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Merry Christmas, Baby

Merry Christmas, Baby(19)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

“I told them I wanted to check a wedding detail with you before I forgot it,” Gus said. And then in typical Gus fashion, she cut to the chase. “But I really wanted to make sure you were okay.”

Teddy took a sip of her wine and nodded. “I’m fine but it was that obvious?” Okay, she was completely mortified. She sank to the mattress’s edge.

“No,” Gus said, shaking her head. Teddy shot her a disbelieving look. “Okay, it was obvious when we walked in we’d interrupted something but it wasn’t a surprise. Jared couldn’t keep his eyes off of you all night and you seemed pretty interested, too.”

“He’s a good-looking man and he’s not your run-of-the-mill Alaskan bush male.” That was a gross understatement. He was urbane and charming and sophisticated…all the things she longed for in a man.

“No, Jared is definitely not that.” Gus propped against the door frame. “You look at him and you think East Coast. You look at him and you think The City.”

“Right.” She looked at him and her entire body broke into a hallelujah chorus of want.

“So, what’s the problem? It’s only because I’ve worked with you and I know you so well that I could tell you were upset, but you were definitely upset. What’s going on?”

“What’s going on is if you and Nick had been a few minutes later, things would’ve been downright embarrassing. I was about to take off my sweater, and not because he’d asked me to but because I wanted to. I finally meet a man like him and I practically throw myself at him. God knows what he must think of me. You know me, Gus. You know I’m not like that.”

“Teddy, I don’t believe for a minute Jared thinks anything bad about you. As I said before, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you tonight. When they brought up the luggage, he asked Nick if you had a boyfriend. Nick told him no. And tonight, what would he have seen when he saw you working? You weren’t flirting with the customers. You were being you. I can’t imagine he thinks you’re anything other than what you are—a beautiful, outgoing woman who just met a man she clicks with. And he’s a nice guy, Teddy. Trust me, I’ve seen the way women look at him when we’ve been out with him. He could’ve had any woman he wanted after he and Trish split. But as far as I know, and I’d know through Nick, he hasn’t dated anyone and I don’t think he’s slept with anyone.”

“Oh.” That was good, make it great, to know. He wasn’t a player and apparently it wasn’t just a case of her being available and willing. If he were so inclined, she imagined he could have women lining up for him back in Manhattan.

“Yeah, oh. As far as I can see, you’re two nice people who hit a real vein of attraction. Having been there and done that, my suggestion is go for it.”


TEDDY ROLLED OUT OF bed late the following morning. She had expected to toss and turn all night but oddly enough, after she’d showered and hit the bed, she’d been dead to the world.

Someone was in the shower—she heard the water running. Her bedroom was chilly so she made quick work of dressing. She slipped on jeans and another Christmas sweater, this one green with white snowflakes of varying size outlined in glitter all over it, and fastened snowflake earrings to her lobes. She pulled on thick socks, dragged a brush through her hair and made a quick job of eyeliner and mascara.

She stepped out of her bedroom, the aroma of fresh-brewed coffee greeting her from the kitchen. She usually prepared the coffee pot the night before, but she’d been so disconcerted last night, she’d totally forgotten.

Next to the door, Gus and Nick were putting on their coats. “Morning,” they said in unison. Teddy smiled. They really were the perfect couple.

“Good morning,” Teddy said. “Where are you two off to so early this morning?” Obviously it was Jared in the shower and obviously he and she were about to be alone again.

“Skye and Dalton left this morning for Atlanta,” Gus said, “and we’re going to get the cabins ready for the Hudson clan’s arrival this afternoon. Skye offered but it hardly seemed fair considering she was working all day yesterday and I’ve just been doing nothing.”

Teddy laughed. “Nothing except getting ready for a wedding.” She nodded toward the kitchen. “Thanks for making the coffee.”

“No problem. We’ll be back in a couple of hours. Jared’s planning on checking out the town.”

Nick grinned. “At least he doesn’t have to worry about getting lost.”

Gus punched him in the shoulder and Teddy laughed. “That’s for sure. See you guys later.”

The door had just closed behind the couple when the water shut off in the bathroom. Teddy moved into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee, but her mind was definitely on the man on the other side of the door—naked and wet. She’d had her hands on him last night, felt the play of muscle beneath her fingertips, and she had no problem picturing him just getting out of the shower.

She turned the radio on in the kitchen, catching the top-of-the-hour local news. Teddy didn’t want Jared coming out of the bathroom and to find her just standing around in the kitchen. She needed to be doing something.

While she sipped her coffee, she unloaded the dishwasher. She’d thought when she moved in that she wouldn’t really use the appliance since it was just her. Wrong. Every couple of days she had enough to run a load.

She was almost through when the bathroom door opened and Jared emerged. Good grief but he looked good. He wore a pair of jeans with a long-sleeved polo shirt. His dark hair was darker still from being wet. Suddenly, breathing became a challenge.

Teddy aimed for what she hoped was a natural smile. “Good morning. I hope you slept well.”

“Fine, thanks. The couch is actually pretty comfortable.”

“Good.” Okay, they’d exhausted that subject quickly enough. “How about a cup of coffee?”

“Thanks. It smells great.” He walked toward the kitchen.

Teddy felt so awkward and it was all her, not him. He seemed fine, normal—well, not that she knew him well enough to gauge normal but he didn’t seem uncomfortable at all. The discomfort was all hers and as embarrassing as it would be, she needed to clear the air.

She poured another cup of the fragrant brew and handed it to him. “Sugar’s on the counter and there’s half-and-half in the fridge. Anything fancier and you’re out of luck.”

“Straight up is what I prefer.” A question glinted in his eyes.

The best thing to do was simply to get this over with. She’d thought that she knew what she wanted to say to him, but now that the time had come, she stumbled through it. “About last night… I don’t usually… That’s not how I normally—”

Jared shook his head. “Teddy, it’s okay. At the risk of sounding as if I’m full of myself, I didn’t think last night was your norm. It’s not my norm, either, just for the record.”

“It’s not?” She’d heard it from Gus but she liked hearing it from him also.

He scrubbed his hand through his still-damp hair, leaving it sticking up at a few odd angles. “No. It’s not.” He reached out and ran his finger lightly down her arm, leaving a trail of heat in his wake.

What was it about him that seemed to reach inside her and touch a part that had never been touched before?

“I’m not sure whether I was relieved or frustrated when Nick and Gus came in,” Teddy said, turning away to put the last of the silverware in the drawer.

“Honey, I can assure you I know exactly where I stand on that issue.” Jared wrapped one arm around her waist from behind. He pushed aside her hair on the left side and then wrapped his other arm around her, as well. He kissed the side and back of her neck.

She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his lips against that oh-so-sensitive area. How did he know just the place that did it for her? She wasn’t sure if her knees could fully support her as he nuzzled and kissed her neck, taking her from zero to sixty quicker than an Indy car driver.

In his arms, beneath the ministrations of his mouth, her awkwardness vanished, her desire from last night returning in spades. She put her hands on top of his, loving the feel of his masculine, hair-sprinkled skin beneath hers.

She guided his hands up until they were cupping her br**sts. “We have unfinished business from last night,” she said.

“We do, don’t we?” He weighed her br**sts in his palms. While his mouth was busy on her neck, he stroked and squeezed. He teased his fingertips against her n**ples.

“Why don’t we go to your bedroom?” he said. “It might be a little more comfortable than the kitchen, unless you just have a thing for the kitchen.”

She laughed softly, turning in his arms. “No, I don’t have a thing for the kitchen.” Once again, she took his hand in hers and together they made their way to her bedroom. Jared closed the door behind him.

“Nick and Gus will be gone for a couple of hours,” Teddy said.

“Good, but just in case…” His smile said he didn’t want a repeat of last night. Neither did she.

Outside it was still dark. “Hold that thought.” She wasn’t sure if she’d ever have this opportunity with someone who turned her on the way Jared did and she wanted to do it right. She darted out of the room and gathered a couple of candles scattered around the den. She also snagged the lighter thingie. She returned, toeing the door closed behind her.
