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Merry Christmas, Baby

Merry Christmas, Baby(7)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

Feeling like Paul Bunyan, he stood back and admired his work. “Now that’s a Christmas tree.”

“Yes, it most definitely is.”

Next he tried to unbutton his coat, which was a chore because he couldn’t feel his fingers and had forgotten he was still wearing gloves.

“Here, let me help you with that.” Moving in front of him, she gently pulled off his gloves and dropped them to the floor.

His fingers began to tingle as the numbness disappeared. He flexed them and decided he’d been through worse.

Then she began unfastening the buttons on his coat, which were covered with snow.

He let his arms drop to his sides and watched her intently pursuing her goal. If he wasn’t so damned cold, this would be erotic. Good thing he was frozen, because now that he’d brought home the trophy tree, he had the unwise urge to claim his reward.

Fortunately his penis wouldn’t be up to claiming anything until he’d thawed out some. Even then, he had another sizable issue that would keep his bad boy in check. Thank God he was totally condomless. The heady feeling of being admired and fussed over for his tree-bagging abilities was making mincemeat of his vow not to get physical with her.

“You’re really shaking, Tucker. I’m worried that you’re suffering from mild hypothermia.” She peeled off his coat and dropped it on the floor.

He doubted that. He’d been dealing with this kind of weather all his life, and he’d never had a problem with it. But he was human, and having her fret over his well-being felt nice, so he kept his mouth shut.

“Sit down on the couch. I’ll take off your boots.”

He complied.

She pulled off his boots with brisk efficiency and then removed his wool socks. “God, your feet are like ice.”

He didn’t know if they were or not. He couldn’t feel them yet.

“Come with me.” She grasped his hand, which was still prickling, and urged him to his feet. “What you need is to get out of these clothes and into a warm bed.”

He couldn’t recall ever refusing a beautiful woman’s invitation to get into her bed, but he had to refuse this time. “That’s okay. I’ll be fine here by the fire.”

“Look, this isn’t up for debate. I’m not about to have you put your health at risk because of this daring tree project. It was a wonderful gesture, and I want you to be well enough to enjoy it.” She tugged harder. “Now, come on. Don’t make me get nasty.”

He had to admit that crawling into a warm bed sounded terrific, at least until he warmed up. She hadn’t said she’d get in there with him, so maybe it would be okay. Once he wasn’t shivering so much, he’d get dressed again and they’d decorate the tree together.

“Okay. Just for a few minutes.” He allowed himself to be led into the bedroom. Nothing would happen there. Without condoms, nothing could happen there. End of story.


LACEY WASN’T ABOUT TO let Tucker’s heroic Christmas tree project put him at risk. The fact that he was shaking was a good sign and meant his body was still trying to warm itself. But he’d been out there nearly an hour, and she wasn’t taking any chances considering how isolated they were.

She’d put him to bed and brew him some tea. Anyone who’d dealt with hypothermia would do the same. The fact that he was six-foot-plus of dark-haired, green-eyed yumminess wasn’t the dominant factor, here.

But it was a factor. She threw back the covers on the cabin’s queen-size bed before turning to him. Her gaze traveled from his broad shoulders to his narrow hips, and she swallowed. Taking off his gloves and coat were one thing. Removing the rest of his clothes was quite another.

She glanced into his eyes, which seemed somewhat unfocused. “Do you think you can undress yourself?”

His teeth chattered as he continued to shiver. “Sure. Go on back by the f-fire. I’ll b-be fine.” He fumbled with the snaps on his shirt.

“Never mind.” She nudged his hands away. “It’ll go faster if I do it.” Taking a deep breath, she tackled the snaps. The material was cold, but she was encouraged by the warmth of his body underneath. He was still quivering, but at least his skin wasn’t clammy. “I think you’re going to be okay. This is just a precaution.”

He nodded as he stood meekly letting her unfasten the snaps at his wrists and pull the shirt from his waistband. Once she’d tossed the shirt on the floor, she worked his T-shirt off. He leaned down slightly so she could pull it over his head.

At that point her objectivity began to slip. She forced herself to ignore the breadth of his chest, the dark hair sprinkled over it, and the intoxicating scent of his skin. She reminded herself that hypothermia was serious, a condition not to be messed with.

Keeping that thought foremost in her mind, she reached for his belt buckle. But as she did, his hand closed over hers.

“That’s good enough,” he said. “You can stop, now.”

She glanced up and met a gaze so hot she nearly went up in flames.

“I don’t need to crawl into that bed, after all.” His voice was husky. “If you’ll just go on out to the living room and wait for me, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Her heart raced and moisture gathered between her thighs. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that she’d aroused him with the undressing routine. Standing here by the bed presented the ideal opportunity to do something about that. She admitted the possibility of sex with him had been in the back of her mind, assuming he really didn’t have hypothermia.

And yet Tucker acted as if he didn’t intend to take advantage of the situation she’d created for them. Given his reputation and his obvious attraction to her, she had to believe he wanted to. Lack of birth control had to be the thing stopping him.

So now what? Should she announce that she had a box of condoms? That seemed sort of…tacky. But if she didn’t let him know about them, he would continue to avoid any possibility of hav**g s*x with her tonight. That would be a waste for both of them.

“I mean it, Lacey. You need to leave.”

She kept looking into his eyes because they were begging her to stay even though his words told her to go. She swallowed. “What—what if I don’t want to leave?”

He groaned. “It’s best if you do.”

“What would you say if I told you I have…condoms?”

His eyes widened.

“I was always in charge of bringing them, and I forgot to take them out of my travel case for this trip.”

“You were always in charge of condoms? What kind of man expects that of a woman?”

“The same kind who dumps her right before Christmas, I guess. Anyway, I have them.”

He blew out a breath. “Right.”

Oh, God. The issue wasn’t condoms. Or if it was, he was put off by the idea of using some bought for another man. What she’d thought was a happy accident might be a colossal insult.

How awkward was this? Her face hot with embarrassment, she looked away. “Never mind,” she murmured. “Forget I said anything. I’ll see you in the living room.” She started to leave.

“Wait.” He caught her arm.

“Listen, Tucker, I’m sure your instincts are on target.” She still didn’t look at him.

“Or maybe yours are.” He pulled her gently back until she was facing him. “Just so you know, I want you desperately.”

“Yes, but you have misgivings.”

His smile was soft. “Not anymore.” And then he kissed her with such thoroughness that she believed him.

He continued to kiss her until her resistance disappeared and her body grew molten with desire. Soon nothing was more important than making love with Tucker. And even though he had a reputation for making any woman he touched feel that way, she knew that for this moment, she was the only one who mattered to him. That was enough.

At last he released her and brushed his thumb slowly over her well-kissed mouth. “The condoms are where?”

“Finish getting out of your clothes.” She moved reluctantly from the warmth of his arms and headed for the door. “I’ll get the box.”

Once she was in the bathroom, she told herself not to look in the mirror, but of course she did, and groaned in dismay. Hair going every which way, no makeup, and worst of all, her pink cheeks and sparkling eyes made her look wholesome. Tucker had never dated wholesome girls in high school, and she’d bet good money he didn’t date wholesome girls now, either.

But then she remembered the way he’d kissed her just now, and there was nothing wholesome about the way she’d kissed him back. She wasn’t the shy virgin he’d met outside the school gym that night. She shouldn’t be worrying about whether she’d measure up to the other women he’d had.

“Lacey?” he called out from the bedroom. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes,” she called back. Grabbing the box of condoms, she walked across the hall and into the bedroom.

Tucker sat up in bed, the covers pulled to his waist. He was leaning casually against a pillow he’d placed between his back and the headboard, but there was nothing casual about the way he looked at her. His gaze was intense, and the hint of a frown creased the spot between his dark eyebrows.
