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Midnight Sins

Midnight Sins (Midnight #2)(2)
Author: Cynthia Eden

So why had the guy been slumming on the wrong side of the city?

His attention shifted to the purse. A small leather bag. Delicate and probably expensive as hell. He reached for it, aware of Colin crowding beside him. His gloved fingers brushed across the soft surface, pushed inside.

He touched the hard edge of a wallet. Pulled it out. Black. A high-end label branded on the side.

So the woman had gone slumming as well.

Carefully, he opened the wallet. Just because the uniform had found the purse near the victim’s belongings didn’t mean the purse belonged to his missing lady. Could have been anyone’s purse, especially in this neighborhood, but—

A hard burst of air exploded from between his lips.

But the woman on the ID had long, curly blond hair. Just like the desk clerk had described.

Coincidence? Damn unlikely.

The lady was also a world-class looker. The photo was small, grainy, but the woman—he’d never seen anything like her before.


The word seemed to whisper through his mind.

Her face was a perfect oval, her cheeks high, her nose a small, straight ridge. Her full lips were parted and seemed strangely red in the picture.

Oh, hell, yeah, he could all too easily imagine a woman who looked like her being able to seduce men to their deaths. It was all there—in her wide, bedroom eyes, in the sinful lips.

She was the kind of woman a man would die to taste—and maybe, just maybe, three men had.

“Too easy,” Colin said and Todd knew exactly what he meant. Finding her ID—shouldn’t have happened.

Nothing had been left at the other crime scenes. Not a hair. Not a piece of fabric from the killer on the victims’ clothing. No fingerprints.


So why the hell had the woman left her ID behind this time?

His gaze met the green stare of the young cop. “Tell me, exactly, where you found this.”

“I-in the Dumpster. Right behind the storage room.”

“She might as well have left it in the hotel room.” Colin shook his head. “I don’t like it.”

Well, Todd didn’t particularly like anything about the case. “It’s a lead.” A strong one. “And I’m going after her.” It was his partner’s job to back him up. They were supposed to trust one another implicitly.

But he hadn’t exactly trusted Colin for months now, not completely—with pretty f**king good reason—and he knew the feeling was mutual.

Colin stared at him for a moment, eyes shuttered. Finally, he said, “We’ll put out an APB. Let the uniforms see if they can find her and bring her in to the station—”

“No.” Not an option. “I’m going after her.” He couldn’t explain the sudden, driving compulsion within him, but he was going to find the woman.

He needed to find her.

Sex and death.

The woman in the photo sure as hell hadn’t looked like a monster, but an angel’s face could hide the soul of a devil. Every cop learned that lesson.

Cara Maloan. The name on the ID was different, exotic. The woman, well, she was probably homicidal, but he was going after her.

His job was to catch killers, and that was exactly what he planned to do. Pretty face or not.

He checked the card again, running over her vitals. Five foot nine, 140 pounds. Age…twenty-eight. Blond hair. Blue eyes.

Fucking beautiful.

And deadly?

“Let’s get the hell out of here,” Colin said, straightening his shoulders. “I’m damn tired of finding naked dead men.”

So was he.

Time to play their usual game of good cop, bad cop.

Todd was very, very good at playing the game.

The mysterious Cara was about to find out that she couldn’t screw with the Atlanta PD.

She was giving up sex. No, she had given up sex.

As of tonight, she’d officially reached the one month, sex-free mark.

Cara Maloan slumped on her couch, her eyes trained on the flickering images of a naked couple as they flashed across her television screen. The man and the woman were gasping, moaning, their hands ripping clothing away in the midst of their frantic sexual heat.

“Hell.” So not what she should be watching. With a flick of her fingers, she turned off the TV, then tossed the remote across the room.

Unlike that hormone-driven couple, there would be no more fast, hard matings for her.

Giving up sex. That was the path for her..

Of course, the fact that she was a full-blooded succubus and derived her power from the sexual act—much like a vampire from blood drinking—the way Cara figured it, she’d be in for some serious hard times.

Her head fell back against the couch cushions. She was so damn screwed.

Or actually, she wasn’t, and didn’t have any future plans to be—that was her trouble.

Why– why did she have to be different from the rest of her kind? Why did every sexual encounter leave her flushed with power, but aching and empty deep inside?

Why was she such a freak?

The other succubi she knew, they flaunted their sexual power, reveled in it, while she—

Feared it.

Hell. Her long nails dug into the couch cushions, gouging at the soft fabric.

She was an aberration, she knew it. Not a predator like she should be. Too weak. The demon blood in her body should have made her a perfect hunter.

But she’d never really enjoyed the hunt, and that was her whole problem.

She sighed. At least she had a backup plan in place. Since she wasn’t going to be having the hot, wild sex that her kind craved, she still had to get a power fix. Thanks to her job, she’d be able to get that surge. The sensual rush wouldn’t be as strong, but it would be enough for her to keep living.

Damn it, why do I have to be so different?

The peal of her doorbell, followed by the hard, fierce pounding at her door, jerked Cara from her pity party.

She frowned, glancing quickly at the glowing clock on her DVD player—1:16 A.M.

Who the hell would be coming to see her now?

Cara rose, stomped into the foyer and then to the door. Her left eye peered through the peephole as her fingers curled against the wood frame.

Her glowing porch light illuminated two men. Big men. Strangers.

She stepped back, her gaze narrowing.

The door shook as a powerful fist pounded against it once again.

As a rule, Cara wasn’t afraid of humans. She was stronger than them, a hell of a lot stronger, and had once taken down a six-foot-three, 280-pound ass**le with one touch.

She might not enjoy the game of hunting as much as her brethren, but she did know how to use her powers to defend herself when necessary.
