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Millionaire's Wedding Revenge

Millionaire’s Wedding Revenge (The Garrisons #3)(23)
Author: Anna DePalo

Megan nodded. "He must work hard. That restaurant has gotten great reviews for its food and ambience."

Brittany leaned in. "Between you and me I think it’s just as well he isn’t here. We’re still easing our way with the family."

"Tell me about it." she responded ruefully. "I was nervous about coming tonight. Everyone had to be on their best behavior for the wedding, but tonight is a different matter."

"You’re doing great." Brittany said then looked across the room at Stephen. "You know. I suspected Stephen was carrying a torch for you after your breakup."

Megan felt a flutter, but then reminded herself that Brittany was hardly an impartial party.

"Not our playboy action hero." she said glibly.

"He matured, too." Brittany insisted. "Since you left, he built up the Garrison Grand even more. I think he poured himself into it and in the process, he took a good hotel and made it great."

"I can’t disagree there." Megan murmured, looking across the room now.  Stephen had studied her plans for the hotels conference and business center and made some modifications to make the renovation even more state-of-the-art. She had to admit he knew his stuff.

"My only concern was that he was becoming just a little too focused and ruthless." Brittany went on turning to look at her again. "Now that he’s married, I can stop worrying."

If only Brittany knew the half of it. Megan thought.

Of course Brittany wanted to believe she and Stephen had found a happily-ever-after—she was in love herself. From what Stephen had told her before the wedding. Megan knew Brittany was newly engaged to Emilio Jefferies and planning a splashy wedding.

But she also knew her own situation was far different. Stephen’s ruthlessness hadn’t ebbed a bit and she and Stephen had married for convenience.

She almost blurted out the latter to Brittany, but she contented herself with saying. "Jade’s certainly had an effect on him."

After Stephen’s sister had moved off to speak with her twin. Megan found herself mulling over the weekends events.

Yesterday, when they’d gotten home from their outing on the yacht and put Jade to bed she’d fallen asleep herself atop her own bed. After changing into her sleep tee she’d meant to lie down only for a few minutes before doing some work-related reading. Instead, in the morning, she’d woken up under some blankets. She’d realized Stephen must have come in at some point and covered her up and a wave of awareness had washed over her despite her best efforts.

Then today, she and Stephen had both been so busy with Jade, there’d been no time to talk. In many ways, though, shed been grateful for the distraction.

True, yesterday the sex between her and Stephen had been fantastic. Their unbridled need had proven to her once again that, where Stephen Garrison was concerned, she had no self-control.

Yet though she believed Stephen’s explanation of what had happened—or rather, what had not happened—that night four years ago on his boat, she wasn’t sure what they had between them now was more than just good sex.

Yes, he wanted her back in his life, but it was because he thought the two of them should raise Jade together. He wanted to be fully involved in his daughter’s life, and the only way to do that was to include Jades mother in a package deal.

Undeniably, on the yacht yesterday, she’d had a moment of recklessness that might have made her pregnant again—though the possibility was unlikely. At least this time, though, she was married and had already committed to raising one child with Stephen.

But she knew better than to risk her heart again. Stephen had never said he loved her and given the long line of women in his life—despite Brittany’s claim about his newfound maturity—she doubted he ever would. She might be the most memorable in his long line of conquests, but he’d given her no reason to believe she’d ever been more.

Still, because she’d rejected him four years ago he saw her as a sexual challenge now. She belatedly realized she’d all but waved the red flag in front of him when she’d announced she wouldn’t sleep with him.

Stephen had a strong sex drive, and she was his wife. If no longer in name only, she reminded herself, still just out of convenience.

Chapter Ten

Stephen had the chance to speak to his mother alone after the family dinner. He stopped her at the base of the foyer staircase.

Good thing that today she seemed more sober than usual. Still, he had a good hunch she’d been heading upstairs to her stash of liquor.

"You’re out of control." he said without preamble.

She raised an eyebrow haughtily. "Excuse me but I have no idea what you mean."

He had to give his mother credit. Even struggling with an addiction to alcohol, she was still the grand dame. But he knew where the truth lay.

"Let’s dispense with the subterfuge," he said.

If possible Bonita seemed to freeze even more. ‘I’m your mother. I won’t have you speaking to me this way."

With her hand on the railing Bonita took a step up but he placed his hand over hers, halting her progress.

‘I’m talking about your drinking Mother. It’s started to affect the entire family, and its consuming your life."

Bonita straightened, her spine stiffening with outrage. "How dare you? Wasn’t I polite and cordial to your wife and daughter? Didn’t I welcome them into my home?"

"Your drinking is upsetting the whole family." he continued implacably.

Bonita’s eyes snapped with anger. "How dare you speak to me about upsetting this family? Your father cheated and imperiled the family fortune, and you’ve decided to follow in his footsteps."

He sighed. The family peace that had prevailed tonight appeared to be over. He’d figured Megan would come into this at one point or another.

"Your accusations are off the mark. I didn’t cheat on my wife—" Though Megan had thought he’d cheated on her before they were married, he decided his mother didn’t need to know about a false accusation "—and I sure didn’t jeopardize the family fortune. Parker and I are working to get this situation with the woman in the Bahamas straightened out. The only parallel with Dad is that I had a child out of wedlock, but I don’t regret Jades existence for a second."

His mother’s lips thinned. "And now your mistress has joined the family, too. You outdid your father in that department. Stephen."

He held on to Bonita’s hand when she tried to ascend. "Make no mistake Mother. Megan is part of this family, and she’s here to stay. I won’t tolerate your being rude to her."
