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Mine to Take

Mine to Take (Mine #1)(4)
Author: Cynthia Eden

His tongue thrust into her mouth. She tasted even sweeter than she smelled. Her lips were soft and lush, and she was kissing him back. A low moan rose in her throat, and her tongue slid lightly against his.

He’d been the one to teach her how to kiss.

And to f**k.

He deepened the kiss, needing more, so much more from her than he could get right then. She’d come to him because she was afraid, but he wasn’t interested in her fear. He wanted her passion. He wanted her.

She pulled back. Her lips were wet and red from his mouth.

His addiction. The one that he’d never been able to ditch.

No matter how much money he got, no matter how many women came into his bed, Skye was the one he wanted, the one that he would have.

There was a price for everything in this world. He knew that lesson well.

Skye would pay a price.

So would he.

It was a good thing he could afford that price this time.

She nearly jumped from the car when he let her go. He exited slowly, far too aware of the ache for her—and of the arousal that wasn’t going away.

Sunlight glinted down on him. Early spring, but still cold because that was the way of his city. He ignored the chill and stared up at the apartment complex. Older, in a more rundown area just outside of the city.

When she’d been in New York, her place had been so much bigger—so close to the lights of Broadway.

The hospital bills had taken a lot of her money. He knew that. He knew so much more than she realized.

“Stay here,” he told Reese and then Trace followed Skye to the building. Security at her apartment was non-existent. Anyone could walk right in…

And they did.

“I’m on the third floor,” Skye said.

The top floor.

“The elevator is getting fixed right now, so…” She turned for the stairs.

He didn’t move. “Can your leg handle that climb?”

Her shoulders snapped up. Ah, there it was. Her fierce pride. One of the things that had so drawn him to her. “Yes. I can handle it.” And she didn’t look back as she started on the stairs. But he noticed she clung a little too tightly to the banister.

He followed behind her, easily closing the distance that separated them, and he stayed one stair behind her, all the way up.

His gaze noted everything. The peeling paint on the walls. The lights that flickered. The lights that weren’t on at all.


Then they were on the third floor. There were three other doors on that floor, but she took him to apartment 301. He stopped her before she could put her key in the lock. Trace bent, inspecting the old, golden lock. No scratch marks to indicate that someone had tried to pick it. There were no signs of tampering at all.

He eased back. She unlocked the door. It opened with a groan of sound, the hinges ancient and obviously in need of oil. Skye hurried inside, stumbling just a little, before she flipped on the lights.

The apartment was small but so very Skye. Bright colors lit the walls, comfortable furniture filled the interior. The curtains were pulled back near the windows, letting the light spill inside.

The place smelled of her.

He advanced toward the windows. The fire escape led all the way up to her floor. The windows were locked there, and, again, he didn’t see any sign of tampering.

“I know what you’re doing.” She stood a few feet behind him. “The detective—Griffin—didn’t find any sign of a break-in, either. But I’m telling you, someone has been here.”

“Did I say that I didn’t believe you?” He glanced back at her.

Skye shook her head.

“Take me to your bedroom.”

She rocked back a step.

“That’s where he goes, doesn’t he?” Trace didn’t let any emotion enter his voice. Now wasn’t the time for emotion.

Skye spun away and walked down the narrow hallway. She opened another door. “It’s…here.”

He brushed past her and stepped inside the small room. The bed was wooden, an old four-poster. A chest of drawers—one that had been painted a bright blue—waited to the left. A matching dresser stood to the right.

Nothing looked disturbed in her room. “When is the last time you think he was here?”

“Last night,” she said as her gaze went to the bed. “When I came home last night, my—my underwear was left on the bed.”

He stared at the bed.

“I didn’t leave them there,” she continued, voice tight. “I know I didn’t. Someone is playing some kind of game with me.”

“I don’t think it’s a game.” Trace glanced away from the bed and back at her. Skye hadn’t moved away from the door. “I think someone is stalking you.” He paused. “Someone like this can be very, very dangerous.”

Her eyes were on his.

“To break into your home, to follow you…” He lifted his hand and brushed back the hair that had slipped over her shoulder. “It sounds like the guy is fixated on you.”

“You’ll find him, though?”

“I will. My agents will watch your place. No one will get in here again.”

Her breath whispered out. “Thank you.”

“I’ll get better locks on your doors and windows.” He’d do a hell of a lot more than that. “You’ll be safe here.”

She nodded quickly.

“You’d be safer…” He had to say it. “If you came back home with me.”

Her eyes widened. “Trace…”

“It’s not like it would be the first time, Skye.”

She retreated. Her back hit the door frame. “No. I didn’t come to you…for that.”

That. The storm of lust and need and want that had consumed them before.

The uncontrolled desire had almost destroyed them both.

“I need your help, Trace, but that’s all.”

It wasn’t all he wanted. But he’d give her this moment. Soon enough, she’d be coming to him.

I know her weaknesses.

Trace inclined his head. “Then I’ll get your protection started. It’s the least I can do for my old…friend.” Once more, his body brushed past hers. The tension rolled off her as he headed into the hallway.

“We were, once.”

Her voice halted him.

“We were friends before we were anything more.” Her words were soft, like a whispered confession.

Yes, they had been friends, but they’d lost that, long ago.

He pulled out his phone even as he headed for the front door. As soon as the front door closed, he demanded, “I want agents at Skye Sullivan’s apartment.” The address came from him as a curt bark. “New locks. A video camera and alarm inside.” She didn’t even have an alarm. “I want a team watching the place.” He remembered the way her hand had gripped the banister. “And I want the f**king elevator fixed.”
