even as she arched her back and screamed. Zara came in a shuddering rush, her whole body jerking as his c*ck slammed into her again and again, filling the room with the slapping sounds of their colliding flesh.

For a few moments she was lost in a void, oblivious to any sensation but the spirals of ecstasy that rippled through her. From far away, she finally heard her name being ground from his lips, and felt him surge into her with his own equally tumultuous cli**x.
